POLL QUESTION: Regime Change in Iran, Yes or No?

POLL QUESTION: Regime Change in Iran, Yes or No?
by AK69


Obama – NO


Dead Man in Photo - Yes

AK69 – YES


more from AK69

@AK69 JooooooooooooooooooooooooooooN

by Qoldor on

Chetori AK69 JooooooooooooooooooN?

Delam barat tang shode bood goftam ye sari behet bezanam. Man az in jaa nemitoonam be har site sar bezanam. Aksare site haa block hastand :-(

Injaa ham shaansi toonestam login konam. Commenteto tooye YT didam.

Ye maache gonde az injaa barat miferestam dooste golam.

 Regarding your Poll Question I'll ony say this much: Is the Pope German? Does bear shit in the woods? lol

 Dorood bar shoma gerami,




did you have to ask

by MRX1 on




by Zulfiqar110 on

That is if by regime change you mean revolution and that the people will change this regime replacing it with a secular, democratic Republic of Iran in its stead, then who other than the most dyed in the wool supporters of the most hardline faction of this regime wouldn't support it? 98% of Iranians in and out support this. No need to take a poll.

On the other hand, if by regime change you have in mind what the Bushite Neo-Con/Straussian, ZioNazi war criminals did in Iraq circa 2003, then take your regime change and shove it!



I vote no, and i wouldn't be

by liberation08 on

I vote no, and i wouldn't be surprised if most people in iran voted no. the wishes of liberal, westernized expats should not be incorrectly ascribed to my compatriots living in iran.

che khabar e

yes, of course

by che khabar e on

but you are wrong about Obama.  :-) 

Maryam Hojjat

Yes, Of course!

by Maryam Hojjat on

Is it a rhoteric?

Down with IRI & his supporters