Revolution Watch

How Iran sees Egypt's protests

10-Feb-2011 (4 comments)
Whether Egypt's uprising could spread to Iran is an open question. Regional protests come amid deteriorating economic conditions in Iran. Under tightening economic sanctions, economic growth, unemployment, inflation, and poverty are all worse in Iran than in Tunisia or Egypt, writes Ali Reza Eshraghi in the Asia Times. But unlike Tunisia's unpopular former president Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, who was ousted in January, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad still has support from poorer Iranians>>>

Terrorist regime to murder young programmer


Iranian web programmer faces execution on porn charges

The Guardian / Saeed Kamali Dehghan
recommended by Simorgh5555
10-Feb-2011 (2 comments)

Joy to the World: Puppet Mubarak Is Falling

Afshin Ehx

Who's Next? Contagious Revolution Sweeping in Arab World

Press Tv on Information Clearing House / Rattansi & Ridley
recommended by Afshin Ehx
10-Feb-2011 (one comment)
10-Feb-2011 (one comment)
EMail to the Iranian Ambassador to Canada >>>

Joy to the World: Mubarak Is Falling

Afshin Ehx

The Middle East Does Not Need Stability

Haaretz / gideon Levy
recommended by Afshin Ehx

لُب کلام

فردا / فریدون خاوند
recommended by Fred
10-Feb-2011 (2 comments)
... he governed as if he felt predestined to never die>>>

AlJazeera's Live Coverage of Mubarak's Speech

Shifteh Ansari

Live from Tahrir Square, Cairo

AlJazeera English
recommended by Shifteh Ansari
10-Feb-2011 (17 comments)

Highjacking Cyrus

Darius Kadivar

Is the Cyrus Cylinder becoming part of Ahmadinejad’s quest for legitimacy? / Amir Taheri
recommended by Darius Kadivar
10-Feb-2011 (one comment)

Video: BBC Persian on Karroubi's house arrest


Egypt Today, Iran Tomorrow?

Arab world moves to new era, Iranians await next opportunity

10-Feb-2011 (32 comments)
Since the Egyptian uprising began, Iran's opposition figures inside and outside the country have looked to the streets of Cairo with admiration and regret. Who would have thought it would be the Egyptians capable of forcing concessions -- however limited they might be at this stage -- from their authoritarian rulers, not the Green movement? "For the first time in history, the Iranians are jealous of the Arabs," said a young oppositionist, who was active in the 2009 protests>>>


صدور جنبش سبز

چگونه جمهوری اسلامی انقلاب مصر را به عقب انداخت؟

10-Feb-2011 (one comment)
انقلاب‌ها و تحولات اجتماعی و سیاسی خاصیت دومینو (Domino) دارند. وقتی انقلاب یا تحولی در کشوری یا سرزمینی روی می‌دهد، معمولا بر کشورهای همسایه یا جوامعی که از خصوصیات فرهنگی، سیاسی یا اجتماعی مشترکی برخوردار هستند تأثیر می‌گذارد، و به تحولاتی در آن جامعه منتهی می‌شود. و هر چه که به دوران جدید نزدیک می‌شویم، سرعت ارتباطات و انتقال اطلاعات، به این روند شتاب و تأثیر بیشتری می‌دهد>>>
Esfand Aashena
10-Feb-2011 (51 comments)
What's wrong with this picture? >>>

Historian's look at revolution and its discontent


Why We Can't Rule Out an Egyptian Reign of Terror

recommended by LoverOfLiberty