A proper Iranian web site is needed.

by alimostofi

Not so long ago I wrote an article called Iranians must SHOUT. Basically it was about how we Iranians are greedy at best.

Today we hear that Jahanshah Javid the owner of Iranian.com has cashed in his $1.5bn.

There is a Mr Morality in all of us. Karl Marx was answered eloquently:

Robert Anton Wilson

"A monopoly on the means of communication may define a ruling elite more precisely than the celebrated Marxian formula of 'monopoly in the means of production.'"

I love dot coms. Like real estate I love buying a catchy name and waiting for it to make money. And so JJ bought iranian.com. A Communist buys the name of country. I suppose it is better than a Hebollah supporter.

To many of us the name of Iran is sacred. So what do we have starring at us right under the name of Iran? We have the slogan "nothing is sacred". JJ and is Communists were behind this. Mr Morality? Not.

Anything remotely nationalistic or patriotic does not make it on the top page. A trip to South America does. Nuts. Iranian.com has become a photo album or a scrap book. It is untidy slow and very very inefficient.

But because it has the name Iran in it we patriots put our heart and soul in it. We have taken the idealists and universalists on non-violently. We have not used coarse words. We have shown the value of being Iranian first and then a human being.

No human being had thought of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds, before an Iranian came around. We were the first people to accept the concept of culture and multiculturalism. That is what Cyrus the Great read and pronounced his declaration of human rights. It was an Iranian declaration. A very sacred deed.

So let us now once and for all pay our respect to the word "Iranian" and organize this website properly. It's name represents Iran, not someone's random doodle.


more from alimostofi

Anglo you are a laugh. Go

by alimostofi on

Anglo you are a laugh. Go and have a drink.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


You fell into your own trap Mostofi LOL

by anglophile on


No amount of back tracking will undo your embarrassment. So don't waste your time muddying the water and hoping to change your story to something else.

You see my friend your problem is simple and easy: You are "hasood". period. 

Did you also joke about JJ's lack of patriotism?

Did you also joke about his being a communist?

Did you also joke about him being a traitor to Iran?

Some trap!! LOL

Now who is the joker Mostofi?  YOU my friend.



V: hmmm .. not completely

by alimostofi on

V: hmmm .. not completely convinced.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


the 1.5 billion is obviously a joke and FB is not a site for information. As for donations JJ asked for donations to keep IC going. To my knowledge he did not get much. Most of IC seems to run on private investment and ads. 

When you donate money it does not mean money goes to charity or non profit. It may go to a personal fund. I could put up an ad asking for donations to my vacation fund! There is nothing wrong or illegal about it specially if I disclose it. As for stalking I do not agree. If someone posts blogs on IC they are asking for comments and we know the rules on IC. Posting may be obnoxious but it is not stalking. Real stalking is when someone follows you or phones your home and work. 


That's it

by alimostofi on

That's it


FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Someone joked on JJ's FB page

by Truthseeker9 on

"Today the Iranian.com was sold for 1.5B$, the press release noted. Jahanshah Javid was seen in Houston this afternoon trying his new outfit as first Iranian male astronaut."

And I think some are taking this joke seriously. I don't understand the thing about Shares, but this 1.5B$ was a flippant comment and there is no press release I can find.


V: this anglo always

by alimostofi on

V: this anglo always comments on my stuff. He paused for a week now he is back.

The 1.5bn is from someone else 's comment.

But the whole idea of cashing in on a site that was built on donations sucks.

Yeah the noise is anglo. Nuts.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


V: this anglo always

by alimostofi on

V: this anglo always comments on my stuff. He paused for a week now he is back.

The 1.5bn is from someone else 's comment.

But the whole idea of cashing in on a site that was built on donations sucks.

Yeah the noise is anglo. Nuts.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am sorry but I also do not get the 1.5 billion thing. If you make a claim you need to back it up. It is not the duty of others to research your claim. Without proof it has no validity. 

Also this business about Anglo stalking you is nonsense. You made a claim and he is asking for proof. Stalking is a serious accusation. It is now being routinely used to bully and intimidate people. When I read stalking it means "out of argument".

It is also ironic to ask admin to help when you are attacking the admin. So to make it short; I have no intention of researching this claim; just dismiss it. Q: why do we get so much noise on this site these days.


We. You mean you. Do your

by alimostofi on

We. You mean you.

Do your homework. Ask JJ whether he was a proud Communist when he was in the opposition against the Shahanshah.

I was quoting that comment on his blog about the 1.5 bn. Now he can tell us what he got from a site which was originally billed as donations. So does it make sense to cash in on a site built on charity.

As I said do your homework.

What a laugh. Lol. You have fallen for a perfect trap I set for you. The more people read about the situation the better. More questions please.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


No Mostofi we want you to produce evidence for:

by anglophile on


1. Claiming Mr Javid is a Communist

2. Claiming Mr Javid has sold his share of the Iranian.com business for $1.5 bn.

 And please no point using your crystal ball. LOL.


If you fail to do so at least have the decency of withdrawing such bogus claims and APOLOGISE!





So you want me to produce

by alimostofi on

So you want me to produce evidence that JJ's blog is stuck on top of Blog Central list for the past three days. Lol.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi

Anahid Hojjati

some sentences in the blog don't make sense

by Anahid Hojjati on

anglophile brought some examples of ali's sentences which did not make sense. i agree.


Some people are not mature enough to debate with

by anglophile on

Dear Admin


It is not because I am on the side of Jahanshah that I expect to be listened to but because I have seen it as a moral duty to  counter  the false allegations and incredible lies as spread by this fellow, I have done it without use of profanity and without attacking him personally. If anyone, it is Ali Mostofi who instead pf providing evidence for his allegations hides behind quoting views of other non related people. Now please judge it for yourself and I abide by your decision.   


Admin: please do something

by alimostofi on

Admin: please do something about this troll.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


That's why yours are false statements

by anglophile on

I DID my homework long before you were born Mostofi LOL.  Keep doing what you are good at: Astro-Fabricology - more LOL. I'll permit you to have the last word - after all it is your blog and we need more laugh.


Nothing wrong with the

by alimostofi on

Nothing wrong with the statements. Do your homework.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi



by anglophile on

Just read you own words:

 "Jahanshah Javid the owner of Iranian.com has cashed in his $1.5bn"

"And so JJ bought iranian.com. A Communist buys the name of country."

"We have the slogan "nothing is sacred". JJ and [h]is Communists were behind this."

"Anything remotely nationalistic or patriotic does not make it on the top page. A trip to South America does. Nuts. Iranian.com has become a photo album or a scrap book. It is untidy slow and very very inefficient. "

The faith Zoroaster does not allow its followers to make slanderous remarks about others particularly with no evidence.

It is bad enough to call yourself a patriot and now you continue to name others a communists and greedy while hiding behind a pile of irrelevant quotations copied and pasted from a quotation site.

Jahansh Javid in the last 17 years has done more for Iran and Iranians than you and I and the entire IC community could have done in their life time.  

 The message is clear Mostofi: put up or ...


Marcus Tullius Cicero "A

by alimostofi on

Marcus Tullius Cicero

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague"

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Worse than a lie is repeating that lie

by anglophile on

Won't you agree Mostofi?


Actually I just read it on a

by alimostofi on

Actually I just read it on a comment. Either way JJ will get something appreciable. Good for him. My point is that this site is part of Iran's heritage because of its name. You can't go around abusing the name of Iran. Iranian is a sacred word. Our country our culture is sacred. No one for any reason can be above that.

I mean look at how his blog has been stuck at the top spot on purpose. Let say someone had something important to say about Iran, like the US has attacked Iran. That would not be the number one item.

And then if his lordship HIH JJ decides to take some pictures of penguins they will be top of the site as well. Nuts. No Communist would do that.

It is all so hypocritical. Typical Pisces. They do the most confusing things. That is why this site is so disorganized. But I love it.

Ignore me. Just being a twat.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


$1.5 billion?!? Ajab doorooghi

by AMIR1973 on

When it comes to lies, it seems some people follow the principle of "Go big or go home"....


A: here you go again

by alimostofi on

A: here you go again stalking me again.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


You are just a jealous guy

by anglophile on


And if you are a patriot then Samuel Johnson must have had you in mind when he wrote: 

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel"


And Boswell's full mention of this statement reads (more relatedly):

But let it be considered, that he [Johson] did not mean a real and generous love of our country, but that pretended patriotism which so many, in all ages and countries, have made a cloak of self-interest."


ps - you also fabricate when you quote someone elses's falsehood as fact by stating that Jahanshah has cashed in $1.5 bn. How can you be trusted when you have broken the zorasterian principles you claim to follow.



by Raoul1955 on

Where in his blog you read that he sold this site for one and a half billion dollars?


R: It is on his blog and his

by alimostofi on

R: It is on his blog and his fb

FB: astrologer.alimostofi



by Raoul1955 on

You write: "Today we hear that Jahanshah Javid the owner of Iranian.com has cashed in his $1.5bn"

Would you post the document(s) in support of your claim?


A: communists' god is

by alimostofi on

A: communists' god is democracy. And the word Iranian had to be destroyed at all costs.


FB: astrologer.alimostofi


I wish traditon & culture were a daily feature of IC

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Its a true pity to have such a magnificent culture & traditions and not review them and their constant evolution.  These would go very well with freedom of thought, speech and expression especially now that these qualities are suppressed in Iran.



And look at how he keeps his

by alimostofi on

And look at how he keeps his blog stuck at the top of the list.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi