1/3 - Iran & The West: The Man Who Changed The World


by Ali.Sanaei

Militant Islam enjoyed its first modern triumph with the arrival in power of Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran in 1979. In this series of three programmes, key figures tell the inside story.

Former US president Jimmy Carter talks on television for the first time about the episode that, more than any other, led American voters to eject him from the presidency. Iran's seizure of the US embassy in Tehran and the holding of its staff for 444 days took more and more of Carter's time and energy. His final days in office were dominated by desperate attempts to secure the release of the embassy hostages. Those who sat in the White House with him, planning how to rescue the hostages, how to negotiate their release and, finally, wondering whether anything could be rescued from the disaster, all tell their part in the story.

Other contributors include former vice president Walter Mondale, ex-deputy secretary of state Warren Christopher and former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski. The other side of the story is told by top Iranians: Ayatollah Khomeini's close adviser, Grand Ayatollah Montazeri; his first foreign minister, Ebrahim Yazdi; his negotiator with the US, Sadeq Tabatabai; and the founder of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, Mohsen Rafiqdoust.

Part (1) - Episode 1

Part (2) - Episode 1

Part (3) - Episode 1

Part (4) - Episode 1

Part (5) - Episode 1

Part (6) - Episode 1

آدرس وبلاگم: //yansoroon.sanaei.com



more from Ali.Sanaei
Shazde Asdola Mirza

wtg ali agha: high quality. many thanks for your troubles

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

S.A.M (an official Khar Vazir)


Iran & the West

by Kayhani (not verified) on

It was well put together to cover up the action of foreign powers in changing the Iranian Government.However the key persons were not interviewed,like Ambassador Sullivan, Sadegh Ghotbzadeh.( he is dead, but his interviews by many U.S. and European reporters for few years are available). Also few questions were not answered in this 6 part clips, questions like:

1- Who ordered to the Shah, to kill the oppositions, and at the same time reminding him (the Shah) about the Human rights?
2- Who provided the Shah returns in his first departure?
3- Who made the decisions for Shah's 2nd departure?
4- Who ordered the Shah to leave Iran?
5- What was role of Ambassador Sullivan in Shah's departure, what did he promise the Shah when he went to see him with General Robert Huyser?
6- Farah Pahlavi has answers to these questions,and has been silent for 30 years. WHY?
5- Who ordered to remove the anti aircraft missiles,(AAA)installed by the Air Force and the Royal Gaurads from the vicinity of the Mehrabad Airport, during return of the Imam?
6- Who guaranteed, the safety of the Air France Crews and the Airplane,for not getting shut down from skies over Iran?
7- How Shah all of sudden dies? (was it a mock up)?
8- Who ordered to Saddam to attack Iran after death of Shah?
9- Who supplied the Nerve gas,Mustered gas to Saddam's Army?
10- Who was visiting the Baghdad on steady trips, to make sure that Saddam is capable using the provided chemical weapons effectively on Iranian soldiers?
11-What country was using Tabbas Airport to help Afghans gorillas against the Soviet military, by providing shoulder, Anti Aircraft,and Anti Tank missiles, motorcycles,maps,cash money,guns,and ammunition?
12- What was on board those helicopters left behind on Tabas Airport?
13-Who destroyed the evidences by ordering to bomb the Tabbas Airport (the day after) after Carter announced the American Military failure in Tabbas, to sponge the secret Afghan projects?
14- How many foreign spy agents were on board the Air France with Imam, or later arrived to join his government, and kept spying for foreign agencies. (too many)


BBC and Ms. Golnoush Gulshani should re-interview Mr. Zbigniew Brzezinski and ask him these questions. Then,perhaps we can see the picture much, much more clear,than these 6 part clips has offered.


Thank you

by mehrban (not verified) on

Thank you for sharing this footage. I would not have otherwise seen it. The extent of America's involvement in the defeat of the Shah's government has always been hazy, This sheds some light on it. However there are accounts that the role of America was significantly larger that the reactive stance that is proposed here. Any ideas?



by BobbiD (not verified) on

Thanks for the upload. Damn BBC won't let users outside of the UK view the program on their website. Though I have nothing but contempt for the Shah's brutal regime, this program really brings to light some of his struggles, doubts and perhaps regrets. I think it really gives a very objective unbiased view of that whole era, though plenty of details were submitted. Hopefully, the mullahs will be gone soon reining in real democracy, and we could sit back and marvel at our turbulent and amazing history. Thanks again!

Darius Kadivar

Just Saw this Episode on French TV ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Very Good Documentary with interviews of all the actors of this Shakesperean Tragedy ...

Also Imperial Navy Officer Habibollahi and Ardeshir Zahedi are interviewed.

Very interesting footage too. Painful but necessary to watch. The last part will be aired here in France tomorrow night at 23: 00 PM on FR3.


Thanks for sharing.