About military attack on Iran


by ahosseini

religionoutofgovernment: Question to DrBagherzadah with the link

by ahosseini on Sun Dec 11, 2011 01:53 AM PST

یک شعر - عید شما مبارک (خطاب به اوباما) در مورد واقعه هلند و کمپ اشرف

مردم ایران تنها یک دشمن واقعی دارند وآن ‌هم «حکومت ناب محمدی» است."

بر گرفته از: بیانیهء جمعی از شاعران ،نویسندگان و کوشندگان سیاسی برای دفاع از آزادی بیان

دو امضا کننده اصلی ( با پوزش از صاحب سایت, چون ایشان نیز از امضا کنندگان می باشد) این بیانیه آقایان خویی و نوری علا می باشند. جای تعجب اینکه این دو نویسنده شهرت خود را در پیوند با چپ و مبارزات ضد امپریالیستی گروه های چپ کسب کرده اند.

زمانی این دو شاعر و نویسنده خود را مدافع افکار گروه های چپ که جهان را به دو کمپ متخاصم امپریالیسم جهانخوار و اردوگاه سوسیالیسم تقسیم کرده بودند میدانستند.

ولی هضم این ادعا و این استدلال از جانب این دو نویسنده و شاعر( آنهم فیلسوفی همچون آقای خویی) که دشمن دشمن ما دوست ما محسوب میشود بسیار دشوار می باشد.

اینطور به نظر مرسد که این دو نویسنده و شاعر دلبستگی عجیبی به امریکا, اروپا, اسرائیل پیدا کرده و آنان را مدافع و دوست ملت ایران ارزیابی می کنند.

اگر این استدلال غلطی است امید من بر این هست که آقای باقر زاده صریحا اعلام کند که با این دو شاعر و نویسنده موافق نمی باشد.

متاسفانه پیامد چنین استدلالی تایید حمله نظامی و روی کار آوردن یک دولت دست نشانده "یک سکیورالیسم نو نوع وال استرت" میباشد. و دوستان عزیز توجه داشته باشند که این نوع دموکراسی هیچگونه خصومتی با حکومت تبعیض گرای مذهبی نوع اسلامی عربستان سعودی و یهودی نوع اسرائیل ندارد.

اگر این ادعا که دشمن دشمن ما دوست ما محسوب میشود درست باشد پس توجیه این فاجعه انسانی چیست

religionoutofgovernment: I respect your concerns and do apologies if I come across as being divisive as you put it. Just like you I firmly believe in the separation of religion and state, but the element of democracy must be our focal point.

What concerns me is that there are far worse people in secular camp than in some sections of Islamic Green. Bare in mind that Khatami's stance brought Clinton and Albright to the negotiation table with Allbright clearly stating we acknowledge the grievance(in a way apologising for their role in 28 mordad millitary coup) of the Iranian people. However, within the secular camp, some are very much in favour of military invasion which in my opinion has some devastating conseqences.

The very same people who were ralling around Green for a long time, now totally reject Green. They only reject the likes of Gangi and Khatami because the oppose millitary invation, but there is no mention of Sazgara and his gang when they criticise Green, considering Gangi and Sazgara have the same political past.

Military invasion has the same consequences of invasion of Iraq. We are going to see bomb explosions in public places every other day coming most likely from Saudi and Israel or wherever the Iraqi explosions come from. In my view they are the prime suspect as they do it with the intention of killing any democratic movement. In the case of Iraq, Iran is also involved.

Military invasion means killing all institutions of democracy and a long period of bombing campaign and political stagnation in major Iranian cities.

If you want to see the attitude of groups towards democracy, see their attitude while in opposition. If they respect you now, they will respect now, they might respect you when in power. If they don't respect, you stand no chance.

Those who are sponsored by forign powers will only take instructions from forign powers and campaign for military invasion. Those who are for democracy and respect will listen to you, and take instructions from you and go for a proper institution campaigning and overseeing a proper election process.

I am not going as far as considering the superpowers as our enemy. They are not our friends either. They only take the interest of Wall Street members. However, while we don't consider them as friends, we need to coexist and resolve issues through dialogue. In order to progress we need to be independent and independence come from how much we depend on our own people through democratic institutions.

You can clearly see that, since Khamenaei has no support of Iranian people, therefore very recently he bribed Russians with 40bn. That is how it works. The situation would have been different if they did not cheat the election even within their own system.

If you are for military action, just like in Iraq, be prepared to loose members of your family one by one.

I am 1000% agains millitary invation, and will write against it in here for so long as I am to allowed to write.

Masoud: The only common dinominator that we can have is a campaign to set up an assembly for free election. Obviously we can not change the attitude of individual groups. My pressure campaign is just to encourage the members of various groups to ask leaders for accountability. If there is no accountability then the individual makes her/his decision. As for campaign for free election you can not exclude any group as in a free election you can not stop any group from taking part in the election. I personally don't trust many of the political groups. Affiliation to a group should not be a precondition. We can set up registration centres in various parts of US, Canada and Europe, each electing a number of delegates to be elected to oversee the free election process. Seculars who believe in democracy should set up their own independent campain. Others do what they like. But, we should not have a hostyle attitude towards any helping hands in bringing the regime down and that include Green and Reza Pahlavi. We need to use all the resources to bring the regime down. When it comes to election, each fight according to their political stance.

I presume iranian.com can take a very important role in managing this process. This can be done by a committe nominated by members who do not necessarily have to be a registered member of iranian.com.

I do apologies if in my blog came across as divisive as religionoutofgovernment put it.

Believe in a democracy that leaders and representatives are controlled by members at all times.



more from ahosseini

On millitary attack: Dear religionoutofgovernment

by ahosseini on

Sorry for the delay. I was on holiday and had limited internet access.

I don't know how you make all those conclusions from my article. 

Here is the sequence of events:

Mifetros writes to an American senator appealing to US government to bring the Islamic goverment down by means of war. He came up with some stupid arguments like so many thousand get killed every year because of pollution, so many thousands through earthquakes, so many thousands through road accidents. So it does not matter if some people get killed in bringing the regime down by millitary means.

Many people in the opposition including Gangi and Nabavi wrote against the article.

I criticised Mirfetros's article and the letter signed by Nouri Ala, Khoie, our friend JJ (Joke: must have been drunk or sleep when signing this letter) and others arguing that anyone including Gangi had no right to oppose Mirfetros's letter. His letter was absolutely appauling. I was particularly surprised by JJ signing the letter. A week before that he quite rightly opposed Sadegh Saba when he suggested we should IRI's propaganda in the same way as they stop ours.

When I say we should focus on democracy I am suggesting that we should debate these issues. We should set up a democratic institutions to bring the regime down.  It is very dangerous coming from Mirfetros, Khoie (who happens to be quite popular) and Nori Ala directly or indirectly supporting the war. Although Khoie has made one thousands and one contradictory political statements in his political life, his approval of the war can mislead the public opinion and for that reason can be very dangerous. Khoie praises communists and monarchists at the same time and has done that on many occasions.

My argument is that we need to debate about these issues. How you come up with the conclusions that I believe in reforming the IRR, it really makes me wonder. We need to be honest and sincere when we discuss issues. Please let's stick to that code of conduct.

I am quite opposed to Nouri alla's general attitude. Somehow he puts himself above the entire community and claim that people have to support his leadership or else if we don't support his leadership we have commited the act of treason. Who has given him the mandate and through what political process, it really make me wonder. 

A few words about forming a united front against the IRI - People can unite if they have the same aimes and objectives. One aim and objective that unites everyone is the downfall of IRI. We can not possibly have a common program for change, because we don't have common grounds. However, from far right to far left we can take part in a campign to oppose for regimes suppressive policies and call for general election. In the general election various political group will present their manifesto for change and appeal to the public for their vote. I think this is the most sensible solution.

Believe in a democracy that leaders and representatives are controlled by members at all times.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Not in the name of Islam

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am telling you all right now. Do not oppose the regime in the name of Islam. Go for a Secular Regime from the beginning. Or you will be stuck with a version of Islamic Republic for decades.

I will never support an opposition which seeks another Islamic Republic. Why should I? There is already one. People made a mistake of trying just that. Go for it i the name of Islam; remove the Shah; then set up a "democracy". Now we got the result of that mistake.

No way, I would never be willing to repeat that. We got to give up on this Islamic thing. One goal: a Secular Regime;  details are up for negotiation. Islamic means I and many others are not going to even bother to join.



by hirre on

I believe everything can be changed from within given time. I do not think the IR can last as strong forever. In the near future, if Khamenei e.g. dies, I believe it will have a great impact on how the IR will develop itself after his death...

But this belief in change from within also raises an important factor, namely time. How much time can the iranian people sacrifice? History have proven that iranians/persians have got rid of unwanted occupation, but only after hundreds of years...

The point is, if someone is willing to sacrifice a lot of time, then they will see their victory at the end. The problem is that you will probably have to sacrifice a lot of lives and other things at the same time. Look e.g. how much lives, voices, good culture, intellect and iranian good mentality that has been sacrificed during the ~30 years as a result of the IR. Was it worth it?

A slow death might go unnoticed, but it will have its toll... Even though I believe in the fact that change can come within, I do not wish it for Iran because I know it will take longer time than I'm willing to give...


Mr. Hosseini

by religionoutofgovernment on

Thank you for the blog and your response. I clearly see where you are coming from. I respect your opinion although have some questions/disagreement. I also agree with you on many issues.

From my vantage point, I do not see the issue so much as pro or against war. I think everyone assumes that the possibility of a war is very remote. What I see brewing under the hood in all these discussions is a disagreement on whether the regime can or cannot be changed from within. This letter does not call for a war, but it does condemn those who in the name of opposition to war pursue a policy that benefits the regime in the end. 

When you say: " Just like you I firmly believe in the separation of religion and state, but the element of democracy must be our focal point",

it appears to me that you are implying your political strategy in opposing the regime. That is INITIALLY oppose them from within, in the name of Islam, trying to reform them, just like Khatami etc. Then once there is some freedom, fight for more freedoms and eventually achieve separation and religion and state!!

The real difference between you and the writers of the letter is this issue, and not opposition to war. They believe that the regime cannot be reformed. Unlike your above comment, secularism and democracy go hand and hand and  the "element of democracy" cannot be the only focal point. Thinking that democracy can be achieved without secularism is naive. 


Maryam Hojjat

Very Candid & Wise advice

by Maryam Hojjat on

Thanks Dr. ahossieni for your great article.  I hope oppsitions do what you suggested. 


Dawn with IRR/IRI