اندر باب ترکان و ادبیات فارسی‌


by aghadaryoosh

به او به ترکی‌ می‌گفتم " ببین، وقتی‌ پای تخته هستی‌ فقط به من نگاه کن، فکر کن داری تنها برای من شعر میخونی‌ و هیچ کس دیگه به جز من تو کلاس نیست. میدونم سخته ولی‌ این دفعه که صدات کرد، فکر کن من صدات می‌کنم و ازت میخوام که این غزل حافظ را برام بخونی‌"

چشمهایش لبریز از اشک بود ولی‌ گریه نمیکرد اما از بالا پائین رفتن استخوان زیر گلویش خیلی‌ آسان میشد فهمید که بغض گلویش را گرفته بود. فکر میکردم اگر یک کلمه دیگر بگویم اشک‌هایش آنچنان سرازیر شود که تمام پهنای صورتش را خیس کند. اندوهگینی او به من هم سرایت کرده بود. همچنین که دستم را روی شانه‌‌اش گذاشتم چندین قطره اشک با شتاب روی گونه‌های بر آمده‌اش غلتیدند. فورا سرش را پائین انداخت، مثل اینکه نمی‌خواست حتی من هم گریه‌اش را ببینم.

هر دو در کلاس تازه وارد بودیم، من از دبیرستان دیگر و او از شهرستان دیگر.روز اولی‌ که دکتر وفا دبیر ادبیات در حاضر غایب کردن متوجه حضور ما شد، اول از او پرسید که پیشتر کجا دانش آموز بوده و او با صدای بلند و لهجه غلیظ و شیرین ترکی‌ و فارسی‌ بسیار کتابی گفت " من از خطه قهرمان پرور آذربایجان در اینجایم" که کلاس از خنده منفجر شد و او شگفت زده از خنده دیگران از شرم رنگ صورتش به سرخی گرأیید.

در زنگ تفریح خودم را به او رساندم. پشت به کنج دیواری، یک پا به دیوار و یک پا بر زمین،غمگین مثل مرغی تنها ایستاده بود.به ترکی‌ به او گفتم" برادر، چرا بهانه به دست دیگران میدهی‌؟" از شنیدن صدای همزبان گل از گل وجودش شکفت و با شادی و مانند غریقی که تخته پاره‌ای در وسط اقیانوس یافته باشد شروع به سوال کردن به ترکی‌ کرد که اهل کدام شهر آذربایجانم؟ گفتمش ترکیم را مدیون مادر بزرگم نه پدر مادر فارس زبان.ناباوری را در چشمانش میدیدم، ولی‌ از پیدا کردن همزبان خوش حال تر از آن بود که بخواهد با کند و کاو در نیاکان من شادی خود را هدر دهد.هنوز جوابی به سوال من نداده بود که پرسش دیگری کردم. "اگر اهل شیراز بودی و کسی‌ از تو میپرسید میگفتی‌ همشهری حافظ و کریم خان زندی؟ و یا از سرزمین گل و بلبل میأیی؟" گفت" مگر ستار خان و باقر خان و حیدر عمو اوغلی ترک و ناجی ایران نبودند؟ من هم از همان آب و خاکم". گفتم "آن هشتاد نود سال پیش بود، در ثانی‌ ستار و باقر و حیدر تو را سننه؟ میبینی‌ که دکتر وفا با شصت تیر به دنبال ترکان است چرا دم گلوله توپ رقاص بازیت گرفته؟ و بدین سان دوستی‌ پایدار ما آغاز شد.

دکتر وفا که خود اهل اصفهان بود و لهجه‌ای غلیظ داشت، دلخوری شدیدی از ترک زبانان و اینکه چرا بایستی نود در صد معلمین ادبیات فارسی‌ از آنان باشند داشت و در دم از همکلاسی ترک زبان من قربانی جدیدی برای خاموش کردن آتش خشم فرهنگی‌ و حرفه‌ای خویش یافت و از آن روز به بعد به محض ورود به کلاس او را به پای تخته میخواند و غزل حافظی به دستش میداد که بخوان. حافظ خواندن او با آنکه جوان بسیار با سواد، کتاب خوانده و کوشأیی بود، کلاس ادبیات فارسی‌ را به خاطر لهجه او به یک فیلم کمدی یک ساعته تبدیل کرده بود ولی‌ در تمام مدتی‌ که شعر میخواند، هرگاه چشم از کتاب بر میداشت، به من می‌نگریست و در چشمان من پشتیبانی و همدلی میخواند با هر نگاه او احساس میکردم پایه‌های دوستی‌ ما محکمتر میشود.

روزی دکتر وفا از دوستم پرسید که برنامه‌اش برای آینده چیست؟ جواب شنید "تصمیم دارم بعد از اتمام دانشگاه در دبیرستان‌های اصفهان ادبیات فارسی‌ تدریس کنم!" و من به علت خنده پر سر و صدا و طولانیم مورد عنایت دکتر قرار گرفتم و از من پرسید "تو هم ترکی‌؟" و جواب شنید " مو ترک شیرازُم، آقای دکتر ِعذابم نده، خواهی‌ بدست آری دل ما رأ؟ جختی خالکوبی هندی هم بلدُم".

وقتی‌ پشت سرم را نگاه کردم، دوست ترکم بفاصله کمی‌ بدنبال من بود بدون اینکه کسی‌ از او خواسته باشد، در اخراج از کلاس نیز یاور من بود.

"نام دکتر وفا عمداً غیر حقیقی‌ ولی‌ هموزن برگزیده شد."


more from aghadaryoosh

Aali bood, MerCee!

by Monda on

Brought back memories of zang enshaa... what was with our moaalem adabiyaat?!  Poor souls were such unappreciated sadists. 


Aghaye Fatollah, thanks for

by aghadaryoosh on

Aghaye Fatollah, thanks for reading and pleasant comment. jakhti means already.


Nazy khnoom, thanks for

by aghadaryoosh on

Nazy khnoom, thanks for reading and your heart warming comment.I don't have good memories of "Zange ensha" either! we had a teacher who was "Al azhar" university graduate and his speeches were so much pollouted with Arabic obscure words that it was really hard for us to understand him, let alone learning from him.



by Fatollah on

delightful story and beautiful memories, thanks for sharing.

by the way,  what does this mean;

? جختی

Nazy Kaviani


by Nazy Kaviani on

A great story, thank you! I think some teachers actually believed that if they broke a young person's spirit, they could teach him or her humility and discipline and somehow mold the youth into something more "worthwhile" than the person's original personality!

I attended Kharazmi High School for girls. In ninth grade, I was extremely sheitoon, so it was quite natural when teachers for subjects I hated such as math, would occasionally kick me out of the class for being loud and naughty. My composition, ensha, however, was quite good. I used to write short stories which my classmates actually liked to listen to during our ensha class. The most significant thing about my participation in this particular class was that I would always show up to this class with my completed homework, looking forward to the hour of instruction.

My ensha teacher used to come in to the class, and after roll call, the first thing he would do was to say: "Kaviani, boro bala," at which point I would get up and step on the raised platform by the blackboard, and read my ensha. He would then say, "Aali bood. Hala boro biroon!" kicking me out of the class because he didn't want to put up with the rest of me! I really wanted to stay and listen to the other compositions and enjoy the one class that I did like, but I couldn't, and the weekly humiliation was really hard on me. Thankfully, the humiliation could never overpower the urge to write in me, but it could have. Thinking about it now, what the heck was that all about?!! How helpless did that teacher feel in managing the class? Why was he the meanest toward the one student whose ensha he didn't want to miss every week? And why didn't I feel close enough to my parents to tell them about the weekly abuse? I don't know.

Anyhow, you had a mean teacher and you guys took good care of him! Good on you! Superb storytelling Aghadaryoosh. Please write more for us.


Some replies.

by aghadaryoosh on

Divaneh jaan, if there is only one person doing it better than me, he is "Bohlool aghel daivaneh nama" thanks for your kind comments and getting the point.

Souri, thanks for getting the point and it wasn't a sad memory after all, I got a great friendship out of it.

Atessa1, Thanks for words of encouragement, Sarafraz va payandeh bashid.

Capt_ahyab, Iran is a nation of different ethnicities, torks, arabs, baloochis and others. saagh ol!

Maziar 58, thanks for reading and the comment.

SamSamIIII and Faridagha, I am not sure if you read my piece or commenting on other comments, but if you did, thank you. 





Lol Maziar

by divaneh on

That cracked me up. Of course Khoboz and Hauvij are very nutritious. The other point about Morrabay Hauvij is that it was even cheaper to make. After all not many sour cherry trees in Khuzestaan.



by SamSamIIII on



On a 2nd note, shouldn,t have berged in aghadariyush blog. Not the place or time for it.


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia

maziar 58

same o... same o...

by maziar 58 on

we had the same things in ahwaz.

But  the one I can still chuckle at till these days was in science class (taghziyeh salem) where you were supposed to  name a few Daily nutrititional items; And this friend named Farraj Baddawi (god I miss him) used it like this : sar shir, morraba,rottab,khoboz.....

And the teacher asked what kind of MORRABA ? 

he replied : HAUVIJ !! With heavy Arabic accent (carrot)...........

And the whole class burst in laughters.

And the teacher said give me another  morraba,he said hauvij again.............

he was full of tears not knowing any others,cause back then you could buy a full  jar of HAUVIJ  for 5 rials and feed the whole family.          Maziar

***ROTTAB : dates

KHOBOZ : Bread


SAR SHIR : whipping cream


عربهأی خوزستانی ایرانی نیستند؟


اگر بخاطر استقامت و پایداری عربهأی ایرانی نبود، عمو صدام همان روزهای اول جنگ تبریز را پایتخت جدیدش اعلام میکرد.



by capt_ayhab on

As much as I endorse your stance, I oppose your rhetoric's, which we have come to that term, with the same vigor that I oppose my Azari Federalist and secessionist friends.

At the expense of being called a pacifist, all this and that, As much right I reserve for my Azari heritage to express its beauty  and to shine, I reserve same right for every nationality to do so.

To defend my Azari linage, is to defend my Parsi heritage, and to defend our Parsi oneness.



Arabs are Iranians

by divaneh on

You are not racist, you are short sighted Captain. I think before you can make such statements you have to define what is Iranian? Iran is nothing but the union of a number of ethnicities and Arabs are as Iranians as any other ethnicity in that coalition. They are probably the most deprived group and the prejudice that you have shown in your comment explains why this has been the case for so many years. Khuzestanis and those who have grown up with Arabs do not see any difference between Persian and Arab Iranians. Xenophobes coming from other areas of Iran of course promote differentiation.

For your information Captain, some of my best friends were either Arabs or had at least one Arab parent (Yes there are a lot of mixed marriages between Arabs and Persians too). I know of many who fought in the Iran-Iraq war and died for this country including some dear friends. Please get your facts right.


Capt, That is not

by SamSamIIII on


Racism but stating the fact about a lineage but mind you I probably phrase it this way not to somehow offend our Arab ham-mihans;

Eventhough Arabs & Azaris are both "Iranians" but between them only Azaris can seek their original lineage & descent from Indoeuropean & Medeo-Persian-Scythian heritage of our founding fathers of Aryenum & Eran-Shahr.

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia


Due respect

by capt_ayhab on

At the expense of being called a racist Azari,  Arabs are not Iranians, while Azari's are.

With our own very rich and beautiful literature and contributions to the Iranian legacy. Shams Tabrizi, Maraghie, Shahriar, Parvin Etesami, Samad Behrani, Jalal AlAhmad.................................. just to name a few.




What is it with literature teachers?

by divaneh on

Excellent story Aghadarioush. No one can sweeten a bitter pill like you do. I have similar memories but with a different ethnicity. In Abadan we had many Arabs in our classes whose first language was Arabic. I still remember how a number of them and one in particular kept being bitten by the literature teacher for his difficulties to learn Persian grammar or difficulty reading Ferdowsi or Saadi poems. Not to mention that they were also disadvantaged when it came to marking the papers.


Just Beautiful !!!

by Atessa1 on

This blog is a marvel. You have a beautiful pen and a talent for telling stories...Looking forward to see more of your writing!

Your memory of this friendship is just wonderful! We all have laughed at some and have been laughed at by some. This is a part of life!

Payandeh Bashid! 



great stroy

by capt_ayhab on

گ گدک داش بولقا

سویی یاشدان بولقا

بیرین سن د بیرین من

توکاخ قان یاش بولقا


"جوادیه اوشاقی"

توفیق. سالها پیش




What a great story!

by Souri on

And unfortunately it is a sad truth!

Something that we have been witnessing in our classes at the school.

I remember a girl from a nearby village, with an strong accent. She was so timid, she didn't want to talk to anybody because the other girls always laughed at her....and the teacher always looked at her like a piece of shit.

Thanks for having spotted our weaknesses.

Such a sad memory.