Ali Mahin Torabi awaiting execution
Azarin Sadegh >>>
زن در جوامع نامترقي و سنت گرا موجودي جعلي است . موجودي است كه از ته مانده سفره آفرينش مرد آفريده شده است . موجودي است كه باعث بيرون راندن بشر از بهشت شده، دروازه ورود به جهنم است ، وسوسه كننده خوردن ميوه ممنوعه و اولين تخطى کننده از قوانين و احکام است. چنين موجودي را نمي توان انسان ناميد .
تجاوز و اثرات آن بر روي زن ، خانواده ، اجتماع
زنان ديگر ، بدون آنكه لحظه اي بي انديشند كه اين حادثه هر لحظه در كمين خودشان است ، با نگاهي قهر آلود به شخص مورد تجاوز قرار گرفته ، مي نگرند و اين در حالي است كه بايد توجه بيشتري به اينگونه زنان كرد . اينان هموراه لحظه اي را بياد مي آورند كه در آن زندگي شان از مسير طبيعي خود خارج گرديد. لحظه اي كه مي كوشيدند دستي را كه راه دهانشان را مسدود كرده پس بزنند . لحظه اي را كه عرق ريزان با دستاني ضعيفتر از بازواني كه سخت پيكرشان را در بر گرفته بود مي كوشيدند تا خود را رها سازند .لحظه اي را كه فرياد زدند اما كسي صدايشان را نشنيد ...
Is the Islamic Republic of Iran attempting to produce a nuclear bomb?
To have or not to have nuclear weapons. This is the root of all arguments regarding Iran's nuclear programs. There is an argument among the people of the developing countries that while a number of countries have nuclear weapons, why should not the other countries have it? From this point of view, the rationale of depriving the third world countries from the nuclear weapon is that the US and the other main world powers wish to still remain more powerful than the other countries to continue ruling the entire world. This point of view suggests that the industrial and developed countries want to keep the rest of the world in the state of backwardness
آيا براستی حکومت اسلامی و احمدی نژاد هم بخشی از «هويت ملی» ما بشمار می روند؟
بطوری که می بينيم، «سفر احمدی نژاد»، همچون «کاتاليزور» ی کارآمد، وجود
اختلاف و تفاوت عميق در بين اعضاء همين گروه «مخالف» را بصورت دردناک
آشکار کرده است بطوری که برخی از آنها، عليرغم ژست های هميشگی شان، يکباره
و بعنوان افرادی ضرر ديده، ادعای خسارت و لزوم پاسخگوئی به جسارت رئيس
دانشگاه کلمبيا را سر داده اند. بدينسان طرح اين پرسش نابهنگام نيست که:
براستی چگونه برخی از آنها که عموماً مدعی مخالفت با حکومت اسلامی هستند،
هنگامی که در برابر کاربرد سنجهء سخنان رئيس دانشگاه کلمبيا قرار می
گيرند، از شمول «مخالفان» خارج می شوند؟
I love reading and writing so much, it feels like a passion to me, one that I have not nurtured for a long time, in Farsi or English.
An anti-Imperialist case against a nuclear Iran
In the fog of justifiable panic, some good comrades, friends and allies are prone to (and do) argue the following: Because the Iranian regime is under fire by the imperialists, we must support whatever the mullahs do, unconditionally. That regime is involved in a fundamental conflict with the imperialists, and all other conflicts (those involving the civil and social rights of the Iranian people vis-à-vis their state) must take a backseat to this supreme conflict... Refusing to do the hard work, some of us have consequently fallen back on 'my enemy's enemy is my friend, god be dammed!' type of thinking; a mentality that, when adopted previously by western leftists, led to their defeat in one battlefield after another during the Cold War
We are being tested folks
Debra Cagan, a U.S. Department of Defense official had officially stated that she hates Iranians, all Iranians!
Delara Darabi and few of her prisonmates were punished for celebrating Delara's birthday in prison.
The very people who are preparing us for another war are the only ones that are going to benefit from it
Now it is Iran’s turn; and the Evil de jour is Mr. Ahmadinejad. He is described as anything from Hitler reincarnate to the most dangerous man on earth. Never mind that he is not the head of an army, or that he has no real power; the main thing is that he is EVIL. Never mind that there are no Iranian troops in Canada or Mexico; never mind that he does not possess thousands of nuclear missiles; he is still the most dangerous man alive and we have to do something about him. It always amazes me to see that people, time and again, fall for the same old song and dance routine. Don’t you ever get a sense of déjà vu? Can’t people see that they are being, so openly, manipulated? Apparently not.
Well not ALL Iranians just some...