SCE Campaign
"October 10 is to be observed as the ‘World Day against the Death Penalty’. UN members will vote on a text declaring a global moratorium on death penalty, the most inhuman punishment civilized society can levy. " >>>


"Marg bar dictator"

Students shouting anti-government slogans at Tehran University

09-Oct-2007 (49 comments)
09-Oct-2007 (8 comments)
The cost of beauty in Iran. >>>


We have questions too

We have questions too

Students demonstrate against Ahmadinejad visit at Tehran University

by M K
09-Oct-2007 (25 comments)



Give diplomacy a chance

Say no to military conflict!

09-Oct-2007 (79 comments)
We, the undersigned, represent the views of a diverse grouping of Iranian expatriates in the United States, the UK and elsewhere in the West. Some of us have vastly different views regarding the current government in Iran; we are individually members of many different political parties; we do not all agree on how best to reach stability in the Middle East. But we all feel a connection with both our homes in the West and the finest core values of the societies in which we are living, and with the country of Iran and its cultural traditions, whether we came by these ties by birth, heritage or friendship.>>>


The burden on children

Only if the busy adults of this world would pause for a second to listen to children’s stories

09-Oct-2007 (5 comments)
I really wish that all the children of Iran and the rest of the world could at least celebrate a day of pure happiness. It would have been so joyful to see that for once, even if it lasts only for one day, all the children of the world were to live beyond the disputes caused by adults, who are making this world an intolerable world for human beings. Till when do the children of the world have to pay for the hatred that has conquered many of adults’ minds, hearts and bodies? Till when do children have to pay for countries’ poor economic situations? Till when do they have to die with HIV and other diseases? Till when do they have to face bloodshed and brutality of this world before even they get to experience a handful of some of the smallest joys of this life?>>>


09-Oct-2007 (one comment)

Cheecks were red apples,
Smiles were on lips,
Big and rich, indeed
Eyes were by thousands
Upon a thousand;
Sheen of reverence
Pouring our of them.



گلابی های رسیده

داستان کوتاه

09-Oct-2007 (3 comments)
بهش گفتم وقتی من هیجده سالم بود، عاشق زن چهل ساله شدی. وقتی چهل سالم بود عاشق زن شانزده ساله شدی. و تمام مدت مثل گربه پشت در اتاق می نشستم گوش می کردم. گوش می کردم به صدای خنده اش، گوش می کردم به گفتگوی تلفنی اش، گوش می کردم به راز و نیازهای عاشقانه اش که هر روز به یکی دل می بست. اگر یک نفر بود آدم می توانست عادت کند. ولی یک نفر که نبود. از همان روز اول زن دوست بود. یکی را دوست داشت چون پوستش سفید بود – مثل هلو بود. یکی دیگر سیاه و با نمک بود. یکی دیگر موهای گندمی داشت. اون یکی لوند و تو دل برو بود، و من حسودیم می شد. >>>
09-Oct-2007 (42 comments)
Raw innocence is the best comedy. Professional comedy is the ability to create raw innocence. >>>


Have it your way

Iranians are extraordinary people!

09-Oct-2007 (28 comments)
This may seem odd, but we must compare Iranians to others in the region, or other places relatively similar, and not to America or other developed-world countries. One thing is amazing, that I have been writing critical about Iran almost all the time and I even mentioned it clearly that I see myself as an Azerbaijani making a clear distinction between my own background and some others within Iran BUT then almost NO-ONE, commented or wrote that I WAS NOT an IRANIAN. >>>
09-Oct-2007 (2 comments)
German-Iranian soccer player refuses to play against Israel >>>
08-Oct-2007 (6 comments)

Cheney ordered nuking Iran but the plan may have come to a halt temporarily.

08-Oct-2007 (8 comments)

Please watch these videos from the recent Bill Moyers documentary on the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) movement. These "fanatics" really rival anything that exist in Iranian clerics right now but unlike the Iranian fanatics, they have access to an enormous amount of fire power through their influence of the US Government.

08-Oct-2007 (5 comments)
Bravo! Well Played Sir! Pervez Musharraf "squeaks" out another victory!>>>


طرفدارانِ دوآتشه

رقابتهای تکواندوی انتخابی المپیک پکن در منچستر

08-Oct-2007 (one comment)
آخرین تکواندوکار تیم ایران هم از مسابقه حذف شد. با دلسردی مشغول جمع کردن وساﺋلم از زیر صندلی بودم که فریاد "ایران، ایران" واضحتر از همهمه های گنگ حاکم بر سالن به گوشم رسید. این تشویق نابهنگام و غیرمترقبه گویا خیلی از ایرانیهای دیگر حاضر در سالن مسابقه را نیز متعجب کرده بود. همه نگاهها به گروهی از طرفداران که مشغول نواختن طبل و سرودن شعار بودند دوخته شده بود. >>>