Her story sounds a lot like Iranian stories!
This is an extended reply to Amir Parviz (for a Secular Monarchy) recently posted thesis, arguing that western-style democracy wont bring any benefit to the people of Iran
عرب ترک فارس پشتون لر کرد بلوچ و.... همګی بایست باهم متحد شده و بر جهل خود خواهی و تمامیت خواهی و تفرقه فراافکنی و فساد و نفرت پراکنی پیروز شوند
مال و همۀ تعلقات در ایران
Like many of you, I have been watching the cyber warriors’ attempts at disbanding Islamic Republic with their keyboards and webcams, and asking myself: what the…?
How it would be possible for Iran to be a Free, Just country, if we have a parliamentary democracy with our peoples level of education and lack of Developed Institutions?
What does it mean to emshi some one?
Not like Iran, but the Baha'is are being persecuted in India for giving moral education to underprivilaged children and villagers.
The Moroccan government has found a new weapon in the war against extremism -- female priests. It's hopes that women will spread a more balanced and tolerant version of Islam
My eyes beckoned and you would not forget that look...