آلبوم متفاوت «هم آواز پرستوهای آه» با خوانندگی علیرضا قربانی
No, seriously. What did they do? Nothing.
Conservative Host of Fox News Channel Bill O’Reilly interviews actor / director Ben Affleck
The current pattern exponentially heightens the potential for a military conflict
With sanctions tightening, dangerously reduced oil revenue may lead Iran’s leadership to the conclusion that a radical move in the Strait of Hormuz is a calculated risk that could ultimately change the game in favor of Iran. Contrary to the US officials’ perception, keeping the Hormuz Strait open is not the issue. The crux of the strait issue resides in keeping it safe and secure, thus guaranteeing uninterrupted flow of oil
Saudi Arabia has hinted it may purchase a nuclear weapon from Pakistan if Iran gets a nuke
A simple way to understand the poetry of Hafiz is to consider it a reflection of the eternal emotional struggle between the existential pain of living and the natural love of life. The love in Hafiz, and in many other inspired works, is not solely the love for a girl or a boy … it is the love for all things life … despite the endless hardship that living inflicts on all the life’s lovers
Afsoon has become somewhat of a household name in the contemporary Middle Eastern art world
Like her outfit, Afsoon’s studio, nay –
atelier - is something of magic and wonder. Though bare and somewhat industrial in its appearance, and possessing the unassuming exterior of a residential flat, the place is anything but dull. Aside from her signature colourful collages splayed out on the floor for the consideration of yours truly, I was struck by the myriad oddities and eccentricities that had turned a corner of her studio into some sort of fantastic shrine
You are refused - «تقاضای تو رد شده»
من همون جایی که وایساده بودم خشکم زد. انگار دوش آب سرد و آب جوش همزمان روی سرم وا شدن. دست دراز کردم و کاغذها رو برداشتم. چشمام تار میدیدن. از میون اشکهایی که هنوز سرازیر نشده بودن دیدم اسمی که رو تقاضانامه بود، اسم من نبود. نفسم دوباره بالا اومد. دنیا که جلو چشمم تاریک شده بود، دوباره روشن شد
ای وای دلم که رفته از دست دلم
هرکس که بدل نشست بشکست دلم
دیوانه دلم اگر کمی عاقل بود
افسار گسسته دل نمی بست دلم
در پهنۀ باور تو ای شیرینکار
هستی همه مطربی و باقی هیچ است
در این قسمت به معرفی خاندان قراگوزلو می پردازیم
US liberal icon George McGovern was the Democratic nominee who ran unsuccessfully against President Richard Nixon in 1972
by Johann Sebastian Bach
Paintings by Alireza Sadaghdar