Snookered Ayatollahs


by alimostofi

Iran losing Arab sympathy: Hamas


There is always one picture that pops into my mind, whenever the Ayatollahs and Palestinians are mentioned.

A picture is a thousand words, and this is one of them. First of all Khomeini rarely laughed, and what was it that Arafat said to please him so much?

We know what happened in the years to come, with the creation of Hezbollah and millions of Iranian people's wealth that was stolen and given to all the various Palestinian groups.

We know how the Chengdu, Chinese engineers helped Ayatollahs to get missile parts through the tunnels into Gaza.

But what a lot of people do not know, is that ultimately there is a fundamental division in Islam, along the Sunni and Shiite branches, that no modern Khomeinist ideology can bridge. The Syrian conflict has now forced the Hamas leader to force the Ayatollah to make a decision.

On the other hand we hear than no Iranian warship or otherwise, commanded by the IRGC, can be seen to be smuggling arms to Gaza. So the Ayatollahs are well and truly snookered. It will become very embarrasing as they cannot carry out their war, and will look inept in front of the Arabs.

Ask any Iranian what he or she wants for the Middle East, and he or she would say that it would be along the lines of The Declaration of Human Rights by Cyrus the Great. Need I say more. And it will happen.


See original and photos at the link below:



more from alimostofi

Salman the insults against islam have been on the rise on ic,

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

the tortures and crimes of iRi are mis-attached to muslims who are the ones being tortured, the truth is that unlike the other religions Islam never had in its history extremists/fanatics wanting to control power/money and historically reviewing religions with no bias before this new era, after ww2. Muslims were considered more spiritual than christians.

So long as the cia/mi6/mossad/mass media/hollywood/ etc can co-operated and help bring extremists into power Islam will continue to be abused and milked by these sophisticated policies.  People can all be deceived in large numbers, intellectuals included, the best defence is to have an offense first. 

The wests offensive is to insist that it is muslims that want islam to be involved in politics.  So i was thinking that muslims should insist that christians and others want their religions to be in government as muslims quietly work on removing islam from politics, but if muslims did that we would be just as corrupt and manipulative as the west, so what to do?  My simplistic not for money or power idea is to encourage all societies in the world to allow religion to be involved in the spiritual life of the people, while abiding by laws and free from any government interference and that in return religions separate themselves from corruption and politics.  That is an offence that is peaceful for all.

The problem is who can stand up to those powers, it requires too much hard work, just enlightening people as to what they are doing is tough enough. 


I did not know that ali, the IRI history for close relations

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

interesting how just one piece of information/detail can change ones picture.

salman farsi

Brother Amir I never deserted the scene

by salman farsi on

I only took some time off but kept an eye on the exchanges on this site. I came back on the occasion of Ashura as I felt Islam is being insulted on this site and I see it as my duty to defend my faith.


I never claimed to be an authority in Islam or in any thing. I am just a servant of Isalm. 

For an Islamic democracy


"Brother Salman it is very sad to see you back"

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

you had left us for a while what brought you back?

Islam needs to be totally out of government and muslims that claim otherwise are in reality part of the problem.  Just because The USA/Israel/UK/France & Germany wish for Islam to be in Government, true muslims know this to be against the principles of the Koran.

Its why the muslim scholars in Iran are under house arrest by elements of their own clergy, which wishes to be in Government, this is against the teachings of the Koran.  It is also a corruption of the Koran.  So to answer your question FDOML, no Salman is not a muslim authority.


"Brother Salman": Are you a

by firstdayofmylife on

"Brother Salman": Are you a muslim scholar? Was your father an Akhoond?? Are you an Akhoond yourself? I am asking these questions because you try to portray yourself as a authroity on everything Islam...


Syria 101

by alimostofi on

Amir: Syria holds some of the Shiites most important burial places. That is why the Ayatollahs are so close the Shiite ruling regime in Syria.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi

salman farsi

Brother Ali

by salman farsi on

You say:


But what a lot of people do not know, is that ultimately there is a fundamental division in Islam, along the Sunni and Shiite branches, that no modern Khomeinist ideology can bridge.  

This is an uninformed view of Islam. There  are no fundamntal divisions between Sunni and Shi'a. They are closer to each other than Catholic and Protestants. Your adopted faith is much more divided than most faiths brother:




I suggest you study Islam deeper  

For an Islamic democracy


I am not too aware of the Arab Public Opinion,

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

The comment by Hammas seems very strange to me.  Why would the pro-usa, pro-israel Hammas comment be true?

Why would Arab public opinion not support Syria with Assad, when the Majority Sunni Country and It Majority Sunni Armed Forces and Fellow Sunni Countrymen are all supporting Assad?  2 years later Assad isn't standing due to minor support from his own sunni community.

The mullahs not being able to caryy out a war, makes Iranians embarrased, unsafe and even humiliated to be lead by such incompetant nitwits, but I'm sure the Arab street won't look at the IRI as harshly as Iranians, the Arabs look upon their own leaders who are not even at war with Israel, but best of friends with Israel and the USA and hardly have room to criticize IRI.



by alimostofi on

A: Thanks for reading it

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


alimostofi, Thanks

by Azarbanoo on

for your blog and great links.