Birth of the Báb is Celebrated by Baha'is Worldwide


Birth of the Báb is Celebrated by Baha'is Worldwide
by alborz

The worldwide Baha'i community around the world celebrate the birth of Báb on 20th October.

Báb, which literally translates as 'the gate', was a prophet and forerunner of the Bahá'í revelation. Likened to John the Baptist some two thousand years before, the Báb called on people to purify themselves for the coming of the messenger of God. This is asserted to be Bahá'u'lláh who was initially a follower of Báb and through him, the Bahá'í faith was founded.

Although there are many stories of the Báb's childhood and his many good qualities, very little is known of his birth.

He was born on 20th October 1819 in Shiraz, Persia (now Iran) as Siyyid 'Ali-Muhammad. He was the son of a merchant of Shiraz, Siyyid Muhammad-Ridá, and his wife Fátimih-Bagum who were both decedents of the Prophet Muhammad. The Báb's father died when he was very young and he was put into the care of his uncle, Hájí Mírazá 'Alí.

On May 23, 1844, in Shiraz, Persia, the Báb announced the impending appearance of the Messenger of God awaited by all the peoples of the world. Following this announcement, the Báb was persecuted by members of the dominant Muslim clergy in what is now Iran. The Báb was arrested, beaten and imprisoned, and, on July 9, 1850, was executed in the public square of the city of Tabriz. Some 20,000 of His followers perished in a series of massacres throughout Persia.

There is no established tradition in which His birth is celebrated except that this is one of the nine Holy Days on which work is to be suspended. The day is a simple and joyous event that will begin with prayers and devotional readings and develop into some kind of festive social gathering either at home or in a place of worship. The event is celebrated, in the Bahá'í spirit of openness to all.  If you reside in Silicon Valley, you are welcome to attend the celebration on Sunday evening, at 6:30pm, at Quinlan Center, in Cupertino.

Today, visitors at the Baha'i World Center in Haifa, Israel, can visit the Shrine of the Bab, a majestic, gold-domed building where His earthly remains are entombed. 



more from alborz

تاریخ و این

Mini Bab (not verified)

تاریخ و این حرفها که بهالله مجبور شد از ایران فرار کنه افسانست. کدوم اجبار؟ ۱۷۰ ۸۰ سال پیش بجای درس و مشق خوندن به فکر قرتی بازی و شلوار پاچه گشاد پوشیدن بود که خوب تو ایران اون موقع نمی‌شد مجبور شد بره خارج.

همین الانشم اگر دردتون مذهبه که خوب تو همون ایران خدا رو پرستش کنید دیگه. اسلام و بهائ نداره. فرقش چیه؟ نه جونم بگید ما گرین کارد میخوایم، مذهب بهانست.

این همه بهائی تو ایران گفتند خر ما از کرگی دم نداشت و مشغول کار و زندگی شدند، شمام یکیش. شما ها اینجا ادا و اصولتون زیاده. نمونش تو این وبسایت ببینید چقدر چپ و راست قشقرق راه میندازید. از زن حامله نق و نوقتون بیشتره.


چون که


بـهاءالله در سال ۱۸۱۷ در خانـوادهاى از نجـباء و اشـراف ايران تـولّـد يافت خاندانش بسيار ثروتمند و صاحب ضياع و عقار بودند و نسب صحيحشان به پادشاهان ساسانی ميرسيدحضرت بـهاءالله از داشتن مقامى در دربار آنزمان استنکاف ورزيد و از همه ثروت و مزايائى که داشت چشم پوشيد، در عوض مشهور به سخاوت و مهربانى شد و محبوب هموطنانش گشت و چون حضرت بهاءالله حمايت خويش را از آئين حضرت باب اعلان فرمود طولى نکشيد که تمام مناصب و امتيازاتش را از دست داد و در طوفانـى که پـس از اعدام حضـرت باب در ايران برخاست از همه ثروت و مال دنيـا محروم و خود نيز دچار شکنجه و آزار و گرفتـار زندان شد.  سپس چند بار او را تبعيد نمودنداوّلين تبعيدش به بغداد بود که در سال ۱۸۶۳ از همان شهر حضرت بـهاءالله خود را موعود بيان اعلان فرموداز بغداد حضرت بـهاءالله را به استانبول و از آنجا به ادرنه و باﻻخره به عکّا تبعيد نمودندعکّا در اراضی مقدّسه بود و حضرت بـهاءالله بعنوان يک زندانى در سال ۱۸۶۸ وارد آن شهر گرديد

از ادرنه سپس از عکّا  بـهاءالله نامههاى متعدّدى خطاب به ملوک و سلاطين زمان خويش صادر فرموداين الواح در تاريخ اديان بىنظير و از اسناد بسيار مهمّ و پرعظمتى است که در آن حضرت بـهاءالله اعـلان فرمود که تمدّنى جهانى در شرف تکوين است و زمانش فرارسيده که اهل عالم بسراپرده وحدت و يگانگی درآيند و به شاهان و امپراطورها و روساى جمهور در قرن نوزدهم نصيحت کرد که از اختـﻻفات خويش دست بردارند و تسليحات خويش را بحدّ اقل رسانند و در عوض کوشش و امکانات خويش را صرف ايجاد صلح عمومى نمايند.

درگذشت بـهاءالله در بـهجى در سال ۱۸۹۲ در شمال عکّا واقع شد و مزارش در همان جا استقرار يافت.( ۵۶ سال قبل از تولد دولت اسراییل ) تعاليمش کم کم از مرز خاورميانه بيرون ميرفت و در نقاط ديگر منتشر ميشدروضه مبـارکهاش امروز قبله جامعه جهانى بـهائى است



Mona 19


by Mona 19 on

Why Not Iran ??

I don't know why we did n't think about it before?

It makes sense!!!! The cradle of our faith, where The Bab and Baha’u’llah were born, and I am sure not only they let us live in peace, but also they 'll help us in any way they can!!!


چون که قبر

Mini Bab (not verified)

چون که قبر بهالله در اسرائیل هستش پس حتما این که سالهاست میگن اسرأیلی هستند پس درسته. واگر نه خوب اگه تو شیراز متولد شدی خوب تو شیراز هم قبرش کنین دیگه. این همه چراغونی و قرتی بازی تو اسرائل دیگه معنی‌ نداره.


The Execution of the Bab.

by faryarm on

 Dear Jamshid,

Thank you for precis on the execution of the Bab...Here is a dramatic presentation based on eyewitness and written accounts in history.


Please see this excerpt from"Release The Sun"

with an account of the Execution of The Bab In That July 1852










Ali P.

Preposterous claim!

by Ali P. on

"The amount (!) of Bahais killed during the Pahlavi dynasty were more than the Bahais killed during the period of the Islamic Republic."

                                              -Jamhid Niavarani

Don't you love the freedom of speech in cyberspace?


The Hope of Fulfillment

by scb (not verified) on

Dear A-249:

In regard to your statement:
"What I am trying to say is this: The fact that Bab claimed himself to be the reappearing of the 12th Imam of the Shi'a created a situation which was BLASPHEMOUS to the Shi'a Islam followers. There is absolutely NO WAY to go around this. Metaphorically, it's like the 600 pound gorilla in the room. It CAN NOT be ignored."

True! As Baha'is, we ask that "it" not be ignored; we ask that the Mission of the Bab and Baha'u'llah be considered and that after personal consideration each person be allowed to . . ."choose the path to his Lord." No holy wars for us, no compulsion, no jihad. Just choice.

So I ask the question; why should this Claim be labeled "blasphemeous?" Eventually someone must make such a Claim or the hope of fulfillment in Shia Islam becomes mere fable. (Baha'i certainly believe that the return of the 12th Imam is no fable).

Besides the Bab and Baha'u'llah, no one else in history has sustained this claim with such long-lasting global result, to such internationally electric effect! Dear Friend, by your statement it sounds as if the 12th Imam would be doomed by the body of believing Shias, no matter what He did.

This, it turns out was the exact experience of the Bab. For this reason, He willingly gave His life.

The 7 million Baha'is world-wide revere the Bab and simultaneously revere Islam and the 12 Imams. Since by now, most Baha'is come from a non-Islamic background, don't you think this is an astounding achievement?!

I thank everybody here for this gracious, welcoming page. Some day, Inshallah, we will be able to celebrate this day together in Shiraz.


The Bab

by Amazed (not verified) on

I encourage all to read the Writings of the Bab then you will truely know why the Baha'is are celebrating. Here are two excerpts. It sheds light on why the "CLERGY" in Iran did and eventually other places will arise against the Baha'i Faith. As it simply rids mankind from rituals they have imposed for thousands of years.

This is a breath of fresh air in the smoked filled atmosphere of religious dogma.

"The most acceptable prayer is the one offered with the utmost spirituality and radiance; its prolongation hath not been and is not beloved by God. The more detached and the purer the prayer, the more acceptable is it in the presence of God."

"There is no paradise, in the estimation of the believers in the Divine Unity, more exalted than to obey God's commandments, and there is no fire in the eyes of those who have known God and His signs, fiercer than to transgress His laws and to oppress another soul, even to the extent of a mustard seed."

(The Bab, Selections from the Writings of the Bab, p. 78-79)


Dear anonymous Iranian

by Martijn R (not verified) on

(Alborz, I hope you don't mind me picking up this question - if so, chastise me and I wll back off :-))

"So what you are saying is that Bahai religion is an all in one religion."
It's a bit hard to know exactly what you mean with an 'all-in-one religion'. Most (all?) religions aspire to be universal en provide some kind of perspective on other religions. What is clear is that in the Bahai Faith other religions are as a matter of principle viewed from a positive perspective (although not all current practices or interpretations are accepted).

"It also seems to me that from what you are saying Bahais are trying to pick make a piece and tad from every religion to make their religion a universal religion."
Well, individual bahais are not 'picking pieces' or 'making a religion'. The Bab and Baha'ullah claimed divine revelation and proclaimed that all previous revelations were equally valid. So the universal aspect was right there from the beginning. Baha'is take it from there and attempt to apply this principle in their lives (consorting with people from all backgrounds in a spirit of brotherhood) and study other religions in that light (questions like: how can they be all part of a single 'plan' given some seemingly contradictory teachings, practices and traditions)

"Correct me if I am wrong, from what I know Bahais still believe in Koran."
That's right. The Koran is highly relevant for bahais as the most recent major revelation before the Bab, although its specific ordinances are considered to be superceded as from 1848. Baha'i scripture contains many references to the Koran. Can be compared to the relation between new testament and old testament in the Bible.



Alborz: So what you are saying is that..........................

by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on

Alborz: So what you are saying is that Bahai religion is an all in one religion.It also seems to me that from what you are saying Bahais are trying to pick make a piece and tad from every religion to make their religion a universal religion.Correct me if I am wrong, from what I know Bahais still believe in Koran.


More about the Bab

by Jamhid Niavarani (not verified) on

The Bab was executed twice according to the Bahai faith. The first time he was executed by firing squad. After the Qajar soldiers shot him, smoke filled the air and the Bab disappeared. His clothes remained on the ground. The Bab was returned to his prison. When the guards came to find the Bab they saw that the Bab was still alive. They then executed him again.

The Qajar dynasty persecuted the followers of the Bab. The Pahlavi dynasty persecuted the Bahais tremendously.

The amount of Bahais killed during the Pahlavi dynasty were more than the Bahais killed during the period of the Islamic Republic.

And that is why monarchy is forever abolished in Iran.


A Mormon - Faith exemplified in action

by alborz on

... is one of the hallmarks of the Mormons.  I have lived in Salt Lake City and continue to know Mormon families for whom I have tremendous admiration and respect. I can only attribute it to the transformative influence of the LDS church.  For this they are lauded by many.

Baha'u'llah has said: "Consort with the followers of all religions in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship."  It is a standard that we all need to meet while we engage in any discourse, particularly when it relates to one's faith.

This blog, however, is on another subject, and as with other blogs, at risk of being driven off course.  Perhaps this can be avoided.



Dear Mormon; It was not my intention...

by faryarm on

Dear Mormon; It was not my intention to in any way offend, or put down the Mormon Faith but rather to highlight the unique aspects .

of the Bahai teachings as the latest of God's (not the last) Revelations to establish the essential unity of all religions. All religions including Mormon faith teach good values, but god in HIs wisdom has from age to age given mankind new direction as social conditions have changed.

Please feel free to mention the "world encompassing" teachings in the Mormon faith as it relates to solving current issues and events in the world as taught by Joseph Smith, I would be delighted to learn and please dont hesitate to correct me in regard to any of my statements in my previous post.

I happen to have had many Mormon friends and class mates, and  always found their values to be exemplary; however our discussions were limited as it seemed that Mormon belief concentrates on redefining Christianity without addressing other beliefs and religions or addressing in real terms the challenges  humanity has to face in bringing about peace and prosperity in a world that has increasingly falling apart by vanishing standards, corruption, greed ,a world torn by war and hatred.

I believe Baha'u'llah who had no formal education and spent most of His life in Exile as a prisoner has directly addressed these issues along with a blue print for such future undertaking. The Bahai world community and its local, national and international institutions are developing models of what Bahais envisage to become in the future the basis of a truly democratic,system of global governance, where personal power and ambition of religious leaders and ambitious politiciana is replaced  by spiritually mature human institutions where no one person can dictate power or policy.

Please accept my apologies as this is not about proving superiority of any ideology, but simply the statement of facts.





Re: faryarm

by A Mormon (not verified) on

I have read your reply below, and I have to say that I fundamentally disagree with your premises:

The Mormon Religion is very World Encompassing, and I dare to say that perhaps there are about as many Mormons throughout the World as there are Bahai'is, if not more.

Having said that, I recommend that you read The Book of Mormon first before making such outlandish statements about Mormonism. I always thought that Bahai'is, very much like Mormons, being a minority, would show more sensitivity to others because of their persecution. However, your statements here,unfortunately, belie that.

Next time, when you choose to make a statement about other religions, whether that is Mormonism or for that matter any other, please take the time to study them first before rendering an opinion. This would be greatly appreciated - Thank you


Bahais are becoming expensive for the IRI.

by Faramarz_Fateh on

First of all, congratulations to all the Bahais worldwide for the anniversary of this great occasion.  If one believes in organized religion, there is no question in my mind that the Bahai faith is the one and only religoin (teachings) for this day and age.

For people like me who do not believe in organized religion, we say live and let live.  For the paid agents of the IRI whose sole mission is to misinform the public, especially the Iranians outside Iran, about Bahais and the Jews, writing anti Bahai blogs is just a job.

Fortunately or unfortunately they, time after time, fail so miserably at their job that it leaves me wondering why the IRI pays them!  This job is certainly not rewarded based on performance.



ebi amirhosseini

Dear Alborz

by ebi amirhosseini on


 Celebration for the Birth of the Bab in VA. Sunday 10/19.



Narrow , Superficial and Simplistic Comparison

by faryarm on


Dear Religious Scholar..

Your comparison of The Bahai Faith with the Mormon movement shows a narrow if not a fundamental lack of knowledge about the history and teachings  of Bahai faith .

A simple look at the Principles of the Bahai Faith will prove the point , not to mention that, the Bab and Baha'u'llah  ushered a whole new cycle for humanity; The Morman belief is essentially a continuing   reformist movement within Christianity; whereas the Bahai Faith proclaims the progressive nature of religion in each age and the common foundation of all religions and their essential unity under One God.

 There is no doubt that Smith was influenced by the messianic currents of his time and his study of Biblical Prophecy; however, as the events of the last 160 years have shown ,His writings  no where compare with the influence and the spiritual potency of the Babi-Bahai revelation, where the future life of mankind and its ordered life  has been  so amazingly set out as a new charter for a Global Civilization.

How can you possibly compare the relevance and the vibrancy of a worldwide faith whose every single teaching address and answer the burning issues of every individual on the planet?

Can you please quote Joseph smith’s teaching about Race unity, Religious Unity, Equality of Men and Women, Universal education, Science and Religion, Extremes of Poverty and wealth and economic justice, World language, The Environment, World Commonwealth, World Legislature, Global security, Global communication  and many more needing a life time of study !

The Bab's appearance  as a fulfilment of Islamic prophecy, as the Qaim made a clean break with the past and abrogated the outdated laws of Islam, which led to violent opposition by the Shia Clerics.

I am sure that if you are serious about the subject, you would try to make a deeper study of The Bahai Faith, then you would surely realise the sheer immensity of this Revelation, which ever since its appearance has exponentially changed the life of mankind; a process which world events  are  daily confirming and proving correct every one of Baha'u'llah prophecies about the urgency and the need for personal  spiritual growth and Global unity and many more needing a life time of study .

"THE world’s equilibrium hath been upset through the vibrating influence of this most great, this new World Order. Mankind’s ordered life hath been revolutionized through the agency of this unique, this wondrous System—the like of which mortal eyes have never witnessed." 


“We are indeed living in an age which, if we would correctly appraise it, should be regarded as one which is witnessing a dual phenomenon. The first signalizes the death pangs of an order, effete and godless, that has stubbornly refused, despite the signs and portents of a century-old Revelation, to attune its processes to the precepts and ideals which that Heaven-sent Faith proffered it. The second proclaims the birth pangs of an Order, divine and redemptive, that will inevitably supplant the former, and within Whose administrative structure an embryonic civilization, incomparable and world-embracing, is imperceptibly maturing. The one is being rolled up, and is crashing in oppression, bloodshed, and ruin. The other opens up vistas of a justice, a unity, a peace, a culture, such as no age has ever seen. The former has spent its force, demonstrated its falsity and barrenness, lost irretrievably its opportunity, and is hurrying to its doom. The latter, virile and unconquerable, is plucking asunder its chains, and is vindicating its title to be the one refuge within which a sore-tried humanity, purged from its dross, can attain its destiny.

“Soon,” Bahá’u’lláh Himself has prophesied, “will the present-day order be rolled up, and a new one spread out in its stead.” And again: “By Myself! The day is approaching when We will have rolled up the world and all that is therein, and spread out a new Order in its stead.” “The day is approaching when God will have raised up a people who will call to 18 remembrance Our days, who will tell the tale of Our trials, who will demand the restitution of Our rights, from them who, without a tittle of evidence, have treated Us with manifest injustice.”

Shoghi Effendi


I doubt Joseph Smith, ever claimed or demonstrated such Global vision.




Thank you....

by alborz on all of you who have conveyed your kind greetings, astute questions, respectful comments and words of encouragement.  It is indeed heartwarming.

Thanks again,


The celebration of this holy day at Quinlan Center, in Cupertino, California, is open and free to all, and promises to be a joyful occassion.  It will begin at 6:30pm, on Sunday 10/19.


Anonymous Iranian - "Prophecy Fulfilled"

by alborz on

The station of Siyyid Ali Muhammad, The Bab,is unique in religious history. The Bab told His followers that soon the common prophecy, foretold in religious scripture, would be fulfilled and that they should turn to He Whom God Shall Make Manifest, or Man-Yuzhiruhullah. 

For Bahá'ís of Zoroastrian background, Bahá'u'lláh is considered as Shah Bahram, an apocalyptic figure who had been the focus of Zoroastrian hopes for a restoration of their religion after the Arab invasions. When Bahá'u'lláh wrote to Zoroastrians, he used pure Persian with no admixture of Arabic words.

To the Jews He is "neither more nor less than the incarnation of the "Everlasting Father", the "Lord of Hosts" come down "with ten thousands of saints"; to Christendom Christ returned "in the glory of the Father"; to Shi’ah Islam the return of the Imam Husayn; to Sunni Islam the descent of the "Spirit of God" (Jesus Christ)... to the Hindus the reincarnation of Krishna; to the Buddhists the fifth Buddha."

The nineteenth century,and more specifically 1844, the year in which the Bab declared His station, was the year in which millenialist had expected religious prophecy to be fulfilled. So the association that "Religious Scholar" makes below is founded on this fact and no more.  Drawing of parallels, as attempted below, neglects the fundamentals of the Baha'i Faith and does not contribute to a better understanding of its station as an independent world religion, nor establish its relationship with past dispensations.



Samsam1111 now consider, this!

by Anonymous-Iranian (not verified) on

I think you are "Ommatist" yourself. You are a hateful specimen. Is there somthing that you are not against???


Considering !

by samsam1111 on

that most early converts to Bahaism in 19th century were Zorosrians in Yazd & Sepahan..etc , it,s pretty clear that wether one agrees with their message or not, they are definitly more "Iranian" than their Ommatist opponents . So, go celebrate what ever the heck you want, since it,s YOUR country & mullahs are the temporary guests. Cheers!!!


To: All Our Bahai Friends

by Anonymous - 249 (not verified) on

The root of the persecution of the Bahais in Iran is the fact that Bab claimed to be the reappearing of the 12th Imam (Mehdi) of Shi'a Islam.

As we all know, Mirza Husayn Ali Nouri (Bahau'llah) accepted that claim, and further claimed himself to be that greater prophet whom Bab had prophesied would come after him.

What I am trying to say is this: The fact that Bab claimed himself to be the reappearing of the 12th Imam of the Shi'a created a situation which was BLASPHEMOUS to the Shi'a Islam followers. There is absolutely NO WAY to go around this. Metaphorically, it's like the 600 pound gorilla in the room. It CAN NOT be ignored.

Arash Monzavi-Kia

Dear Alborz

by Arash Monzavi-Kia on

Happy holy day to you and all the people of Bahai faith, Iranian and American alike. Although born a Shia Muslim, I greatly admire your peaceful creed and humanistic messages.  

Arash M-K


Dear 'Anonymous iranian' (Re: Your Inquiry)

by Religious Scholar (not verified) on

A couple of months ago, a lady who is active on this site named "Souri" posed a question in an article on Bahaism on whether Jehovah's Witnesses and Bahaism were similar. I provide the answer below which went beyond the obvious comparison, but to the actual beginning of the Bahai Faith. I am reposting it for your benefit. I hope you find it useful:

"I read your initial inquiry, and the two (2) religions that are somewhat similar are 'Bahaism' (The Bahai Faith) and 'Moromonism' (The Mormon faith). Not the 'Jehovah's Witness'.

Both Bahaism and Mormonism came about in the early part of 19th century. For Mormonism, its founder was Joseph Smith. The Mormon Faith is also called the 'Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints'. Or for short, the 'LDS Church'.

You have to understand one thing: With 'Mormonism', Joseph Smith, its founder, claimed that he had a new revelation from God regarding the Christian Church. With Bahaism, Mirza Hossein-Ali Nouri (who later called himself 'Bahaullah') said that he was the fulfillment of a new revelation from God as described by 'Bab'. Bab, who was the initiator of 'Babism' in Iran, claimed that he was the re-appearnce of the twelfth Imam of Shia Islam. He proclaimed that a Greater Prophet would come after him (Bab). Later on, Mirza Hossein-Ali Nouri claimed himself to be that Prophet, and changed his name to 'Bahullah'.

I know that it can get confusing, but just remember one thing: There are many people, especially in the West, who believe that Bahaism and Mormonism have had both 'direct' and 'indirect' influence on one another. They both came about the same time. Both Joseph Smith and Mirza Hossein-Ali Nouri claimed that they had a new revelation from God. And finally, they are both off-shoots of already established religions: in the case of Mormonism, Christianity; in the case of Bahaism, Islam (through what Bab claimed). Bahasim does not exist but through its link to Islam through 'Bab' (Again, who claimed that he was the re-appearance of the twelfth Imam of the Shia Tradition) - That's the foundation of Bahaism's credibilty

There is one other thing that you have to understand: Both Bahaism and Mormonism have a form of Missionary Program that is somewhat similar. With Mormonism, every male that reaches the age of 19, has to go on a Missionary Trip for two (2) years. There is, as I understand, a program of Missionary work also for The Bahais.

I hope that has clarified things for you

P.S. One last point: both Mormonism and Bahaism are considered sacrilege by Christianity and Islam, respectively. That is the primary root of the persection of both faiths."

Mona 19

Dear Anonymous iranian ...

by Mona 19 on

Bahai faith is an independent religion with new spiritual and social teachings for our time.

In the past, some scholars referred to the Bahai faith as a "sect" of Islam, owing to the fact that its founder and eary followers emerged from an Islamic society.

Such a reference would be equvalent to calling Christianity a "sect" of Judiasim. Although Jesus Christ was indeed born a Jew, but his teachngs went far beyond a simple reinterpratation of the religious system in which he emerged.

In the same way , Baha'u'lah laid entirely new spritual foundations. His writings are independent scripture, and his work transends that of a religious reformer.

The independent nature of the new Faith was first proclaimed during the Conference of Badasht in 1848 when a group of the followers of the Bab (the Herald of the Baha'i Faith), gathered in the hamlet of Badasht in North East Iran.

Respectfully,Mona ;)


Dear Mr. Amirhosseini, and K aziz...Best Wisehs to you and your loved ones. Have a Happy Autumn.

Warmest regards,Mona ;)


ebi amirhosseini

Dear Bahai Firends...

by ebi amirhosseini on

Happy Bab's birthday to all of you.Hope one day you can celeberate this day freely in motherland,Iran.

best wishes


Happy Bab's Birthday to all my...

by Khar on

...Baha’i friends! With best wishes and hope that one day perhaps in our life time to see his birthday celebrated in his land of birth all over Iran!


So bahais are acually Shia

by Anonymous iranian (not verified) on

So Bahais are acually Shia ,but their only difference is that they do not have religious leaders and the Shia's 12th Imam has already appeared and he is their leader.


A Virtual Visit to the House of the Bab-

by faryarm on

To Bahais, this is th place and the point where the Bab declared his mission and purpose to his guest., that He indeed was the Promised  one awaited by the Muslim faithful; he then proceeded to offer the kind of proof that astonished His guest.

Sadly, what you see here is no longer. it was raised to the ground in 1979 by the IR thugs, and a mosque built in its place. Apart from being a beautiful example of eighteenth century Persian architecture, it was a place when  one day Iranians will rebuild in confirmation of His mission and teachings.

Only if the nation Knew now ! 

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

Any longer, and chances are, many would not bother reading this piece.

Any shorter, and you may have skipped some  important information.

Thank you for introducing us to your faith, without overwhelming us with slogans. Please write again.

Ali P.