Hypocrisy! Hypocrisy! Hypocrisy!

Afshin Ehx

The Grand Prix, Western Hypocrisy and the Gulf States

English Pravda / Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
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"Has Ron Paul Sold Out To Israeli Lobby?”

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Ron Paul Shocks Campaign Staff With New Position On Israel

Humble Libertarian / Grace Wyler
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“Where Life is Regarded as Cheap”

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Unplugging Americans From The Matrix

Counter Punch / Paul Craig Roberts
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Short Video: Afghans for Peace Say End the War Now

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Still Killed and Killing in the Lost Afghanistan War

Stop the War Coalition / Lindsey German
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The Bully of the Middle East

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Surprises in the Israeli-Iranian Duel

Middle East Online / Patrick Seale
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“Will the Israel Lobby Scuttle It?”

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A Chance for Peace With Iran

Original Anti-War / Justin Raimondo
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Killing from Far Above

Afshin Ehx

The Rise of the Killer Drones: How America Goes to War in Secret

Rolling Stone / Michael Hastings
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Killing from Far Above

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Stop Obama’s Drone War in Pakistan

Progressive / Matthew Rothschild
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Afshin Ehx

A Rare Admission From Israel

Aljazeera / Teymoor Nabili
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The Washington-Tel Aviv Axis

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Saudi Arabia Dancing to Israel's Tunes

The People's Voice. Org / Kourosh Ziabari
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Prisoners of the Apartheid State

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The Prisoners in Gaza – Their Blackout Nightmare

Common Dreams / Ralph Nader
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Warmongers to Derail Nuclear Settlement

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What Will Obama Do if Iran Says Yes But the Lobby & Congress Say NO?

Huffington Post / MJ Rosenberg
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Warmongers in D.C.

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How Hawks on the Hill Plan to Kill Talks With Iran

Huffington Post / Jamal Abdi
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Short Video: Glenn Greenwald Exposes U.S. Media

Afshin Ehx

Greenwald: Assange Show - Kremlin Propaganda? Look Who’s Talking!

RT / Glenn Greenwald on RT
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