خروج اسلام از ایران

by Fred

از بدو انقلاب خوش عاقبت هر اعتراضی به رفتار نظام پر برکت خصوصاً علیه مردم بی پناه ایران؛ با اتهام خطرناک " اسلام ستیزی " و برادر دوقلوی آن " اسلام هراسی " و صد البته " جنگ طلبی " مواجه شده است.

به عبارت دیگر؛ دُم نظام پر برکت و کارگزاران اسلامیست آن به دین اسلام بسته شده و در سایه این رابطه مخالفت با جانیان و جنگ طلبان اسلامیست مترادف با مخالفت با دین اسلام قلمداد میشود.

سالیان متمادی اسلامیست ها/ یهود ستیزان هار و چپولان دست آموز همفکر آنان؛ از این حربه علیه مخالفان نظام پر برکت و " اصلاح طلبان حکومتی " کمال استفاده را کرده اند و بسیار جانهای عزیز قربانی این خدعه شده است.

از آنجاکه حقیقت پری رویی است نورانی که چو در بندی سر از روزن برآرد؛ این روزها کار بجایی رسیده که دیگر این حنای اسلامی رنگ باخته و حتی خود " اصلاح طلبان حکومتی " و بخشی از صنف " روحانیون " هم دنبال تبری جستن و فاصله گرفتن از این حفاظ خود ساخته میباشند.


آیا اسلام در حال خروج از ایران؛ حد اقل به عنوان پاسدار مسند قدرت است؟



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ادا اطوار اسلامی
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salman farsi

برادر فرد

salman farsi

خلاصه کلام این است که اسلام در اسپانیا هرگز نهادینه نشد ولی در مملکت گًل و بلبل ما کاملا شد. حالا شما بر سر اینکه نمی‌دونم چند سال پس از حمله اعراب ما مسلمون شدیم و یا نشدیم وقت عزیز را تلف نکن برادر من. خیلی‌ هم ممنون از توصیه‌های گرانبها برای مطالعه ولی‌ قبلان صرف شد و احتیاج به تکرار نیست. از اینکه با دموکراسی اسلامی هم خصومتی نداری متشکرم انشا‌الله وقتی‌ دیکتاتوری اسلامی رو بیرون کردیم و جاش نشستیم وزارت همبستگی‌ ملی‌ را میدیم به حضرتعالی.

 For an Islamic democracy


triple H,

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

You are like a broken record player. I hope they pay you enough for writing all this nonsense.  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


The Secret Agendas!

by Demo on

There is only one & only one 'Detector' in the universe who can read what is 'real' hidden in every single human's heart. He is the 'Creator of All' himself, called 'GOD' by a muscle tumor termed as 'Tongue' in English!

"They utter with their mouths a thing which is not in their hearts. GOD is best aware of what they hide." (part of verse 167 of Section 3 in the Book of Wisdom; i.e. Quran)


Fred the Israeli Worry-er!

by HHH on

Actually I do play High-Stakes-Poker and I do read minds but to read you I don't have to read your mind because day after day you keep confessing on your blogs about your mission, your enemies and your loved ones.

I'm not pro-Hamas either even though I think in the absence of better Palestinian representation they have no better choice. Abbas definitely is not pro-Palestinian in nature & he's sold-out in exchange for Israeli citizenship with no representation.

About why I get surprized that was a joke, I don't, I expect you to say these things in fact I expect to see at least 10 words over and over but it's fun to throw stones in front of your war-bulldozer off and on. We both know that the warmongers won't read Iranian.com blogs just before making decisions starting wars  :)))

Can I read your mind now? yes, I can, but no matter what I say you think you'll deny so better keep it between ourselves ;)


Triple Haji 3

by Fred on

Triple Haji,you say:

"I have this bullshit-detector with an alarm that sounds when I read a bullshit blog, and to my surprize, everytime I reach your blogs this alarm rings profusely! "

You should either trust your unique "bullshit-detector" or stop being constantly " surprize".

And since you can read minds, as you claim you do about what is on mine,  you should get into high stake poker playing and live it up, and pass along some of your winnings to the Hamas brothers.

Good luck! 


Fred the Israeli Worry-er

by HHH on

You mumble when you're mad!

I have this bullshit-detector with an alarm that sounds when I read a bullshit blog, and to my surprize, everytime I reach your blogs this alarm rings profusely!

The reason I write is that 1. I know you, your mission and purpose well, you are a pro-Israeli zionist who is trying to inflame hatred against IRI, Iran and promote direct attack on Iran for Israel's benefit.  2. IRI can go to hell but Iran is my business, it's my country and I have very deep root there, I don't want any lowlife gets his paws on my country, that includes Israel or neo-con US.  3. Breath, have some tea and avoid bullshit.  VIVA FREEDOM, HUMAN RIGHTS & DEMOCRACY, for Iranians, Palestinians and all others who suffer under dictatorships. 


جهل تا ابد نمی ماند خائن پارسی


وقتی که با این همه اصرار می گویی حکومت اسلامی جاودان است لطفاَ توجه کن که کشیشهای مسیحی نیز همین فکر را می کردند. فکر می کردند که می تواتند مردم را تا ابد توی جهل نگه دارند و مفت خوری کنند. خوشبختانه شما چند صد سالی کمتر از آنها مفت خوری خواهید کرد چون جامعه دیگر روشن شده. تاریخ ایرن هم به جز چند مورد خرابکاری و بر باد دادن بخشهایی از کشور حکومت اسلامی دیگری بیاد ندارد. بعد از این هم تا زمانی که بچپید توی مسجد و سعی نکنید با آن عقلهای ناقص کشورداری کنید کسی کارتان نخواهد داشت. 


Truple Haji 2

by Fred on

Triple Haji, 3 points,

1- Who appointed you as the minder for "the people"

2- Where do you get the idea that the said people's mind are/or can be " manipulated"

3-Speak for yourself and leave it at that.

BTW, of the three member groups of the triumverate of anti-Simitic, anti-Iran and Iranians, which one was too close for comfort?


Lessons learned

by Cost-of-Progress on

If nothing else, know that the Arab religion is what divides us.

I have nothing against Arabs, EXCEPT Islam! I go there often these days for crying outloud.






Fred the Israeli Worry-er!

by HHH on

" سالیان متمادی اسلامیست ها/ یهود ستیزان هار و چپولان دست آموز همفکر آنان؛ "

I just told you how you try to manipulate people's minds and right away you repeated the same joke

One more time, and read carefully this time


So stop your "Shoaar daadan" and minD-manipulation. You're insulting readers' intelligence


Triple Haji

by Fred on

Triple Haji, would you mind putting your anti-Semitic hot rod in idle for a second, and then explain what your rant has to do with this blog?


Fred the Israeli Worry-er!

by HHH on

Good job trying to portray anti-zionist, anti-Israel people as anti-jew!

This method was first used by George Bush when he said "You're either with us or you're with terrorists!!!".

No sir, anti-Israel people are definitely pro-jew, pro-peace and pro-justice. Israel is a forced occupation & it won't last in its current form just as IRI not surviving. And no matter how you use Islam, IRI crimes or Iranians to justify Israel it won't work.


Reality check

by Fred on

Let me see if I understand what you are saying now:

Islam in Iran was an import then “But shortly afterwards our great and glorious ancestors were ruling their own country, ISLAMICALLY and without the need for being coached, ruled, or even taxed by their Arab colonizers.”

How shortly is that “shortly afterwards” of yours?

And are you saying in all those many hundreds of years of Islam in Spain, all the rulers were imports and unlike in Iran where according to your historical take “shortly afterwards” Iranians were ruling “ ISLAMICALLY” bold is yours?

I have no problem with your desire to have an “Islamic Democracy” in Iran or anywhere, what I would suggest is to base it on actual history.

I am sure you’ve read them, but humbly suggest rereading  Ilya Pavlovich Petrushevsky’s Islam in Iran, the excellent Tarikh Farhang Iran by the late Mohammadi-Malayeri and many other excellent books.  

Take care.

salman farsi

Brother Fred!

by salman farsi on

Why do you go against the obvious when you know there is no point.

Let me refresh your memory my dear but deluded brother:

I said: Islam once settled, was not unsettle afterwards.

You said: Aha! I got him! Spain! So how come it was unsettled in Spain?

I said: Because the Spanish Islam was ALWAYS ruled by the non native (gheyre khodi) rulers from the beginning to the end, whereas the Iranian Islam was was almost always ruled from early times to this day by native Iranian rulers, Spanish Islam was never settled because it was ruled by foreigners but the Iranian Islam was self managed by our great and glorious rulers less than two hundred years after they were occupied and colinized by the Arab invaders. Example: Tahirids (Taherian) and onwards.

You keep repeating: But they (Iranians)must have been ruled initially by their Arab occupiers,

I say: Wow you said it brother! But shortly afterwards our great and glorious ancesters were tuling their own country, ISLAMICALLY and without the need for being coached, ruled, or even taxed by their Arab colonizers. They were more catholic than the Pope!

You keep repeating: but there must have been outsiders before the first post-Islamic dynasty of Iranian descent!

I say: Yep! but don't lose the thread. Go back to Spain again. Was the Islamic Spain, like the Islamic Iran, ever ruled by the Spaniards themselves? The answer is NO!

I rest my case by saying:

عرض خود می‌بری و زحمت ما می‌داری

 For an Islamic democracy

Kaveh V

Eradicate Islam

by Kaveh V on


These backward charlatans have lied about EVERYTHING; from their own holy mythical nonsense to every aspect of Iranian life/culture that they infiltrated.

Even during the Pahlavi era, which was only a tiny respite from Islamic influence, we were taught at school that Shiee-eh Islam belongs to Iran and Iranians as a way of preserving Iranian self identity against the Arabs. Only to discover, so many years later, that these foreign bastard descendents of Al Qadesiyeh and Jebel Amel invaders are sacrificing and looting the country for the benefit of their kin in Jebel Amel and elsewhere.

In view of the damage and suffering caused by these bastard criminals throughout the centuries, and the preservation of what is left of Iran and its culture, the standard must be set high: complete eradication of Islam.



Using your own words

by Fred on

The clarification of the original statement that:

“I think you understand better in English than in Farsi (unlike Mash Hooshang who is bad in both). You got me wrong rafigh. "khodi" means they were not from Spanish origin. Our Isamic leaders, including the present lot (and at least for the last 1100 years) were from "khaak-e paak-evatan". “


Is now further clarified and qualified as:

“The first post-Islamic dynasty of Iranian descent was Tahirids. Sicne 820 AD Iran was ruled by the Iranian Muslimm rulers.”


Fine, then doesn’t this latest clarification negate the original statement on the “origin” of the Muslim rulers as not being “ khodi” and therefore from outside?

In other word, there must have been outsiders before there was “The first post-Islamic dynasty of Iranian descent…”

salman farsi

History of Iran 101

by salman farsi on

The first post-Islamic dynasty of Iranian descent was Tahirids. Sicne 820 AD Iran was ruled by the Iranian Muslim rulers.


Please learn before making more embarrassing comments.



You are right and I apologise to Ghasem or Hooshang!

 For an Islamic democracy

Mash Ghasem

I'm good in pointing out shamless thug supporters of IR

by Mash Ghasem on

been doing it for a while now. Would you consider yourself  a thuggish supporter of IR, of just a plain, bland  supporter of theocracy?

SF,  your game is so stupid, even the donkeys would die laughing from your words. Your addiction to theocracy, gender-apartheid and all the goodies of a religious state is truly pathological.

Then again all you Hezbollahs (reformed & 'democratic' or othere types) are pathological to begin with.


on "day dreaming" and such...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

I am vey confident that certain radical sentiments expressed by some friends here with regards to Islam's removal from Iran are taken very seriously by the islamist regime back home, as they well know  that Khomeini himself was ignored as a day dreamer by shah, at his own cost. 

Mucking people's command of languages, specially if they are  bloody good at them, comes across as personal attack due to losing the debate...

All this will of course  not change an iota my position on being with my brothers and sisters back home regardless of their religious beliefs, and my love for civilised debate.

Disclaimer: as an "Iranian_Gilak", my command of both farsi and english leaves a lot to be desired for!

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


هم از توبره هم از آخور


"حکام اسلام اسپانیا از روز اول تا روز آخرش غیر خودی "بودند.

 And the follow up clarification:

  khodi" means they were not from Spanish origin. Our Isamic leaders, including the present lot (and at least for the last 1100 years) were from "khaak-e paak-evatan"

 بسیار خوب؛ پس میفرمایید رهبران اسلامی در ایران  از روز ازل ایرانی بوده اند؟

اگر آری که دیگر حرفی نیست و حق با شماست؛ آن جریان " سید " هم فاکتور گرفته خواهد شد و تکلیف کتب تاریخی هم روشن .

اگر خیر، پس فرقش با اسپانیا که چند صد سال مسلمانان حاکم بودند  در چیست؟

در بساط نکته دانان یادتان نرود 



by Cost-of-Progress on

Islam and politics should and will be separated come hell or high water.

I know you islamists love the fact that you now have raped Iran for 32 years after only trying to control from behind the scenes, but that shall come to an end. The incompetence of your turbanned masters will make sure of that, if nothing esle.

Daydreaming is to think that Islam and its piss ant supporters, that would be you, have a chance for a prolong rape of my ancestoral land and her coffers, so it is your mental health will become an issue for you after your beloved islamic monarchy turns to shit.




salman farsi

چند پاسخ به مغلوطات مفرده (یعنی فرد زاده)

salman farsi



Fred jaan


I think you understand better in English than in Farsi (unlike Mash Hooshang who is bad in both). You got me wrong rafigh. "khodi" means they were not from Spanish origin. Our Isamic leaders, including the present lot (and at least for the last 1100 years) were from "khaak-e paak-evatan".

 Now did the penny drop?

The next "maghlateh" please? 

Mr Abdullah Entezam avatar: I give you the same advice as I gave Cop: 

day dreaming is bad for your mental health :)

 For an Islamic democracy


Islam is dead in Iran

by mahmoudg on

it had to take the last 32 years for us all to realize that Islam is not what we Iranians want.  We were the first civilization/empire to throw out one religion for another (zoroastrianism for Islam), we could be the second civilization/country to do it again.  Islam has lived its usefullness in Iran and it is time we bury it and along with it, all mosques and emamzadehs and move on to bigger and better philosophical and mystical deeds.


خودی و نخودی بازی



آیا هیچ جایی را دیده اید که از اسلام عبور کند که ایران دومیش باشد؟



ردیه پاسخ:

"حکام اسلام اسپانیا از روز اول تا روز آخرش غیر خودی بودند."

پاسخ ردیه: خودی و غیر خودی و نخودی بازی کار نظام پربرکت است، به اینجا که مال نظام پر برکت است اگر سری زده بشود هم پر بدک نخواهد بود.

 یا سخن دانسته گو ای مرد عاقل یا خموش


سلمان فارسی "خداسالار"

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

مغلطه همه از سرکار  سلمان فارسی  "خداسالار"  است

ای 'خدا سالار' خودتو پاره کنی ، جر بدی ، بالا بری ، پایین بیای ، ایران 
ماقبل  اسلام وجود داشته، و ایران ما بعد اسلام  نیز در راه است.

این میان ما میمونیم و حشرات  "خدا سالار" که به قول آن دانشمند معروف
ایرانی  شازده اسدلله میرزا: " شیعه ایرانی‌ که خرافات و نژاد پرستی‌
ساسانی را تو کون اسلام ناب
محمدی اماله کرده است، عاشقان خاندان جلیل سلطنت علوی اند."

salman farsi

Sorry to disappoint you CoP

by salman farsi on


Islam was born into and out of politics.

Stop daydreaming my friend it is not good for your mental health :)

 For an Islamic democracy

salman farsi

باز هم مغلطه آقا فرد؟

salman farsi

بعضی‌‌ها هم لازم دارند بیاد بیاورند که یا بیاموزند که حکام اسلام اسپانیا از روز اول تا روز آخرش غیر خودی بودند به همین علت هم جا نیفتادند  ولی اسلام از نوع ایرانیش خودی خودیه. اونم بعد از ۱۴۰۰ سال. از احمدی نژاد ایرونی‌ تر میتونی‌ پیدا کنی‌ نشون بده.

شکایت از که برم خانگیست غمازم.

مغلطه بعدی لطفا؟



 For an Islamic democracy


I hope

by Cost-of-Progress on

Islam leaves Iran forever, but that is too much to ask a people who've enmbraced it for 14 centuries. We'll just have to settle for Islam keeping its filthy paws off politics.

Someday, may be I blog about how much the Arabs know about Iran, the very people they "enlightened" one and a half millennia ago!





ما لامصب‌ها هیچ دشمنی با مسلمون نداریم


دشمن ما لا مصب‌ها و مسلمون و یهودیون و مسیحیون و هر چیون، یک مشت آخوند و آخوند پرست قاتل دزد هستن که این خلافت جنایت و دزدی ولایت فقیه را در سرزمین ما به نام اسلام ناب محمدی راه انداختهند.



علم و کتل در اسپانیا


بعضی ها نیاز مبرم دارند که برای استخوان سبک کردن هم که شده سری مثلاً به اسپانیا بزنند و از اندلس و قرطبه و آنجور جاها  دیداری بکنند، بعد اگر هنوز لازم و جایز دیدند، راجع به پایداری بیرق و علم و کتل، فتوا صادر فرمایند.

از فرط استفادۀ بیجا؛ اتهام اسلام ستیزی هم رنگ باخته، طرحی نو در اندازند.