You've got to leave room in romance for people to not know what they're doing. I understand that. You've got to leave room for people to feel whatever they feel and act in a moment on account of that. I know it. I know it and I am generally in favor of it as a rule. I was sitting in Martin Mack's on Haight Street at 7:30 on New Year's Eve and I fell into a conversation with a girl who was also there by herself. We talked a little and danced a little. It was New Year's Eve
اگه وجدانش راحت بود..گل نمیاورد
شاید ما به دوستی اتحاد و احترام بهم و نداشتن تمامیت طلبی ها بیشتر نیازمندیم یا ..؟
اشکال اینجا است که اعتبار کلام آنانی که جدیترین هشدارها را در رابطه با ایران صادر کرده و میکنند ضایع است
Loving the all the wrong things