Pretending to be Iranian

by alimostofi

You will hear that The Hezbollah Party in Iran has just stopped a US drone.


Aything to justify to the Iranian nation, that they have the best interest of Iran in hand. Sounds like the Iran-Iraq war?

That is exactly what happens, when a bad government wants to get the blessing of the people. We Iranians must treat them as the Afghans have treated The Taliban.

Once we call them aliens, and point out their bases, then they cannot pretend to be Iranians. They kill Iranians first.


more from alimostofi

Iran and Proselytizing.

by alimostofi on

VPK: Kartir ......

Well actually I was thinking as Kartir would have. He killesd a lot of Iranians who converted to Christianity and other beliefs. Just wanted to know who converted the Iranians. We all know about Mani. But which Christian priest went around proselytizing. That is what then got Islam started.

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


  • Alimostofi: I don't know about apostes. I reject the whole idea because people are free to chose their religion or none. But I think you meant Salman Farsi the real one you mean..
  • Salman: I am not the cause of your  damnation. I think Allah is imaginary or manifestation of devil. In the first situation it is not real and not able to damn you. In the second case its worship gets you damned not the other way.


VPK: Apostate .... Who would

by alimostofi on

VPK: Apostate ....

Who would you say was the first Apostate of Iran?

Ali Mostofi



salman farsi

Converted Brothers Ali and VPK

by salman farsi on


Thank God brother VPK that you are not my teacher. I would have been eternally damned if you were. As for brother (converted to self mmde zorasterian Ali) I have discovered that you are a seyyed via your mother. Is this why you hate Islam. I thought hate is not a zorasterian thing.

For an Islamic democracy

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Maryam

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Thanks I know and we got to do something about it. The only real fix I see if a total rejection of Islam. It has to be an overwhelming heart felt rejection. Do that and we are released. Otherwise half measures will not do.

Regarding the Palestinians. I am not sure why but Palestinians are really good at making enemies. Anyone with a brain knows you don't ask an Iranian to speak Arabic. Is this family trying to alienate Iranians?  Was it not bad enough to side with Saddam.

I used to feel bad for them really bad. But their actions over and over changed me. I am not anti Arab racist. But I want my nations to be Iran; Persian speaking and respectful of our history. Is that too much t o ask if it is then too bad!


MH: Tolerance ..... Iranian

by alimostofi on

MH: Tolerance .....

Iranian philosophy is all about tolerance. Iranians around the world are known for their manners. We can tolerate anyone who does not pretend.

The Hezbollah Party in Iran pretends to be Iranian and kills Iranians. Then you have them pretending to represent Iran at UN. But worse than all of this, is USA and UN treating them as Iranian.

This whole Nuclear saga was created to make them appear to have Iran's best interest at hand. How can we tolerate that?

Ali Mostofi



Maryam Hojjat

VPOK, Your brother is Right

by Maryam Hojjat on

 All Arabs had known IRAN has been occupied for second time after Ghadesieh.  After 1979 Anghelab I met a Palestanian couple who asked me " why do not you persians start to talk Arabic?).  I was absolutely disgusted since at that time I did not know we were occupied by these bastard Arab Zadehs who lived in our sleeves for centuries and we IRANIANS norish them and let them do their dirty work.

I agree with all of you even Fesenjoon. Iran is occupied by Islamists. The people who invaded 1400 years ago. My brother once said: they never left Iran and are still there.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am not a "convert" to Zoroastrian. My ancestors were Zoroastrian. For a few generations we pretended to be Muslim. Because we preferred not to be murdered by Islamists. Now in America I don't need to pretend to be a Muslim. 

Now I  am sorry but you don't know what you are talking about. Or you do know but are deliberately trying to mast mali things.

  • Barmigozinam means "I Choose". It is no superficial rather very deep. 
  • Islam is "submit or die". 

If you stopped "balghooring" Arabic and learned a few things in Persian I would not need to do all this explanations for you. But I am not your teacher and this conversation is between Alimostfi and I. 


VPK: Ancient democracy was

by alimostofi on

VPK: Ancient democracy was in fact based on the concept of Free Will. Avesta uses the word "Gozinesh". It means choice. Or as Protagoras said "Man is the measure of all things".

Ali Mostofi



salman farsi

There is no compulsion in accepting Islam

by salman farsi on



Brother (converted to zartoshti) Ali and (same) VPK


If we go by your superficial intepretation of free will then ALL religions are free spirited brothers. See these verses:

بسم الله الرحمن ا لرحیم

( لا اکراه فی الدین قد تبین الرشد من الغیّ )



For an Islamic democracy

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yasna 28-2 if I am not mistaken.  Here is a Farsi version unless you know Avestan.



VPK: can you point out the

by alimostofi on

VPK: can you point out the exact chapter in Yasna please.

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


What I read in Avesta does promote independent thought. One must "with an open heart and mind" (best translation I am able to do) accept it. Zoroastrianism may not be forced on anyone because it requires thought. 

That puts it aside from Abrahamic religions which require submission. In other words you are right!  

As a footnote: I put more credence in Gathas than the younger Avesta.


VPK: well said. ... Can we

by alimostofi on

VPK: well said. ...

Can we talk about the places where Free Will is mentioned in Zend-Avesta.

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Whatever about orders it does not matter; no one takes orders from anyone. 

Religion fries or rots the mind. Because it goes against reason. Islam is the worst of them because it wants total submission. When you submit you don't think. If you think and reach a different result then you get condemned to death. Here are some:

  • What if I reasoned and decided there is no Allah.
  •  Or that there is a God and a Devil and Islam was not sent by Devil. In order to deceive and ruin people. Think about it Devil is tricky and lies. Why should he not  make up a religion. Have then pretend it was from God. Think about it.
  • I still don't understand why you insist on speaking Arabic all the time. You are proving the point we are saying about Iran being occupied.

Iran is still occupied by Arabic speakers and those loyal to Islam. The majority do not want this and regain their rights. One day Iranian people are going to reject this ***. Forced conversion to Islam will be reversed. Jews of Isfahan will reclaim their heritage. As will Zoroastrians; Christians and others. Safavids pushed Shai on people by force and ignorance. The force is there but the ignorance is gone. When the force is removed there will be a flight away from Islam as you never saw before.

salman farsi

Brothers salamon alaikom

by salman farsi on



Sorry for the short replies but I need to prepare the family for "sineh-zani" on these saddest of days of Tasu'a and Ahura.


Brother VPK

I never order any one around. I only ask a rquest. I know that here is not the Islamic republic. This is why i hope you brothers will listen to reason.


Brother Fesenjoon number 2


First the Iranian regime is a shame for shiites and secondly the do all those thing that yoy say because of their belif system - nit because of their iraanianess. You answered you own question brother.


Brother Religion out of government,


I am happy that you found me entertaining but I am not sure what yo mean by frying brains. I am hoping that today after sineh-zani they give us some rich dish of gheymeh polo but after I read your comment I wish they give us khoraak - maghz. I rememebr you brother. 

vasslaaam o ala men attaba'elhoda. 

For an Islamic democracy


Brother Salmon

by religionoutofgovernment on

Unlike some people who find you annoying, I value your presence for 2 reasons. Firstly, you are highly entertaining. That is more than I can say about some others on IC. Secondly, you constantly remind us why religion is bogus and how it fries your brain. Thank you brother!


hey salman

by Fesenjoon2 on

If "Iranianness has nothing to do with belief" then why is the Shia regime of Iran driving out Bahais, banning Sufis, pressuring Sunnis, and treating all minorities like shit? Why do they burn Christian bibles, deny the existence of Mandaeans, and humiliate Iranian Jews by supporting Nazi groups and demonizing them?


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Go on; stomp your feet  no one is taking orders from you!  I know you are used to giving orders. But this is not the Islamic Republic.

People were willing to live with Islamists once: not any more. 


salman farsi

Sorry to disappoint you brothers

by salman farsi on


but IRANIANNESS has NOTHING to do with your belief system.Whethers you are a hezbollahi, basiji, zartoshti (even with a mulsim name like Ali), commie, kiani, massadeqi, pahlavist, MKO .... they are IRANIAN. Now stop this nonsense. 


Brother Ali,


Did you say you hear small voices? 

For an Islamic democracy

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

I agree with all of you even Fesenjoon. Iran is occupied by Islamists. The people who invaded 1400 years ago. My brother once said: they never left Iran and are still there.

The inevitable conclusion is this. Iran is occupied. No different than Vichy France. Therefore anything goes in removing IRI. It makes no sense "to fight" to preserve the IRI. In fact a patriotic Iranian has all the reasons to fight to remove the Islamic Republic.

There is a note of caution I will add. An enemy or my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Before siding with a group make sure they are really your friends.


F: thank you for your

by alimostofi on

F: thank you for your comment.

Ali Mostofi




Thank You both

by Fesenjoon2 on


You are right.

Iran is occupied indeed.

And the occupying forces want war to become like their lord Hosayn. 


Stop using the word "Iran".

by alimostofi on

M: How are you dear friend? .......

When scientists discover a new virus, they all agree to call it by the same name. That is where we went wrong. That is what I say. Maybe it is because that is what Princeton Palaeontology taught me. But if we all use the correct terminologies, we will win the propaGANDa war.

The Hezbollah Party in Iran wants, to hide in the name of Iran. The US forces will not help Iranians,.because they say they will be attacking "Iran". How come they help Afghans?

Stop using the word "Iran".

Ali Mostofi




Great Post Mostofi

by masoudA on

The sooner we recognize our nation has been occupied - the sooner we free it of all such aliens...