It is a time for sharing the joint assets. Deep emotional ties come into the picture. As I have said before, Tuesdays are also when Moon will trigger the Mars Venus angle. >>>
Mardom Mazloom
18-Sep-2012 (15 comments)
پشت ِ وبلاگ همه او می جَست ... دل ِ وبلاگ نویس را می خَست >>>
18-Sep-2012 (3 comments)
Test of eyesight, intelligence, or something else >>>

It's all Salman Rushdie's fault!

Shifteh Ansari

Salman Rushdie’s New Nightmare: Bounty Upped Amid Mideast Protests

The Daily Beast / Omid Memarian
recommended by Shifteh Ansari

Is it time for Iran to pull out of NTP???


IAEA dodges Iranian 'terrorism' charge, pushes talks

recommended by Bavafa
18-Sep-2012 (5 comments)
Darius Kadivar
18-Sep-2012 (5 comments)
Jordan's King Abdullah has endorsed a new media law which critics say will stifle freedom of expression online. >>>
18-Sep-2012 (one comment)
Asinine decision>>>
18-Sep-2012 (4 comments)
So you notice two people walking. One may seem ugly, the other not. The clothes of the one wearing ugly clothes gives this impression, "hey you pervert don't look at me", and so is insulting you.>>>

NIAC Lobby respond!


A 'Moderately Intelligent Agent For the Iranian Regime'?

Weekly Standard / Sohrab Ahmari
recommended by Fred
18-Sep-2012 (12 comments)
18-Sep-2012 (19 comments)
Hatemongers with a cause >>>