Photo essay: Travel Literature
Keyvan Tabari >>>
Recently a professor at Stanford made incredibly racist remarks against Iranian students
The venerable method of historiography
The use of travel writing to inform the audience at home about the world abroad is not new. The History by Herodotus offers an ancient example. Written some 2,500 years ago, this was history based on what the author personally saw and heard as he traveled throughout his world (which was essentially the region around the Mediterranean), as well as what he had read. Herodotus is noteworthy for two other reasons. He was a storyteller whose narrative was not limited only to military and political happenings
Tirgan Short Story Contest invites you to write, to bewitch, to bewilder ...
This is a continuation of Ari's journies to Israel. The story was paused at "What a Trip Israel is (1) " by Faramarz
Prince Ali Reza Pahlavi the second Son of the Late Shah and Shahbanou Farah took his life away in his Boston Apartment. This is a Day of Great Tragedy. May the Prince of Persia Rest in Peace along with his sister. I am speechless ...
WikiLeaks: Hard-Liners block Ahmadinejad from making nuclear deal
by Huffington Post
According to a recently released cable obtained by WikiLeaks, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was slapped in the face by Revolutionary Guard Chief of Staff Mohammed Ali Jafari. According to the cable, Ahmadinejad surprised the Supreme National Security Council by taking a liberal posture on opposition protests. The president allegedly argued that people felt "suffocated," and that allowing more social and personal freedoms, as well as more freedom of the press, would help to defuse the situation
Prelude to the Battle of Marathon
By the reign of Darius I of Persia (522-486BC) the Persian Empire was colossal stretching from Asia Minor and Thrace in the west, to India in the east. In the province of Ionia in western Asia Minor, Greeks were subjected by the Persians since the reign of Cyrus the Great. The ruler of the city of Miletus, Aristagoras decided to rebel against Darius and Persian rule. He led an army on a rampage throughout the coast of the Aegean, attacking the major Persian naval bases. Soon however Darius began to prepare an army to strike back against the Greek rebellion
A majority of Iranians have reached the pivotal conclusion
Documentary about Something's got to give, the last and unfinished movie of Marilyn Monroe. It shows footage of a new reel of Iran's Royal Couple visiting 20th Century Studios
Highlights from the resume of a nation 63 years in the making.