The Ayatollah's UK Publicist.


by alimostofi

Iran 'successfully blocks cyberattack on the computer network' - Middle East - World - The Independent:


Who's side are they on?
I just read this headline, and was expecting, an Ayatollah Publicist's news service. But no it is The Independent newspaper. So the next question that comes to mind is, "who's side are they on?" Is it really news, when people will suffer from that news? Here we are trying to fight the Ayatollahs, and we read this.

The Definition
"The third aspect of a publicist's job is to shape "stories" about their clients at a time that fits within a media outlet's news cycle." ~ A Publicist as defined by Wikipedia

The Ayatollah says it is not his fault.
If you go to Iran, and speak to anyone, they will tell you that the British press keeps the Ayatollahs in Iran. If you speak to an Ayatollah he will say that it is not his fault that the British press write about him. But he is very grateful.

So who's fault is it?
We Iranians always blame the Brits. But really it is the British press, that refuses to help the Iranians. In this instance, and many before, and many many more reports to come, will always refer to the Ayatollahs as Iranians. I have blatantly told members of the press in their face, and they just carry on. It is reckless.

Isolating Iranians instead of Ayatollahs.
If the press truly isolated the Ayatollah activities from those of the Iranian people, the situation in Iran would change at a very fast pace. But they will never do that. Their job is to keep labeling Iran and Iranians, in the same way as the awful doctrines of Ayatollahs. It is a bit like labeling all of the British people the same way as the awful doctrines of some British politicians. Case in point was when the people of Iran told the British press via Twitter, that they do not recognize the regime's 2009 "elections". But the British press still decided to call that Ayatollah a "Spiritual Leader", and that lackey of his a "President".

Freedom for the meaning of the word "Iran".
The most humble bloggers like me can do, is to moan, and hope for the best. The power of the British media is immense. The moment they decided to tell the world that these aliens in Iran are "Presidents" or "Spritual Leaders", the whole world, apart from the Iranians, believed it to be true. And in the future, the moment they decide, not to mix Iranians with Ayatollahs and their army of killers, is the moment the meaning of the word "Iran" will be free in the free press of the world.

Source of the original article: //


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