28-Jul-2012 (5 comments)
مردم دریا کنار و دروازه غار هر دو عریاند
اما این کجا و آن کجا ؟؟ >>>


قصّه ی ما دو تا

صنم عبدالعظیم زاده

28-Jul-2012 (one comment)

Obama aide tells Israel of Iran attack plan: paper


Obama aide tells Israel of Iran attack plan: paper

Reuters / Writing by Allyn Fisher-Ilan
recommended by yolanda
28-Jul-2012 (one comment)
28-Jul-2012 (2 comments)
He never crossed he red lines. >>>
28-Jul-2012 (24 comments)
فرض بگیریم که همۀ مردم دنیا آن قدر کودن بودند که قبول می کردند جمهوری اسلامی المپیک را برگذار کند. >>>

خواب جمعیت 200 میلیونی

28-Jul-2012 (11 comments)
پس از نقد کوتاهی که در مورد شعر/آهنگ جدید شاهین نجفی نوشتم، چند پاسخ دریافت کردم، که در میان آنها این دو از سایت بالاترین جالب تر است >>>


What Khamenie Must Do To Save Iran

Making peace on the domestic front will ensure peace on the foreign front

28-Jul-2012 (17 comments)
Over the past couple of months ordinary Iranians, mostly the unemployed ones, have asked me whether I think there will be war as they know I keep up with the news on the Internet. I tell them, "No, but things will get much worse." Last week a half a dozen of them gathered in my office and once again the topic of war came up. Specifically, they ask whether or not they would pick up a rifle, if Iran was attacked>>>


Nationalism and Cannibalization of our Culture

“Nationalisms a form of incest, is our idoratary, is our insanity

28-Jul-2012 (5 comments)
Nationalism, ethnocentricity, and ethno-nationalism is an integral part of the “Iranian-ness,” particularly of those who still have their umbilical cord connected to the Mother-Persia of glorious Korush days and glorious past. A potentially dangerous blinding connection that constantly feed us the feeling good juice of هنر نزد ایرانیان است و بس under the influence of this ether, we rarely have opened our eyes>>>
28-Jul-2012 (2 comments)
This was a great event I attended with a few of my girlfriends>>>


The Knot in the Rug

Masoud Behnoud's richly woven Iranian novel

Masoud Behnoud's epic novel encapsulates the massive upheavals of the first half of the twentieth century, including the Second World War and the terrorist attacks of 9/11, from a point of view that the English-speaking readership rarely glimpses. The book’s heroine, Kahnoum, is born in the courts of Persia’s Qajar Dynasty in 1900, but is forced to leave the comfort of her aristocratic home and flee for Europe during the Constitutional Revolution of 1906>>>


ابر‌های حامله از باران

«من آقا نیستم که... من رفیق هستم پسر خوب»

28-Jul-2012 (4 comments)
یادت می‌آید از مردی گفتم که یک روز به طور کاملن اتفاقی به آسمان رفت و دیگر برنگشت؟ همین الان که به خانه بر‌گشتم ـ با مداد جادویی‌ام حاشیه‌ی آسمان اتاقم را پس زدم ـ درست مثل پرده‌ی سینما که آرام به کنار می‌رود تا فیلم ـ نمایش بدهد>>>