Iran and Death Penalty

Ahang Rabbani
by Ahang Rabbani

At a time when momentum is gathering across the world to abolish capital punishment, the Islamic Republic of Iran retains the death penalty in its legislation, and currently ranks second for number of executions, after China, and first for per capita executions in the world.


Read the short but forceful report at:  //




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How a person is dealed if he has commiteed Murder or Rape

by Badi19 (not verified) on


Can you provide us a link of Tozihol Masa'el of Hazrat-i-UHJ where we can find FATWAS for different criminals and what kind of punishments are awarded for different kinds of crimes. for eg. Rape, theft, murder, drinking alcohol etc.

Please explain us and oblige.

Reza 41

sad but what else can be done

by Reza 41 on

to protect the society 

in Bahai world what would you do if some  one killed another human being?

just curious.