
by AK69


I would like to suggest that (joon) add a Suggestion Box for members to be able to have a place, suggestible not an actual box but dedicated area of this website, to place suggestions, suggestively, suggestible items, for inclusion in said Suggestion Box.

Additionally, a blog entry category termed “koss o sher” would be the first suitable suggestive action I would take to add to the Suggestion Box. You see “MISC”, irooni neist, na haal na kaif na aziz heechi nemideh, ama ageh suggestion ke man gharare bezaram to oun suggestion box-e ke shoma gholeh inclusion on de site midonam agreeable hastid, in advance …

This would be the perfect inaugural Blog posted under the “koss o sher” category. TIA 


(loyal member since almost yesterday)


more from AK69

Mr. Javid, I was just kidding... LOL

by AK69 on

- But, thank you kindly for the prompt response and consideration thereof.



Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan


A very good start....

by MaziarB on

for a "koss o sher" repository on Right now koss o sher is scattered all over the place and if you stick around long enough you will see it too. One central place for all the junk would be good. Thanks for taking them off our hands and sorry I won't come to visit much.

Multiple Personality Disorder

Per rule

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

Please do not post more than two blogs per day.

Jahanshah Javid

By the way

by Jahanshah Javid on

There's limit of two blogs per day. All bloggers would like equal exposure on Blog Central and if one person blogs too often during the day, it takes space away from others.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks AK69,

Suggestions are good. You can email them or (even better) you can blog them like you have just now and we can have a public discussion. Creating a suggestion box seems unnecessary.