God (Made by Man)

God (Made by Man)
by AK69

We saw the sky open up and cry; we saw the Earth open up and die. We, for sake of our ignorance, believed it to be gods. Those trifling gods, those power lustful followers, conspired ye all to give us God. Control is lost. Power given to God and Man; followers still hunger and lust. The treasure not attained. They proclaimed: Thus, for this God, let there be religion; so that we, the lusting followers of power and control, are permitted to do God’s work upon the Earth, in His name. Truth ye say is stranger than fiction; then, I must agree.

“God made me an atheist; who are you to question his wisdom?" - AK69


more from AK69

@ Capt

by Qoldor on

"shishaki nabood foloot bood, zan amoot zire amoot bood"

[expanded quotables from Asghar Ghaatel, page 2000, chapter 22, verse 63]


RE: Plagiarism? God forbid !

by AK69 on

- Aiynola Khaffe!

Graspring at straws Ka-PiTaan? Your kashti is drowning in its own lack of understanding. The only phrase in quotes in the whole blog is the phrase to which accusations of plagiarism are made. LOL! Ummm, that is why I put it in as a quotation, I was quoting Mr. Unknown..... KMPAx2


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan



by capt_ayhab on

[I see a pattern, but my imagination cannot picture the maker of that pattern. I see a clock, but I cannot envision the clockmaker. The human mind is unable to conceive of the four dimensions, so how can it conceive of a God, before whom a thousand years and a thousand dimensions are as one?] - The Expanded
Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press, 2000 p. 208



Plagiarism? God forbid !

by capt_ayhab on

"God made me an atheist. Who are you to question his wisdom." - (Unknown)





"God made me an atheist. Who are you to question his wisdom?" Another bumper sticker image. I love this one.




Or is it 

“God made me an atheist; who are you to question his wisdom?" - AK69




Flying Solo


by Flying Solo on



What this video proves

by Mehdi on

Is that there is no final answer given by any side yet. Need to search some more before making any stupid statements. One thing that could help both sides would be to separate a composite question into smaller ones. For example they could talk about the source of the physical universe as opposed to God, who is more than just the source. If they separate different aspects, they will have better progress, I think. For example, it seems logical that physical universe did not create itself. But that only indicates that there probably was some type of source exterior to the physical universe, but it does not really prove God, Allah, Brahma, or anything else. Even if you believe in the Big Bang phenomenon, which for a very long time was advertised widely as "proof" that God doesn't exist, you still can ask how that was created. So we still haven't solved anything really. But in this way, there can be progress.

Kaveh V

Another atheist's experience

by Kaveh V on

For a short period, from the age of 7 or 8 until 11 or 12, I used to pray every night before going to bed at the foot of my bed. This was an intensely private affair for me and I took all the care not to be seen by anyone, for the fear of being discovered by agnostic/atheist members of my family. At the time, I had many fears and concerns about parental conflicts. As I grew closer to ages 11 and 12, I realized the guilt and the fear of god had become a paralyzing force in my life. Not that I was engaged in unusual mischief for this guilt, but I was beginning to question all my conduct and even thoughts fearing that each act and thought may not be looked upon favorably by the God. I was not following any particular religion, just my own concept of good and bad that is shared by an almighty.

As I grew older, and developed a more sophisticated cognitive process, I stopped the practice and actually developed a stronger sense of self confidence. But, I think, at least, part of it was the normal developmental stage of any child that develops a sense of confidence as he/she grows and can learn and reason the world around him/her. A somewhat agnostic/atheist family environment was probably another factor that helped me to reason away any supernatural belief, along with the constant reminder of the social religious ills around us.

As an adult, I almost never prayed, but have found myself trying to communicate, or reach out to, an undetectable higher being in 2 or 3 instances when I believed I faced imminent death. Only later I realized the paralyzing fear of the unknown transition from "life" to "death" has forced my mind to seek a companion, an almighty capable of all kinds of reassurances, to "hold my hand" and comfort me through the inevitable transition.

Anonymous Observer

Atheist's Views

by Anonymous Observer on

I have been an atheist since...well, probably my teenage years.   I have always talked about it and advocated it on this site, and in other places.  While I caannot find a rational or scientific reason to change my mind, I can tell you that it seems as if there is something missing spiritually (no pun intended) from my life.  I don't mean that in a melodramatic way.  I just think that our bodies are programmed this way.  We need "something" to rely on emotionally in the time of need. I often find myslef praying...to nothing in particular, during tough moments, and there is a certain degree of emptiness there that cannot be explained when I have to remind myself that I shouldn't be praying.  I believe that the "need" to "believe" is in our genes, and not necessarily believe in a God of any religion, but in somethng that we hold as having power  over "us"...  

In my experience, belief does give one comfort, and the lack thereof creates an emptiness.  The essential question is whether or not we should believe in something just because it comforts us.  I don't know the answer to that question, and would like to hear everyone's view on that issue.   



by AK69 on


Qoli Qol Qol…… Some men, when they do you a kindness, ask for the payment of gratitude; others, more modest, remember the favour and look upon you as their debtor. But there are yet other benefactors who forget their good deeds; and these are like the vine, which is satisfied by being fruitful in its kind and bears a bunch of grapes without expecting any thanks for it. A truly kind man never talks of a good turn that he has done, but does another as soon as he can, just like a vine that bears again the next season.

-Marcus Aurelius' Meditations


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan



by oktaby on

perhaps you could submit this for an article or separately and I'm sure it'll get plenty of good discussion and response. I removed mine as the reply thread is not on the worthy subject.



by Qoldor on

AK69 Joon,

As I have always said, you had me at the first hello, with your intelligence, leading edge thoughts, and your kind heart. Yes! You do have a kind heart.

I agree people use God to achieve their filthy goals, and to influence innocent and trusting people. However, this is not God's fault.

You may say, if there were a God, then howcome She does not assist the needy? Why doesn't she come to the rescue of the oppressed? Well this is where Free Will comes into play. One needs to fight for what is Right. A Free being, and intelligent Entity should require nothing, but guidance.

I am opposed to placing the guilt on anyone but ourselves for our shortcomings. We as Iranians need to learn to fight for what is right, and need to stay alert. Through our history we failed to do so, and as a result we have paid for our laziness dearly.

Your thesis is for greed came God, and for control and manipulation came God?! Yes?!

Then how did I come to you? Why do I love you so much? What could I possibly need from you that I could not get on my own, except your love back?! Love is God, and vice versa.

You know it, and I know it, that I am not a religious person. You know that I am not a fanatic.

I know it, and you know it, that you ARE a very gentle person. You are as good as they can get. I read through the front you put up a long time ago.

You are a doer, you are a pragmatic person, you are very logical, and yes, you are extremely sensitive and kind. You appreciate beauty for its own sake. Why else would you have such exquisite taste in poetry and music.

Love, art, fairness, appreciation for beauty, extreme sense of justice, and a loving heart are ALL PROOF OF GOD. And you have all of these traits.

My guess is that your heart is hurting from all these cruelties we see in life. So is mine. I am hurting just as much you are.

My dear and sweet friend, please do not allow bitterness to take over you. Bitterness for an embassador of love and intelligence is a kiss of death. I love you too much to let you go down this path.

Take my word for it. I've been there, just like you. I was lucky enough to come back from the dark side.

Please forgive me if I have spoken out of place. Yet I'll do it again if I have to, but I shall not see you in pain or denying the truth of love.

I am not a stickler on the definition of God. But it does exist and it is real. God the way these idiots define it is wrong, since their mind is 2-dimensional. Include the third dimension, in addition to time and space, and complement it with love. Then you will find God.

Your Loving Friend,


PS: I am NOT high. Haven't smoked anything for the past 10 minutes!

PPS: Call me if you have a spare joint! looooooooooooool


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek


by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

you're disgusted. so what there are worse things. I like (Reza) Pahlavi as a religion. We can add it to the list of religions we have birthed in our beautiful homeland, only this one fuses Yves San Lauren and REAL POLITEEK. Can't go wrong with that baby. 

every time i hear that word REAL POLYTEEK i drop my tea cup and dream about him charging into Tehran and pulling his shirt open and exposing his Pahalvi power and saying roar. You misunderstood me. I am a proud pagan. 

p.s. i just wanna say to reza pahlavi: thank you for coming to iran during a time of need. thank you for organizing behind the scenes to rescue all the prisoners and students. you are my hero, did I ever tell you? same for your dad, pbuh. 



by Qoldor on

You are such a douche bag,,,

If you can't say anyhting intelligent just keep quiet, for God's sake,,,

Where in the Hell did Reza Pahlavi come in to play? How did you come to the conclusion AK69 was beating the drum for RP?!

You are a low life for your cheap shot. There is nothing wrong with being pro-x, but you do not have the right to accuse people just for the sake winning a point.

People like you disgust me,,,

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek


by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

The ten commandments, which are rumored to be the word of the almighty dude lord god, nowhere say that you cannot deny the existence of god. just don't go around worshipping Zeus or Thor or Reza Pahlavi and you'll be in heaven with the rest of them.