British Politician George Galloway has been the mouthpiece for the Islamist extremists for sometime and he has been recently been paid to broadcast propaganda for the Islamic Regime in Iran through their Press TV. Sadly many so called intelligent people who often end up flowing with the wind, often have been cheering and applauding for this British sell out who has made a career out of promoting the positions of Islamist extremists. His lack of care for the beating, arrests and killings of Iranians (often through their plain-clothed thugs) is another example of Galloway's total disregard for the most basic human rights while he is repeating the official line of Ahmadinejad/Khamenei camp that they are acting within the law and Mousavi (and therefore his supporters) are not! One positive outcome of the recent events in Iran has been the bare proofs of the hypocrisy and the true positions of many who often shed tears for human rights of one group while totally disregarding those of another including those of Iranians. It also has brought to surface the nature or errors of those who cheerlead for the double-faced individuals such as Galloway or groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah who use the unfortunate sufferings of many in the Middle East and Iran for their own gains.
May these will be lessons for those who often ride the wind out of emotions or ignorance..
This is part 1 (of 7) of his show on Iran's pressTv. If interested you can find the rest of his garbage on this Hezbollah Youtube site (//
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is he
by MRX1 on Sat Jun 27, 2009 06:15 AM PDTanother imprealist wanna be fighter? some one should tell him give it a rest. get a life and get a real job. amazing how much chert o pert he says all the time.
He's just a noisy nutter
by Anonymous77 (not verified) on Fri Jun 26, 2009 07:38 PM PDTno one pays any attention to him really and if you've noticed the people calling in were not quite with it either.
Anym Observer
by Asghar_Massombagi on Fri Jun 26, 2009 01:45 PM PDTDo your homework before you open your mouth. Dabashi is in total accord with the Iranian demonstrators. See the recent event at Columbia University where he sat next to Mohsen Kadivar:
as well as his interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now.
by David ET on Fri Jun 26, 2009 01:44 PM PDTIR also says many things that is right about US , so did Saddam but that does not give such people legitimacy because they do not practice what they preach.
The best test of truth about one's view on one subject is to see his view on similar subject but on his/her opposite camp and to also check and see if they practice what they preach.
Otherwise nice talks and speeches many can do.
by Anonymous Observer on Fri Jun 26, 2009 01:15 PM PDTI think Galloway, Hamid Dabashi and Ardeshir Ommani should have a threesome. The video should be posted on YouTube.
by capt_ayhab on Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:43 PM PDTThis @ssclown Galloway is nothing but another IR MALJAK, kind of whom we are witnessing everyday, both here on IC and on streets of Iran murdering our youth.
Shame on both
P/S how do you say MALIJAK in English? is it maliJAK@SS?
Well, I listened to the clip
by Asghar_Massombagi on Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:08 PM PDTand I remember it from before. Galloway is spot on there. I have no problem with him thrashing the idiot caller that is advocating bombing Iran and ignoring the hypocricy of the West in defending Saddam in the 80's. My problem is that Galloway has never taken a position on physical eradication of political prisoners in Iran, on abohrant way that women are treated on the streets, on medieval sharia laws regarding divorce, inheritance, etc. To say, well, this is Iran and they're Muslems and they want this, is frankly to paraphrase the late Edward Said orientalist, even if it comes from a leftist like Galloway. There is no such as a fixed essence of an Iranian or a Muslem (Nevermind that these people have no clue of Iran's history) What, it's ok to torture and kill an Iranian because he happens to live in a Muslem country? Iranians apparently don't deserve human rights because it's an invention of the West. Humanism is also an invention of the West. That's racist, even if it comes out of Galloway's mouth. Iran's culture has been humanist for 2500 years. How would he react if the anti-globalization demonstrators in Europe were meeted out the treatment that Iranian demonstrators have been subject to. I'd be interested to know what he has to say about the way peaceful demostrations have been brutalized in Iran. Being an old Stalinist he probably has no problem and most likely would follow the government line that the responsiblity lies at Mousavi's feet for "sending" people in the streets. Funny, how old rebels like Galloway suddenly turn into guardians of law and order.
Dear Asghar
by David ET on Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:46 AM PDTJust the two videos that I have posted here talk volumes. It does not take much to counter when someone openly support criminals such as Saddam and Khamenei.
Human Rights are universal and the word human has no nationality, color, race, preference, country....,.... it refers to the human species as a whole and their rights just as there are animal rights.
Those who support such individuals are plenty and are not only in Europe and Middle East but even right here among us. With just a quick search on for George Galloway you will find he has many supporters here too. I show you just one example :
CTRL + Click to follow link">Irandokht : "..he seems to be the only voice of reason there!! What an intelligent man. !"
When faced with lies, errors, self centerdness, personal agendas, hypocricy, bigotry, ego or ignorance, I always have said :
These days the naked facts being so openly out there are one of those times. Pity that we don’t have much of it in a lifetime and waste it so much as precious as it is
why Fred,
by anonymous fish on Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:45 AM PDTI believe you're right! Who would have thunk it. Watch, here comes the Some, however, are actually proud.
Excellent and correct on EVERY WORD, as usual!!
by Jaleho on Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:37 AM PDTI am humbly proud to have agreed on every word of Mr. Galloway in advance, in my former two blogs, "Iranians WON BIG," and "Obama's correct Iran policy, SO FAR!"
I wonder how some Iranians who used to be a fan of analysis of the types of Galloway or Brezhinski in the past, won't give theselves a bit of possibility to have been mistaken and brainwashed on this partiuclar "Iran issue!" Instead they find these fantastic analyst correct on every issue EXCEPT this particular "Iran issue," and on this one strangely they find themselves in line with Wof Ze'ev Blitzer and Charles Krauthammer!!
Thanks David for the fantastic link.
I agree, David
by Asghar_Massombagi on Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:59 AM PDTbut why don't you write a piece and challenge him point by point. His points of view are not always self-evidently wrong and need to be challenged. For instance, the point that Iranians are Muslems and this is what they want. In other word, they deserve the democracy they have. Because Galloway wouldn't be able to be a member of Parliment in Iran but he is in Britain, so the British deserve that system and Iranians (assuming even the 13 millions that supposedly voted for Mousavi, all agree on the present system) aren't mature enough or don't want the British system. His perception is actually wide-spread in the Europe and the fact that the regime is spending money on shows like this means that they care about the outside world in spite of their anti-West rhetoric. Even though I've agreed with some of Galloway's positions in the past, he, as well as the anti-war movement in Europe and America, have a habit of talking from both sides of their mouths.
by David ET on Fri Jun 26, 2009 09:57 AM PDTIt is one thing to oppose Israel brutality in Gaza etc but it is another to support extremist Islamists who commit suicide bombings of civilians
It is one thing to care about human rights of Palestinians and oppose Israel brutality in Gaza etc but is another to cheer and enjoy remarks of a professional crook such as Galloway , a supporter of extremist Islamists who commit suicide bombings of civilians
It is one thing to have opposed US role in Iraq and another to cheer a politician who defended a butcher called Saddam
I am not addressing these points to settle scores but to hope that some may realize that they can be wrong at times so that and in future instead of accusing others , thay may be more open minded, less rigid , pay attention to facts instead of resorting to anything or anyone to support own view, because later the same ones we use to support our points can turn against ourselves and by then its too late. It often boils down to hyporcicy or ignorance.
I always have respected the wisdom of proverbs in different languages. Here is my revised version of an English one:
Beware: What goes around may just come around
A Question of Knowing OUR PRIORITIES As IRANIANS ...
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Jun 26, 2009 08:48 AM PDTThis is What Happens When Iranians Don't Get THEIR PRIORITIES Straight !
Guess We Can't! by eroonman
I have always admired him for
by Bavafa on Fri Jun 26, 2009 08:12 AM PDThis strong opposition and exposing/speaking so candidly about Israelis fascist behavior towards Palestinians. I admire him for standing up against Blair (the poodle) for going to an unjust war in Iraq.
I don't agree with what he says about Mousavie taking his fight to the streets of Tehran directly to the people but every thing else is pretty much right on the mark, specially about the fierce debate before election. No one can deny that... by that I mean no fair minded person.
I used to be one of those fools baradar David, mano bebaksh.
by Toofantheonceosgreat (not verified) on Fri Jun 26, 2009 07:20 AM PDTNow I say F### Galloway, Hamas, Hezbollah, Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, Basij, the IRGC, The Fake Islamic Republic which sacrifices Iranian treasury for "justice" In Lebanon and Palestine, while forgetting Justice at home and beats/slaughters our next generation like cattle.
idiot idiot idiot what else can you say
by sarbaz (not verified) on Fri Jun 26, 2009 06:21 AM PDTwhat an ass
he has lied so much he actually starting to believe his own bull
This Guy is pure nonsense
by Artificial Intelligence on Fri Jun 26, 2009 04:25 AM PDTHe just wants attention like some other people on this website. This is the price we have to pay for freedom of speech.
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Jun 26, 2009 04:32 AM PDT"Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental."
Remember All the Insults I GOT ? ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Jun 26, 2009 04:07 AM PDTAfter News Goffer wrote this blog ( For Darius Kadivar ) on me asking me for an explanation for not sharing The Palestinian Pedigree's Cameron Batmanghlich outrage :
For Darius Kadivar by News Goffer
Well News Goffer Now You have the Answer !
I hope ... So will You alexarjomand in a near future (A message for Darius Kadivar)
PS: David Its seems all evidence of the Blog SHAME ON YOU by Cameron Batmanghlich accusing you has also dissappeared since ...Fortunately I don't have Alzheimers ;0)
Islamists' favorite?
by Fred on Fri Jun 26, 2009 03:14 AM PDTIs this the same guy the usual Islamist cutthroats' little helpers adore so much?
The Guardian: Robert Tait
by 890 (not verified) on Fri Jun 26, 2009 03:02 AM PDTThe Guardian:
Robert Tait of the Guardian says the man is paid 2m rial per day, which would be about £1220 for ten days of work. A hefty fee, even by UK standards. A reader writes: "You can imagine what that kind of money means to a villager from Khorasan".
The Guardian's Robert Tait sends this synopsis:
The man, who has come from a small town in the eastern province of Khorasan and has never been in Tehran before, says he is being paid 2m rial (£122) to assault protestors with a heavy wooden stave. He says the money is the main incentive as it will enable him to get married and may even enable him to afford more than one wife. Leadership of the volunteers has been provided by a man known only as "Hajji", who has instructed his men to "beat the counter-revolutionaries so hard that they won't be able to stand up". The volunteers, most of them from far-flung provinces such as Khuzestan, Arak and Mazandaran, are being kept in hostel accommodation, reportedly in east Tehran. Other volunteers, he says, have been brought from Lebanon, where the Iranian regime has strong allies in the Hezbollah movement. They are said to be more highly-paid than their Iranian counterparts and are put up in hotels. The last piece of information seems to confirm the suspicion of many Iranians that foreign security personnel are being used to suppress the demonstrators. For all his talk of the legal process, this interview provides a key insight into where Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali ....
FYI/A Chat with one of the Plain-clothed club-wielders
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Jun 26, 2009 02:25 AM PDTA Chat with one of the Plain-clothed club-wielders by sarasepidzadeh
Four days after the elections, there have been anti-demonstration forces on the streets of Tehran whose accents are unrecognizable. Witnesses say they are not able to understand what they are saying. Some say they have openly heard Arabic being spoken by some.
FYI/Galloway received a Palestinian passport from a Hamas leader
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Jun 26, 2009 02:11 AM PDTUK Member of Parliament George Galloway has received a Palestinian passport from a Hamas leader in Gaza.
UK MP Galloway given Palestinian passport