12-Oct-2007 (2 comments)
No permanence for the Seyyeds. >>>
Sheema Kalbasi
12-Oct-2007 (32 comments)
Cutting secret deals with terrorists only emboldens them to pour more innocent blood. >>>
Azarin Sadegh
12-Oct-2007 (2 comments)
Ali's execution was delayed because of Ramadan that ends today or tomorrow. >>>
12-Oct-2007 (13 comments)
Snap, Crackle, and Pop.>>>


A day in Los Gatos

A day in Los Gatos

Photo essay

by kfravon
12-Oct-2007 (one comment)



Watch out, here they come! (part 3)

In-depth look at Kiosk

12-Oct-2007 (4 comments)
We write the songs on guitar, and when you use a standard blues line up for the recording and the sound and everything, you become a bit bluesy! And our influences; people who we grew up (and grew old!) listening to were either blues players (like Stevie Ray Vaughan or B.B King or …) or influenced by blues players (like E.C, Jeff Beck, Led Zeppelin and of course Dire Straits!), so the blues element is there, but comparing to Adam e Mamooli, I must say we are less of a blues band. Actually, we are aiming to have no label and sound like KIOSK, that’s what I am talking about when I say we are not mature enough and we still don’t have our own genuine sound, but this album was a big step for us towards that goal.>>>


Maddening world

I long for a slow news day

12-Oct-2007 (7 comments)
I’d swear this world has gone mad. This morning at work during our daily morning-coffee-Chitchat. I mentioned the racism killing in Antwerp to my colleague that’s an odd thing to mention at a morning-coffee session isn’t it? about 2 weeks ago I had read a short article about the proceeding of this psychopath, that has been stuck in my mind and I had mentioned this to my colleague, so today’s sentencing was something we couldn’t let pass by . This man had killed a black pregnant lady and had injured a Turkish lady if that’s not heinous enough.>>>


Petty role model

While Mr. Bush wages war against ‘evil’ he is inspiring malice at home

12-Oct-2007 (165 comments)
One of America’s greatest presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt, recruited a group of advisers from the prestigious Columbia University – they were known as ‘Brain Trust’. In their first one hundred days in office, the Brains Trust helped Roosevelt enact fifteen major laws beneficial to the country. Regrettably, today, Columbia under the leadership of a petty role-model, Lee Bollinger, is losing its prestige and has become a place of hate and discrimination. A noose was found in a lecture room of a black female professor>>>


Lion Heartz

I have combined Dervish Sufism with Persian martial arts to create "Lion Heartz"

12-Oct-2007 (31 comments)
As a young child, I grew up as a Persian Sufi Dervish and understood what being one was all about. As a young boy, I would get into countless confrontations over the color of my skin, friend, ego and who we thought was the toughest. My father would always see me come home with a black eye and a bruised body. He decided I should learn some self-defense, in order to defend myself and learn self control. My father who was a brown belt, and had three years in the Persian Royal Air Force, and was advanced in Persian Martial arts called: “Varzesheh Pahlevooni”>>>


هم زیبا کرباسی، هم ساقی قهرمان

گزارش شب شعر

12-Oct-2007 (9 comments)
ساقی: - این جزو ذات همه مان است که نیاز جنسی داریم. به خاطر این که روابط جنسی تنها چیزی است که راجع بهش محکوم می شویم. من اگر بیایم بگم دلم برای کوچه های ایران تنگ است همه کف می زنید، تحسین می کنید و می روید و چیزی هم حل نمی شود. اما وقتی من راجع به روابط جنسی حرف می زنم بیمار جنسی شناخته می شوم. شما ناراحت می شوید که من از مشکل معاشقۀ خودم حرف بزنم. >>>
11-Oct-2007 (one comment)

A good leader needs to have conviction. Conviction is hard to come by unless you are a fool. So leaders are usually fools that apeal to ignorance of masses!



Feels right

Piano solo

I write English like how it's spoken at the Wilton house -- the way it feels right. Chris Ransom in general is a fucked-up homie, and James Hollywood is a muthefuckeh on sherms. They sell anything out of the Wilton; hash, crack, powder, ass, and what have you.>>>


میهن من، خانه ای آفتابی است

برای خاطره داستان "خانه آفتابی" نوشته پرتو نوری علا

11-Oct-2007 (13 comments)
باغچه ی خانه ما پربار است،
و در آن هم نعنا می کاریم و هم ریحان،
تربچه و خیار و گوجه فرنگی و کدو هم داریم.
خانه ی آفتابی من میراث من بوده است.
خانه ی آفتابی ام هم قدیمی است و هم محکم.
خانه ی آفتابی من در زمستانهای پر برف،
باز هم دلباز و دلگرم و روشن می ماند. >>>
11-Oct-2007 (5 comments)
Is it going to hurt? Am I going to be scared? Sad? In peace? >>>
David ET

Associated press and CNN reported 100 students. Iranian reporter of Los Angeles times reported 50 students demonstrating in Tehran University while students in Iran reported 1000. Now lets count!
