سازمان مجاهدین ازاده خلق ایران


by amir.javid

با درود بر همه ایرانیان در داخل و خارج از کشور

لطفا سوالات زیر را برای خود جواب داده و اگر بیشتر جواب های شما مثبت بود، ادامه این پست رو بخوانید.

آیا شما به جدایی دین از سیاست اعتقاد دارید؟ یعنی اینکه ایا معتقید هستید که دین شما و ظاهر دینی شما نباید معیار تعیین کننده موقعیت اجتماعی شما در جامعه باشد؟

آیا از نحوه پیاده سازی عدالت در کشورمان ناراضی هستید و بر این باورید که به قول خودمان "داشتن پارتی" نقش مهمتری نسبت به توانایی های فردی شما در رشد و پیشرفت شما در جامعه دارد؟

آیا بر این باورید که صرف کردن بودجه حاصل از فروش نفت برای ساخت و ساز غزه و لبنان و گسترش هدفهای نادرست دولت در سطح منطقه خاورمیانه در حالی کارخانه های کشور با بحران مالی روبرو هستند و با تعطیل شدن آنها هزاران نفر بیکار می شوند، نادرست و خیانتی بیش به کارگران زحمت کش کشور نیست؟

آیا بر این باورید که حاکمان فعلی ایران عزیز دروغ گویانی قدرت طلب بیش نیستند و برای حفظ این قدرت دست به هر جنایتی، از قتل های زنجیره ای گرفته تا کشتار وبلاگ نویسان در زندان، می زنند؟

آیا بر این باورید که هر شهروند ایرانی بدون هراس از مرگ و شکنجه دارای حق سوال کردن و مورد پرسش قرار دادن مسوولین کشورش است؟

آیا بر این باورید که هر شهروند ایرانی می تواند آزادانه دین خود را انتخاب کند و هیچ اجباری در پیروی از هیچ دینی روا نیست؟

آیا اعتفاد دارید که زنان، امروز در کشور ایران از حداقل حقوق خود برخوردارند در حالی که در اکثر نقاط دنیا زنان ازاد در انتخاب شغل، همسر و نحوه زندگی خود می باشند؟

آیا به چیزی جز بازگشت به وطن فکر نمی کنید؟ اما به محض به خاطر آوردن رژیم آخوندی و ظلم آنها بر مردم و وضعیت اسفبار زندگی در ایران پشیمان می شوید؟

دوستان عزیز

اگر فکرمی کنید که سازمان مجاهدین خلق یک گروه تروریستی و ضد میهنی است، لطفا دوباره فکر کنید. دولت ایران با تمام تلاش در 3 دهه گذشته تلاش نموده است که با هر حقه ای فعالیت های کثیفش رو به سازمان ازاده مجاهدین خلق نسبت بدهد. ولی خداوند با حق است. همانطور که شاهد بودید نمونه این فعالیت ها در جریان قتل های زنجیره ای نمایان شد و مشخص شد که قتل روشنفکران در ایران، قتل نمایندگان اقلیت های مذهبی در ایران توسط خود وزارت اطلاعات برنامه ریزی و پیاده سازی شد و از این فرصت برای ضربه زدن به سازمان مجاهدین آزاده خلق نیز استفاده شد.

دوستان گرامی و ایرانیان میهن پرست

سازمان مجاهدین خلق اوایل سال جاری میلادی از لیست گروه های مضنون به ترور در سرتاسر کشورهای اروپایی خارج شد. این اقدام پس از مرور پرونده سازمان مجاهدین خلق در دادگاه های اروپا و با تایید سازمانهای اطلاعاتی کشورهای اروپایی به نتیجه رسید. تلاش ما اکنون برای خارج کردن این سازمان از لیست گروه های مضنون به ترور در آمریکا می باشد.

اگر جواب
های شما به سوالات بالا مثبت می باشد، باید بدانید که بین اعتقادات شما و ما فاصله ای نیست.
تمام تلاش
ما جمع آوری امضا برای خارج کردن سازمان از لیست گروه های مضنون به ترور در آمریکا است. تنها کافیست که نامه ای که در انتها آمده است را پرینت کنید، اسم خود را در انتها نوشته (ااگر نگران هستید ازاسم مستعار استفاده کنید) و آن را امضا کنید و سپس آن را به صورت یک عکس از طریق ایمیل برای من بفرستید. (amir.javid.1980@gmail.com) می توانید نامه را اسکن کنید و یا به کمک دوربین دیجیتال از آن عکس بگیرید.
توجه کنید
که این نامه مستقیما به کاخ سفید فرستاده می شود و نه جای دیگر. تعهد سازمان مجاهدین خلق، حفظ نام و هویت افراد به هر قیمتی می باشد .

همچنین دو "پتیشن" در همین زمینه ساخته شده که از طریق ادرسهای زیر قایل دسترسی هستند:


با سپاس و درود بر شما

و اما متن نامه



To the government of the United States of America

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my support and endorsement for the “People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran” (PMOI), the biggest symbol of resistance against the cruel dictatorship of Ayatollahs in Iran

As a responsible and patriotic Iranian, I consider PMOI the only hope of the Iranian people through which they can end the rule of current regime in Iran. The fact that the bloodthirsty rulers of Iran have exploited every opportunity in the past to destroy PMOI and their refugee camp in Iraq, Ashraf, itself, is evidence to the importance of this group to the success of resistance movements and freedom of oppressed people of Iran.

People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran, has been legalized in European nations and been removed from the EU terror list since the beginning of 2009. I would like to kindly ask you to revise the approach taken by of the United States of America toward the PMOI and remove that organization from the terror list in United States.

Yours faithfully,



Those are excellent

by beflexible (not verified) on

Those are excellent questions. I think MKO has some of the most talented people that can contribute immensley to Iran's future. However, the leadership needs major reform and valid concerns/allegations against the MKO should be discussed openly without insulting people's intellgence. The leadership needs to earn its respect instead of demanding it.Air out your dirty laundry openly and treat your opponents respectfully. If Rajavis have to resign to salvage the reputation of the organization, then they should do the honorable thing and leave.

Acknowledge your mistakes, be honest with people, ask for forgiveness, and people might give you a second chance.

While you're at it, categorically denounce any specific religion as the official religion of the country.

p.s. If we can forgive the mullahs, we should be able to forgive the MKO too.


How shameless!

by Sick and tired! (not verified) on

How dare you are posting a blog, soliciting support from Iranian people after selling them to enemy. You have no principles. You killed Americans in 70s, you killed ordinary folks indiscriminately in streets of Tehran in 80s and then became a dirty tool in hands of the criminal Saddam to attach your own country (you have no country). You should be vanished and kept shut up for 5 generations before Iranian people forget and forgive your crimes.

You follow that delusional, psychopath, murderer called Rajavi in this day and age. Arguably no cult has been so hellish in their ideology and methods. Shame on you..


MKO are the worst of the worst

by KB on

As others have pointed out MKO is a cult and has no credibility amonngst Iranian people.



be serious

by Marathonman (not verified) on

Buddy, no one questions your thoughts about the akhonds. I think a great majority of the people answered yes to your questions at the beginning of the piece you wrote. We (and I think I can safely say the majority of Iranians) question the MKO.
MKO is a known terrorist group which was removed from the terrorist list of Europe by a judge activist who in a European tradition decided that you are the true Iranian opposition and should be the future ruling party, without taking the opennion of the people of Iran into account!!! In reality no intelligence agency actually agreed that you are not a terrorist organization.
Then there is the question why should any Iranian actually decide to give MKO any time of the day. MKO is an Islamic Communist party that was initially set up by the Soviet Union in a hope to try to bring the people of the Iran into the eastern block. Now this is a successful mix, communism and religious government!!!!
Do you seriously think people are going to go for that....



me mehran (not verified)

مجاهدین خلق‌های طرفداری از اسلام دمکراتیک میکنند.

عزیزم، اسلام دمکراتیک نمیشود. هم چنین هنوز زنهای طرفدار خود رو هم در حجاب نگاه داشته ا‌ند. ما یکبار گول اهریمن خمینی را خوردیم و باور کنید که درس خود را یاد گرفته ایم.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

از چريك ،فدائي خلق ،كوموله و كمونيست مسخره تر، اين تاپاله هاي كفتار ماب هستند كه اسم خودشان را مجاهد گذاشتند و بس در حماقت تشريف دارند اگر تصور كنند كه مردم ايران از انان حمايت خواهند كرد.

برويد در كنار سلطنت طلبان بشنيد و ... ميك بزنيد كه جايگاهتان در ايران اينده نيست و ايرانيان بدون شما خوشتر هستند.

مرگ بر شما باد.



by Rok GOO (not verified) on

Labile emotionality aside, MKO must be treated as it is, not only as it sided with Saddam.

The MKO is an Islamist group with gender segregation, Islamic hijab, commemoration of Shite ceremonies and mourning Ashurah, and refrences to the Koran and Hadith for their political and social behaviours.

The MKO is a cult and all we know it through well documented evidence. The MKO members and sypathisers have been brainwashed to blindly follow the leaders, the lifetime gurus.

The MKO has however heroically opposed the plague of the IRI, the main enemy of people.

Let's support these symathisers and heroic fighters while denoucing the leadership and its Islamic and cultish nature of the organisation.

Let's hope that they reorganise under a new leadership and proramme of a secular and democratic identity, i.e., the secular POMI. As such they may regain respect and support among dfferent segments of the oppressed people of Iran.


Q, you're a hypocrite

by Mazdak (not verified) on

You're eager to highlight MKO's "crimes", such as their collaboration with Saddam (the context of which can be discussed) or their subsequent "ends justifes the means" policies, or Rajavi's marriage to Maraym, but I have never read in any of your comments any mention of the the 1988 mass murders by the regime, their policies in Kurdistan, the chain murders of journalists in late 90's, public hangings, etc. Is it a wonder that you are frequently accused of being a regime appologist?


The Hand You Shook

by LalehGillani on

With that hand shake and subsequent alliance, the leadership of Mujahideen-e Khalq for ever severed its relationship with the organization’s founders, its past and the Iranian nation.

The hand that you shook committed atrocities such as this against Kurdish Iraqis and then innocent Iranian people:


MKO is bad

by XerXes (not verified) on

They have turned away from Iran by attacking Iran with Saddam forces. This is bad in my book and enough to show their intentions.
If MKO gets in, they are exactly like North Korea. No one will be allowed to say anything without praising the Rajavi Gods.
Here is the proof that they suck. If Rajavis die, the organization will be gone. This shows the level of dictatorial hirearchy that exists in the cult.
It's a scary cult and my advise, stay away from them.
We don't want to get out of a ditch and fall in a well


To the government of the United States of America

by Hajminator on

Dear Sir/Madam

The MKO is a so-called opposition group which killed the children of Iran better than what Saddam was able to do. To see how determinate we are, our leaders told MKO executives to burn themselves in protest of sanctions that the group faced some years ago, and all executives did it without hesitation. If you look deeply, you’ll see that the group is a sect-shape organisation in which members praise and venerate their chiefs, Maryam Rajavi and his husband, the a## kisser of Saddam.

Please, help us to take Iran from Mullahs. We promise to kill, burn, and annihilate every janevar which disobey our chiefs. We promise to destroy Iran much faster and efficiently than Mullahs, so you, Israel and Arab countries will never have any problems with Iranians anymore. We, the MKO organisation, are your final solution.

Yours faithfully,



I hate that cult. They have

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

I hate that cult. They have killed Iranians.


You got me

by amir.javid on

Oh, you really got me with the video!!
No one says that Saddam Hussein wasn't a dictator and didn't kill our people.  He eventually got what he deserved.
Masood needed a place for Mujahedin near Iran and Red Cross authorized a place in Iraq. So they met, shook hands and they got refuge in Iraq.

So what?

When Obama's pastor and somewhat his mentor, Jeremiah Wright, opened his mouth and spoke about America like that, everyone thought that Obama is finished. But he eventually became a president.

Saddam gave PMOI a place to live because he hated Iran's regime. PMOI took that opportunity also because they hated the regime as well. If Saddam and Mujahedin were allies, then why in the invasion of Iraq in 2003 Saddam didn't ask for their help and why they stayed independent and why now U.S commanders all are admitting that PMOI's activities in Iraq had nothing to do with Saddam's.


Ashraf is an Orwellian Nightmare

by nejat group (not verified) on

Innocent kids are being recruited and brainwashed by this terrible cult.



as for the web site

by amir.javid on

By the way, that web site of yours is being operated by Saeed Emami's ex-bosses in case you didn't know. Even there were a few spys who lived in Ashraf. But after Saeed Emami they were all got called back to operate somewhere else.

What's actually funny about that web site is that it claims that its aim is to help those Mujahedins who live in Ashraf and have no document or passport to find home somewhere else. Well, as far as I know, almost all of them are EU citizens or PR and some US citizens.

What's more funny is that it actually ask for donation. WTF!!


I got your relevance right here

by Q on

spin this, go ahead.


How's that relevant?

by amir.javid on

I don't get it. Do you really think PMOI is a mixture of people with the same personal belief?

I'm not even Muslim. Yea, maybe by name only. There might be people among us who don't even believe in god. What keeps us together is our shared enemy, AKHOONDS, and our interest, implementing a true democracy in Iran.


Wow dissemble much?

by Q on

So Amir, how do you feel about the personal "Union" of Masoud and his lieutenant's wife "Maryam" Rajavi?

For background info on this terrorist group, please visit:

Mordeshure har chi Mojahed va parlimaniye oroopa ro bebaran! Roo ro beram!


MKO is a brainwashed cult

by Anonymous42020 (not verified) on

It could have been a good political party in the beginning but it turned out to be cult controlled by Rajavi. By siding with Saddam Hussein, they have forever bought shame upon themselves. It is unfortunate that its members are so brainwashed that they cannot see outside of their own cultish box. If Rajavi had dignity, he would have resigned and apologized to all Iranians and MKO members for misleading them and siding with Saddam.

Maryam Hojjat


by Maryam Hojjat on

You are worse than IRI with you backwarded idealogy.  May IRAN be protectd from this criminal org. 

 Payandeh IRAN


لیاقت شما هم آخوندهای ایران هستند


بگذارید تا دلشان می خواهد جوانان ایران را در سیاه چاله های خود زنده به گور کنند. بگذارید مردم ایران را در خیابان ها مورد بدترین اهانت ها و بی حرمتی ها قرار دهند. بگذارید چپاول کنند سرمایه به حق مردم را و صرف سیاست های کثیف خود کنند. شاید کک شما هم نگزد. ولی ما افتخار می کنیم که رنج به جان خریده و در برابر زورگویی آخوندی می ایستیم.


خدا به پای هم پیرتان کند




شما همان مبارکِ پارلمان اروپا بمانید بهتر است. پارلمان اروپا عروسک هایی از قماش شما کم ندارد.
 زیاد طول نخواهد کشید که این بت جدید و کعبهء آمال شما (پارلمان اروپا) بر سر یک مصالحهء جدید با  جمهوری اسلامی  شما را  برای بار چندم مثل دستمال توالت مصرف شده با سیفون راهی همانجایی میکند که صدام کرد!

برای شما آلت دست ابدی ماندن افتخار است.
 لیاقت مردم ایران فراتر از خزعبلاتی است  که در اشرفکدهء اشرف به شما خورانده اند!



Looks like you've watched too much TV Series back in Iran

by amir.javid on

If you are referring to the Iran-Iraq war, PMOI designed and implemented millitary attacks only as a preventive act to defend itself and its refugee camp in Ashraf.

The EU parliment didn't remove PMOI from the terror list by accident. The whole thing was initiated by Iranins all over the wolrd (and no, I'm not talking the PMOI members) sending letters and requests to EU member governments.

So, if you - as you said - can't forget our acts in the past, why don't you shut up for as long as this web site exists and don't talk on behalf of other Iranians.


Who cares what Europeans or the US means?

by Realist (not verified) on

In the eyes of the Iranian people you were, are and will for ever be a terrorist organization regardless of what foreign countries think of you. Saddam, when he was a darling of the West, liked you too.

So why don't you just shut up, say for 50 years, and then maybe the Iranian people will have forgotten you and your atrocities by that time.

Your legalization or illegalization in the US has as much merrit as the same discussion about marijuana. Sometimes tolerated, sometimes not. That is all you are to the Americans.