While the Green movement of 2009 appears to be relegated to history, there is unmistakable pressure being placed on Iranians these days>>>


Baladoor's Barriers

Bahram Beyzaie's "Jana and Baladoor"

03-Jul-2012 (one comment)
In Bahram Beyzaei’s shadow play, Jana and Baladoor, Jana is just one character among several who aids or battles the brave Baladoor in her quest to restore the primordial universe. So I wonder why Jana gets top billing in a play that’s really about the adventures of her sister, Baladoor. After all, The Epic of Gilgamesh or The Odyssey are aptly named after the character who is present in every scene in some way>>>

The choice on Iran !


American Foreign Policy Must Take Into Account Dueling Irans

Forbes Magazine / Rob Sobhani, Ph.D.
recommended by Reza ATABAKI
03-Jul-2012 (one comment)


People Projects

A few examples how CrowdFunding can help Iranian-Americans

03-Jul-2012 (one comment)
CrowdFunding is a relatively new phenomena dating back to 1997 when a group or young people created a site for PeerToPeer lending. Friends would use a site to provide small loans to friends; for travel, emergency medical expenses etc. Other sites were used to gather funds to pay for rock bands to tour or record albums without help from record companies. Later, a few sites, again launched by young entrepreneurs, started CrowdFunding as an investment tool >>>


مادر بزرگ های گلشیفته فراهانی

نسل‌های بعدی امکان ابراز وجودِ کمابیش آزاد‌تر امیال خود را مدیون شیطنت‌های فراهانی خواهند بود

فیلیپ راث یکی از بزرگ‌ترین نویسندگان معاصرامریکا، ۱۰ سال پیش رمان کوتاهی نوشته است که از بسیاری جهات می‌تواند بخشی از کشمکش‌های رفتاری ایران معاصردر باره عریان شدن گلشیفته فراهانی را پاسخگو باشد. رمان «جانور رو به احتضار»۱ ، در ظاهر، روایت ماجرایِ عشق یک استاد ۶۲ ساله ادبیات در یکی از دانشگاه‌های امریکا به دانشجوی ۲۴ ساله زیبا به نام کونسئلا است>>>
03-Jul-2012 (8 comments)
گفتگوی شهره عاصمی با محمد امینی پژوهشگر تاریخ در تلویزیون ایران ما >>>
My English is so bad not even bother to spell check>>>

۶۳ درصدی که دنبالش میگشتیم

Energy market

First Amendment

Iran discovers 6 billion barrels of new oil reserves
recommended by First Amendment
First Amendment
03-Jul-2012 (one comment)
Short and sweet >>>
Darius Kadivar
Journalist Shahram Homayoun debates openmindedly with former hardline leftist turned Secular Jomhurykhah, Hechmat Raissi, on the pros and cons of Reza Shah’s rule and Iran’s intelligentsia’s failure>>>

گفت‌وگوی شاه با رسانه‌ها

گفت‌وگو با محمد خاتمی

First Amendment / امید ایران‌مهر
recommended by First Amendment

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