Daily Show August 06, 2009 On Ahmadinejads Inauguration. A Must watch clip
A fable for really thirsty people
VOA interview with Prof. Payam Akhmatova
Omar Khayyam influenced popular and exorcized Western ideas of Persia, and his romanticized life was translated into numerous silent films, radio shows. Listen to this old time radio show
Omar:The Wizard of Persia.
Shapour Bakhtiar left for France in 1936 to pursue his studies. He received his PhD, in political science (in 1939), as well as degrees in law and philosophy, from Sorbonne.(circa 1936)
God is Dead, Love is Dead; God is Love; Love is a Reusable Tampon; emom khomeini!
Dedicated To All Our Iranian Brothers And Sisters ... We Want A Better Iran
از حریم کعبه می خواند صفات ذوالجلال
گرچه گاهی گفته بودندم از احسا می رسد
۲۴ سال پیش حرفهائی زد که آلان مردم ایران بهش رسیدند!
The “family fight” between the so called reformists and hardliners is not our fight. People’s demands go beyond what the reformists who believe in the system can possibly deliver
Time to get in the ring and kick some butt. You are going to LOVE this game.
ما امسال تابستان خوب و سبزی داشتیم. برادر بزرگم هر روز نوار سبزی به دور دستش میبست و میرفت بیرون هواخوری