Astrology of Sun in Aban or Scorpio and Moon in Khordad or Gemini 2012.

Astrology of Sun in Aban or Scorpio and Moon in Khordad or Gemini 2012.
by alimostofi

Astrology of Sun in Aban or Scorpio and Moon in Khordad or Gemini 2012.


The Moon went from Ordibehesht to Khordad about an hour ago. We had the mid autumn full moon. It landed on our King's Birthday. So folks we will have huge changes for our King and Iran this year.

Watch everything change. It will be tough but a good tough. He will and Iran will be forced to make harsh practical decisions. Enough talk. We will make radical changes. You saw the storm in US. Oh yeah.

But now we have the Moon in jolly Gemini or Khordad. Use your Kherad. Get thinking and communicating. As you know Jupiter is in Gemini and when the Moon gets close to Gemini tomorrow you can push your luck. And the US needs it. Communication systems should be better.

The overall background angles are tough as my stockstars report has found. So just be very much in the here and now, no matter what your deep passions would be.

Exciting love will come your way as Venus makes opposition to Uranus and the makes good angles to both of them. So take that plung and be cupid. Go for it. Tell a stranger I love you.

Life is to be lived and simple words can light up amazing brightness in these dark days of November. 


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