Android and Persian Fonts

by alimostofi

I have been waiting for ages to see an app for Persian fonts in the Andriod Market.  There isn't one.  Can some whizz kid sort this out please?


more from alimostofi

You can type on this site

by alimostofi on

You can type on this site with an Android if you download Opera Mini for free from the Android Market. So I am able to type this message. But I cannot read the Persian articles. The fonts come up as boxes.

It is rediculous to see the Android platform embrace all the languages that are not as prominent as Persian on the Blogosphere and ignore Persian.

It is clear that Persian was available on the old phones that did not do social networking that well and were non touchscreen. So people could read but not reply easily.

Nowadays people react quickly from Facebook and they can only type in Persian if they get a Persian app from Apple. Apple is not cheap.

Android is cheap and so many use Android. Putting a touch type keyboard on an Android phone is not easy as the code for Android does not do Persian or Arabic. But it does do Hebrew.

So what is it with the folks at Google? Three years and still nothing. Kordestani why aren't you doing something about this?

Are we forced to think in terms of conspiracy theories?

check this link

Ali Mostofi
