بحران سیاسی در ایران

IRI's Dead End ?

Darius Kadivar

Interview with Dr.Mehrdad Emadi, Senior Economic Advisor to EU on the Financial Crisis of the IR of Iran

persianicons.org / Saeideh Sohrabi
recommended by Darius Kadivar
01-Oct-2012 (2 comments)

Least valued currency

Iran Paidar 1st

Iranian money, Least Valued Currency

Wikipedia / None
recommended by Iran Paidar 1st

Another split

Mardom Mazloom

Tehran split over billions spent by spy chief to prop up Assad regime

The Times / Hugh Tomlinson
recommended by Mardom Mazloom

Ahmadinejad for genocide incitement


Video: Mitt Romney says he would indict Ahmadinejad for genocide incitement

Guardian News
recommended by DemocracyQuest
01-Oct-2012 (one comment)

Exclusive Interview with Syria's Foreign Minister

Roshanak Taghavi

In rare interview, Foreign Minister Walid Moallem says Syria is 'Ready' To Work With New UN Envoy

Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East / Laura Rozen and Andrew Parasiliti
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View From Tehran

Roshanak Taghavi

New Q & A with Acclaimed Artist Parviz Tanavoli on the role of Art In Philosophy and Society

The Huffington Post Arts & Culture / Roshanak Taghavi
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