Astrology of Sun in Mehr or Libra and Moon in Day or Capricorn 2012.


Astrology of Sun in Mehr or Libra and Moon in Day or Capricorn 2012.
by alimostofi

Astrology of Sun in Mehr or Libra and Moon in Day or Capricorn 2012.


The Moon was in Azar or Sagitrarius in the past couple of days and you should have made some new discoveries. Discoveries are based on what you see are your meaning in life. It can be your simple philosophy or your fanatical religious belief. It is not logic or reason. That is Khordad on the other side of the galaxy.

Now the Moon has moved into Day and the word Din or Deity comes from it. It is a good time now to tell you about how all this space time system works. The reason is that you need to learn to deal with the long term issues now. Now you have to deal with them or else it will deal with you.

Get your calendar out and look at what horrible things have happened and you have not faced. I know we can't be bothered but it is better to face it before it shows its ugly head when you don't expect it. If you look at the chart the Sun is approaching Saturn in four days. Saturn deals with long term future outlook issues you need to be disciplined about.

You need to think what is it my boss wants from me. Or what it is my business wants from me. We are talking social obligations. All that research you just did should now give you the belief or philosophy to answer that question. It is a pain we all hate it but you need to get rid of anything that stops your life from moving forward. Right now the Moon is just where it should be for you to make huge changes. The Moon is very close to Pluto in Day or Capricorn.

So this week end is not a relaxing family type week end. It is a business week end. Make the most of it and really fill your long term diary with clear goals and objectives for the next year or more. Yes look that far ahead. The energy now it the sort that will give you foresight to the future in practical career matters. So plan plan plan. Just plan.


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