18-Jun-2011 (27 comments)
ادب کردن جک و جانوران>>>
Ari Siletz
17-Jun-2011 (11 comments)
the quality of the lyrics doesn’t explain why the song is such a big hit. >>>
Darius Kadivar
17-Jun-2011 (7 comments)
King Mohammed VI announced a series of constitutional reforms in a speech Friday night aimed at turning his country into a constitutional monarchy>>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
17-Jun-2011 (2 comments)
 متاسفانه آدمهایی که از اعتماد این چنین سو استفاده میکنند  برای دیګران و برای عموم مردم سرمایه ای منفی بجای میګذارند   و اعتماد عمومی را ازبین میبرند   >>>
Shazde Asdola Mirza
17-Jun-2011 (31 comments)
Hossein had never been with a girl. I mean “been” as in even talked to one or dined with one. He only had two brothers, which pretty much made all girls off limit to him>>>
17-Jun-2011 (5 comments)
ايت الله نوري همداني : فرمان حمله پيغمبر خدا به ايران >>>
Darius Kadivar
Abbas Milani was guest of his fellow Stanford colleague Prince Moulay Hicham (member of Morocco’s Royal Family) to debate about Arab reform>>>
Orang Gholikhani
17-Jun-2011 (5 comments)
کسی ندانست >>>
بخشی از بیانات او>>>
Dr. Mansur Rastani
17-Jun-2011 (3 comments)
ویدئو کلیپ - یک پاسخ دندان شکن از طرف یک مبارز میهنی به جناب زیبا کلام >>>
Mona 19
17-Jun-2011 (4 comments)
وقتی‌ اخبار ایران را مرور می‌‌کنی‌ کمتر پیش میاد که خبری رو بخوانی که باعث سرور و مسرت قلب بشود مخصوصا در این چند سال>>>
David ET
On Wednesday night Shirin Ebadi was given an interview spot on Globo TV’s highly watched late night show Programa do Jô, the Brazilian Johnny Carson>>>
17-Jun-2011 (32 comments)
 محاسبۀ معدل کارنامۀ اعمال >>>
Amir Normandi
17-Jun-2011 (3 comments)
The southeast corner of Michigan and Congress in Chicago -symbolically renamined: Azadi Square (“Freedom Square”)>>>
Ari Siletz
17-Jun-2011 (4 comments)
Each color stands for a Farsi letter. The first and second row of color boxes are the first and second lines of a famous Persian verse >>>