I can unfortunately not remember the talented author of this short story (KHosro Shahani, maybe?)>>>
Darius Kadivar
26-Jun-2009 (4 comments)

Filmmakers Justin and Michael Younesi have directed a new film entitled LIBERATION which tells the story of the Shah of Iran's exile and demise amidst the US Embassy takeover in Tehran during the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Watch Trailer

Ardeshir Ariana
26-Jun-2009 (2 comments)
CYRUS (Gr. Klipos; Pers. Kuru-sh; Babyl. Kurash; Hebr. Koresh), the Latinized form of a Persian name borne by two prominent members of the Achaemenid house. >>>
Darius Kadivar
Crown Prince Reza with mother Empress Farah Pahlavi of Iran on vacation on the Caspian (Shomal). Notice popular Farah Fawcett T Shirt.. (circa 1976) >>>
Ardeshir Ariana
26-Jun-2009 (2 comments)
Among the most famous agnostics (in the original sense) have been Thomas Henry Huxley, Robert G. Ingersoll and Bertrand Russell. >>>
25-Jun-2009 (9 comments)
I'm sorry, I can't march for this! >>>
25-Jun-2009 (one comment)
Neda-A Divine Calling ندای آزادی >>>
Javad Yassari
25-Jun-2009 (28 comments)
اگر از فحش بدتون میاد نخونین. >>>
Manoucher Avaznia

دگر باره درخشد خوش پگاهی پر امید، ای دل؛

بخندد بر رخ ما هم خنک روزانِ همچون قند

David ET
25-Jun-2009 (23 comments)
British Politician George Galloway has been the mouthpiece for the Islamist extremists for sometime and he has been recently been paid to broadcast propaganda for the Islamic Regime in Iran through their Press TV>>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
حضرت مسیح در بینوایی زندگی میکرد و بنا به دلایلی حتی یک زن هم نداشت. و در سن سی و سه سالگی مصلوب شد. و هیچ خیری از این دنیا ندید جز خدمت به خلق و دادن جان شیرین برای انسانهای در گناه خفته >>>
Ali Abdolrezaei
Excuse me Sir!
If the holy cow slips
tin roofs falling over >>>
Ali Abdolrezaei
Hey Mr, Master, Sir, Supreme Leader,  
After last coma      Come on!
Put a full stop! >>>
khaleh mosheh
Tehran is the scene of a historic battle, rather reminiscent of Victor Hugo's epic>>>
25-Jun-2009 (5 comments)
A Chat with one of the Plain-clothed club-wielders
“We get 200 dollars a day” >>>