با درود بر همه ایرانیان در داخل و خارج از کشور
لطفا سوالات زیر را برای خود جواب داده و اگر بیشتر جواب های شما مثبت بود، ادامه این پست رو بخوانید.
آیا شما به جدایی دین از سیاست اعتقاد دارید؟ یعنی اینکه ایا معتقید هستید که دین شما و ظاهر دینی شما نباید معیار تعیین کننده موقعیت اجتماعی شما در جامعه باشد؟
آیا از نحوه پیاده سازی عدالت در کشورمان ناراضی هستید و بر این باورید که به قول خودمان "داشتن پارتی" نقش مهمتری نسبت به توانایی های فردی شما در رشد و پیشرفت شما در جامعه دارد؟
آیا بر این باورید که صرف کردن بودجه حاصل از فروش نفت برای ساخت و ساز غزه و لبنان و گسترش هدفهای نادرست دولت در سطح منطقه خاورمیانه در حالی کارخانه های کشور با بحران مالی روبرو هستند و با تعطیل شدن آنها هزاران نفر بیکار می شوند، نادرست و خیانتی بیش به کارگران زحمت کش کشور نیست؟
آیا بر این باورید که حاکمان فعلی ایران عزیز دروغ گویانی قدرت طلب بیش نیستند و برای حفظ این قدرت دست به هر جنایتی، از قتل های زنجیره ای گرفته تا کشتار وبلاگ نویسان در زندان، می زنند؟
آیا بر این باورید که هر شهروند ایرانی بدون هراس از مرگ و شکنجه دارای حق سوال کردن و مورد پرسش قرار دادن مسوولین کشورش است؟
آیا بر این باورید که هر شهروند ایرانی می تواند آزادانه دین خود را انتخاب کند و هیچ اجباری در پیروی از هیچ دینی روا نیست؟
آیا اعتفاد دارید که زنان، امروز در کشور ایران از حداقل حقوق خود برخوردارند در حالی که در اکثر نقاط دنیا زنان ازاد در انتخاب شغل، همسر و نحوه زندگی خود می باشند؟
آیا به چیزی جز بازگشت به وطن فکر نمی کنید؟ اما به محض به خاطر آوردن رژیم آخوندی و ظلم آنها بر مردم و وضعیت اسفبار زندگی در ایران پشیمان می شوید؟
دوستان عزیز
اگر فکرمی کنید که سازمان مجاهدین خلق یک گروه تروریستی و ضد میهنی است، لطفا دوباره فکر کنید. دولت ایران با تمام تلاش در 3 دهه گذشته تلاش نموده است که با هر حقه ای فعالیت های کثیفش رو به سازمان ازاده مجاهدین خلق نسبت بدهد. ولی خداوند با حق است. همانطور که شاهد بودید نمونه این فعالیت ها در جریان قتل های زنجیره ای نمایان شد و مشخص شد که قتل روشنفکران در ایران، قتل نمایندگان اقلیت های مذهبی در ایران توسط خود وزارت اطلاعات برنامه ریزی و پیاده سازی شد و از این فرصت برای ضربه زدن به سازمان مجاهدین آزاده خلق نیز استفاده شد.
دوستان گرامی و ایرانیان میهن پرست
سازمان مجاهدین خلق اوایل سال جاری میلادی از لیست گروه های مضنون به ترور در سرتاسر کشورهای اروپایی خارج شد. این اقدام پس از مرور پرونده سازمان مجاهدین خلق در دادگاه های اروپا و با تایید سازمانهای اطلاعاتی کشورهای اروپایی به نتیجه رسید. تلاش ما اکنون برای خارج کردن این سازمان از لیست گروه های مضنون به ترور در آمریکا می باشد.
اگر جواب
های شما به سوالات بالا مثبت می باشد، باید بدانید که بین اعتقادات شما و ما فاصله ای نیست.
تمام تلاش
ما جمع آوری امضا برای خارج کردن سازمان از لیست گروه های مضنون به ترور در آمریکا است. تنها کافیست که نامه ای که در انتها آمده است را پرینت کنید، اسم خود را در انتها نوشته (ااگر نگران هستید ازاسم مستعار استفاده کنید) و آن را امضا کنید و سپس آن را به صورت یک عکس از طریق ایمیل برای من بفرستید. (amir.javid.1980@gmail.com) می توانید نامه را اسکن کنید و یا به کمک دوربین دیجیتال از آن عکس بگیرید.
توجه کنید
که این نامه مستقیما به کاخ سفید فرستاده می شود و نه جای دیگر. تعهد سازمان مجاهدین خلق، حفظ نام و هویت افراد به هر قیمتی می باشد .
همچنین دو "پتیشن" در همین زمینه ساخته شده که از طریق ادرسهای زیر قایل دسترسی هستند:
با سپاس و درود بر شما
و اما متن نامه
To the government of the United States of America
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to express my support and endorsement for the “People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran” (PMOI), the biggest symbol of resistance against the cruel dictatorship of Ayatollahs in Iran
As a responsible and patriotic Iranian, I consider PMOI the only hope of the Iranian people through which they can end the rule of current regime in Iran. The fact that the bloodthirsty rulers of Iran have exploited every opportunity in the past to destroy PMOI and their refugee camp in Iraq, Ashraf, itself, is evidence to the importance of this group to the success of resistance movements and freedom of oppressed people of Iran.
People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran, has been legalized in European nations and been removed from the EU terror list since the beginning of 2009. I would like to kindly ask you to revise the approach taken by of the United States of America toward the PMOI and remove that organization from the terror list in United States.
Yours faithfully,
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Mr Anonymous500,
by Farhad Kashani on Sat Apr 25, 2009 02:48 PM PDTMr Anonymous500,
Have you done representative sampling of Iranian people showing their support for MKO or IRI? Please share it with us.
You can certainly claim that what I said is not the view of majority of Iranians. The point of some of my postings is to expose those who talk contrary to what I believe and know are the majority view. So go ahead and claim.
One more thing, I blame vast majority, if not all, of Iran’s shortages on IRI and no one else, not MKO nor “imaginary imperialists” nor “Arab enemies”,,,for a simple reason is that IRI has been the one in power for 30 years and has controlled all aspects of Iranian life from their bedroom to their government. Hopefully that clears some for you.
Mojahedin wants another islamic republic
by افسر (not verified) on Sat Apr 25, 2009 02:46 AM PDTشمایی که به حمایت این گروه برخواسته اید:
مجاهدین خلق با اساس بیانه ای اخیرشان همچنان پایبند به حکومتیه هسیتند به نام "جمهوری اسلامی دمکراتیک" که بر این پایه نمی توانند سکولار خود را معرفی کنند. وقتی سکولار نباشی پس چیزی شبیه به جمهوری اسلامی خواهی بود که در حال حاضر تمام عیار تجربه اش را می کنیم و سی سال کرده ایم. وقتی رهبرشان یک ساعت در مورد شهادت امام حسین سخنرانی می کند و نه در مورد حق و حقوق مردم ایران که پایمال می شود روز و شب و بقیه داستان مردم ایران و غیره دگر حکایت دشمن دشمن من پس دوست من است معنی نمی دهد . چشمانتان را باز کنید و آینده ای بدون این گانگسترها ببینید. اگربدنبال دشمن واقعی دشمنتان می باشید که فعالانه می جنگد را دوست دارید ببینید چرا سراغ ریگی و مردم بلوچ ستم دیده مبارز نمی روید و یا مردم دلیر کردستان که این دو خلق واقعا سی سال است که نیروهای نظامی ج ا را خیت کرده اند و رژیم با تمام ماشین سپاهش حضور آنچنانی در این مناطق ندارد.
دوست عزیز هر که
samanmokri (not verified)Fri Apr 24, 2009 08:46 PM PDT
دوست عزیز هر که هستی
سازمان شما یک بار برای همیشه امتحان خود را به ملت ایران پس داد و آن هنگامی بود که برادر رجوی شما برادر صدام را در آغوش کشید و گونه ها و شانه هایش را بوسید. همان برادر صدامی که در واپسین لحظه مرگ گفت "مرگ بر ایران" پس شما هم بروید حمایت تان را از حزب بعث عراق بگیرید
Mr. Kashani You Have Oly One Vote!!
by Anonymous500 (not verified) on Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:57 AM PDTMr. Kashani, since based on your above post, you want democracy, there is one centrl rule of democracy that says each individual has one vote; you are one individual entitled to your one vote (including lambasting the PMOI to the high heavens), but you have no right, whatsoever, to speak on behalf of 70 million Iranians when you say, and I quote," No one wants IRI or MKO."
How on earth did you reach this conclusion? Have you done respresntative sampling of Iranian people's opinions on this issue to reach this conclusion? I hope you don't take a bunch of anti-Mojahd anonymous and/or shy IRI supporters views as being the representative of anything, but the animalistic hate of these chaps of the PMOI? If that is the case, then there is no value to your judgment of the IRI because PMOI is antithetical to what IRI is notwithstanding your dated characterization of the PMOI as "Islamic-Marxist" that SAVAK coined the term.
In any case, this is the one and only response that I give to you in good faith. for the rest of these ant-Mojahed crowd I don't give a hoot.
Saddam Loving Traitors
by Anonymous8 (not verified) on Thu Apr 23, 2009 01:11 PM PDTdeserve no mercy from any iranian.
mag bar mojahed
Majid, Majid, the
by Farhad Kashani on Wed Apr 22, 2009 07:55 PM PDTMajid,
Majid, the comment was not directed to you. I didn’t even read your posting. I was speaking generally.
No one wants IRI or MKO. We want a democratic republic which adopts liberal human rights values, not a fundamnetalist terrorism inspiring regime or an Islamic Marxist regime. But its the IRI that has been butchering our country for the last 30 years, not MKO.
فرهاد کاشانی.....................
MajidTue Apr 21, 2009 07:12 PM PDT
فکر کنم تنها راهی که میتونم بهت جواب بدم تو قالب طنز باشه داداش...........
با این کامنتت .............همچین مثل یه قطره اشگ از چشمم افتادی! و رفتی اون پایین پایین ها ......تقریباً دو فوت پائین تر !!
با این توصیفی که تو کردی......«من.....مجید...... یه تهدید برای کشور شما به حساب میام» چون اعتقاد ندارم که مُشتی آتیش افروز... حالا که کفگیرشون به ته دیگ خورده و میخوان بگن......«گُه خوردیم......آتش نشان استخدام میکنین» ؟ لیاقت استخدام مجدد داشته باشن!
و ....درست گفتی....من ظرف سی سال گذشته در یک سیارهء دیگه زندگی کردم........سیاره ای که ساکنینش میگن.........«آرزومیکنم ایرانم آباد، آزاد، سربلند، پابرجا و پایدار باشه»
آخه قربون اون هیکل ورزشی ت..........همیشه باید یه نفر باشه به ما بگه «قمبل هاتون رو هوا کنین......حالا نوبت منه» ؟؟
آخه ما یا باید به مجاهدین رضایت بدیم یا به شاه الله....... آیت الله ....ظل الله....روح الله....هیتلرالله....استالین الله....کاسترولله..............؟؟
آخه این روحیهء خودباختگی و خود دستکم بینی نباید یه جا تموم بشه؟
صف ببندید زورگویان جهان........چون من از خودم هیچ اختیاری ندارم.........حد اقل وقتی داری عقب و جلو ی تاریخی ام رو جِر و واجِر میدی....دست کم ماچم کن که دلم خوش باشه که تو منصف تر از بقیه ای؟
لطفاً ضعف من رو بخاطر پیدا نکردن لغت مناسب ببخش........ولی این روحیهء پفیوز پرور ما باعث نشده که ما اسم هایی مثل «چنگیز.....اسکندر....تیمور.....محمد.....علی.....حسین.....مهدی...باقر....بی قر....زینب...کلثوم.........................مجید» ..........رو بچه هامون بگذاریم؟
..........شاهد باش که یه روزی همین مسعود و مریم هم اسامی تاریخی بشن!
I was never a fan of MKO.
by Farhad Kashani on Tue Apr 21, 2009 06:03 PM PDTI was never a fan of MKO. But the actions of IRI not only has make MKO look like angels, but also Hitler and Stalin and Mao and Castro!!!
If someone believes that MKO, an insignificant organization with very little supporters in Iran (just like the IRI regime!), is a threat to our country, when we have the IRI which has been committing rarely-seen crimes against the Iranian people and the world for 30 years now, then he/she must’ve been living in a different planet the last 30 years and/or is attempting to make the IRI look good by creating boogiemen (like MKO and Israel) to victimize the IRI regime. Last I checked, it wasn’t MKO or Israel who were mass murdering Iranians, it was the IRI.
The IRI, and NO ONE ELSE, is the enemy of the Iranian people and of peace, human rights values and co existence in the world.
by MRX1 on Tue Apr 21, 2009 03:23 PM PDTyour point is well taken, however what method would you use to get rid of these monsters rulling in Iran right now? write to U.N, beg the international community, ask IRI to quitely and politely leave, peacfull velvet reveloution in a country full of fear (rightfully so with the regime that killed tens of thousends including teenagers and pregnent women)
Seriously if fighting the fire with fire is not the solution, what is then?
By the way using your example: the fires in calfironia are put out by fire fighters who on purpose burn other areas so to prevent the spread of fire. another words fighting fire with fire!
Rok Goo
by capt_ayhab on Mon Apr 20, 2009 08:37 AM PDT[MKO is another backward Islamic group with treacherous and criminal
background but the IRI is in a far-fetched scale and black-and-white
much worse.]
How can you compare two criminal groups in this way and criticize people for showing their hatred of MKO?
These people sided with enemy[Iraq] and are responsible for killing of Iranian women and children. If you like to show your hatred of IR or even support of MKO, you are entitled to it, but for freaking sake do not criticize people for showing their emotions.
[On this site, a number of thugish Islamists attack MKO because of its
enmities with Mullahs. Another clique of apapologists displays MKO as a
scapegoat to divert Iranians from the main enemy of Iran, the
anti-Iranian IRI .]
Dude in case you have missed the point of the comments, people do not attack MKO because they are against IR, they attack them because they sold out their motherland when they sided with Iraq during which close to 1 million Iranians perished. Get your priorities straight baba jan.
P/S A little help from [spell checker] will be nice. ;-)
IRI worse than MKO
by Rok Goo (not verified) on Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:57 PM PDTOn this site, a number of thugish Islamists attack MKO because of its enmities with Mullahs. Another clique of apapologists displays MKO as a scapegoat to divert Iranians from the main enemy of Iran, the anti-Iranian IRI .
In reality the Mullahs'regime has thousand times more blood on hands and from thugish ahmadinejad to criminal Moussavi, all are devotees of criminal Khomeini who had "no feeling" for Iran but treacherous feeling to destroy Iran.
MKO is another backward Islamic group with treacherous and criminal background but the IRI is in a far-fetched scale and black-and-white much worse.
از طلا گشتن پشیمان گشته ایم
Shazde Asdola MirzaSun Apr 19, 2009 08:33 PM PDT
بد بخت ملت ما که سرنوشت خود را به دم الاغانی همچون خمینی دیوانه و مجاهدین خلق گره زد! خدایا، چند سال و چند دهه باید بگذرد تا تو از گناه خریت ما بگذری و ما را ببخشی؟ به قول شاعر شیرین سخن:
از طلا گشتن پشیمان گشته ایم
مرحمت فرموده، ما را مس کنید!
by zz (not verified) on Sun Apr 19, 2009 04:06 PM PDTHey listen you guys I fought the Iraqies for almost 2 years. And I hate the mullahs and Islam both equally. I believe in freedom of expression and speech. But that letter just pissed me off because implying we don't remember our history and what happened during those days of war. That war was a great power tool for the Islamic Republic. The war was like a shot of vitamin B12 to their asses for the power grab.
Brother Please....
I hate hypocrisy too
by Anonymous8 (not verified) on Sun Apr 19, 2009 03:47 PM PDTMazdak,
either you abhor lynch mobs like those against the IRI that are on this site EVERY DAY or you accept that evil deserves being exposed.
all mullahs and IRI leaders are alos Iranian. most of them are doing what they think is best for iran. khomeini saved Iran from the likes of you and your ruthless cultists.
you are a big hypocrite.
Dear Merhban
by Mazdak (not verified) on Sun Apr 19, 2009 01:59 PM PDTI know the subject of your address is not me but my post was the only one that was different. I abhor lynch mobs, especially hypocritical lynch mobs. The MKO is a very safe target to deride and vent against by all kinds of pompous persons. My point is this: These people as wrong as they are, and they are wrong, are still Iranian. Venting out ugly, ugly emotions, wishing that the blogger be executed in front of a firing squad as one poster (The Mrs, I think) declared shows a depth of deprivation. These Starbucks patriots think they are displaying their patriotism by using this kind of language but only infect the political discussion. Why is it the likes of Batmanglich don't condemn the IRI's behaviour as well? Why is that the IRI should be equated with Iran? I'm not going into the poverty of Cameron's reasoning, but even at a simple moral level, you can't condemn the violence of one group and turn a blind eye towards the other. My last post was denied by Javid for I'm not sure what reason since he's allowed the most despicable posts on this thread but hopefully this one will get through.
by Fatollah (not verified) on Sun Apr 19, 2009 01:38 PM PDTHe (Amir Javid) asked for it, it's no secret that most Iranians abhor them!
MKO out of Iraq and head to hell
by Anom OKM (not verified) on Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:27 PM PDTMKO, Iran is no place for Masoud/Ashraf and Ashraf/Masoud the traitors of people of Iran. Please get lost and be ashamed of yourself. You guys are worse than IRI in all spectrum.
MKO is a part of opposition
by Arash Kamangir (not verified) on Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:59 AM PDTI think most of us Iranians agree on the fact that MKO is a small part of opposition who has fought the Mullahs from beginning using guerilla tactics. Their mistake was to seek saddams help and that made them traitors to the eyes of many.
i think they have learned from the past and may have to alter themselves as the world around them is changing. I respect them because as all the groups gave up fight against mullahs and signed "tobeh nameh" MKO actually stood to mullahs and fought them.
Dear Captain
by Mehrban on Sun Apr 19, 2009 06:59 PM PDTAll lynch mobs feel totally justified. They all feel the victim has committed an unforgivable crime. The point is not in the nature of the crime but in the nature of the punishment.
In Guantanamo they thought the detainees deserved to be tortured, in the South a black man that dated a white girl deserved lynching and the Taleban think that a woman who has committed adultery deserves to be stoned. Here I am concerned about the intensity of the reaction of my compatriots from across the political spectrum as you say and the fact that the reactions come from accross the political spectrum is even more telling.
It was just too easy to attack Amir.Javid in this context. Everyone (almost) was doing it (and how!). The reason I brought it up is that somewhere in my mind I think it is acting upon these kinds of impulses that keeps us in the political predicaments that we continually find ourselves. It is just an observation. If we want to be a civilized society then we have to be a civilized society and that means exercising restraint. It is the price we should get ready to pay for civility otherwise we go from chaos to chaos seeking cruel retribution from one unforgivable act to another.
MKO = Treason
by zz (not verified) on Sat Apr 18, 2009 06:14 PM PDTMKO = They are not only traitors and sold out Iran to Iraq during 8 years of war, which I think is disgusting beyond words. And they caused so many young Iranian soldiers to get killed by spying on them, that is enough said to turn any hot blooded Iranian away from such an Treasonist back-stabbing organization. They also believe in Islam and Communism at the same time. Which we all know they both have tried to destroy Iran for centuries!!!
FFFFuck those VATANFOROOSH traitors!
by Majid on Sat Apr 18, 2009 05:20 PM PDTCome on my friend, give me a friggin break for God's sake.........
"they are among the few resistence movements that have realized that some times you have to fight fire with fire"
After they start and/or help the fire to begin with????
You borrow enemy's cock to screw your own mother ????
You know what? here in California during hot summer months there are people (arsons) who start a fire in hope of getting a temporary job to put it out !!!!!!!!!
Go figure.
Vatan foroush is vatan foroush is vatan foroush is............F**ing vatan foroush, no matter how you wanna justify "BAZAK" it
you are damn "adam kosh" and vatan foroosh
by A patriot (not verified) on Sat Apr 18, 2009 04:53 PM PDTYou are most hateful people i 'v ever seen and known in my life. you will be forever the same..
don't try any more. It future of Iran, you will be still unreliable groups and "vatan-foroosh" e Mozdoor.
by Rajab. (not verified) on Sat Apr 18, 2009 03:52 PM PDTIslamists and IRI supporters have fled iran to avoid the goose that they cooked in 1979, only to run away to the west that they criticize, and voice their support for criminal IRI regime from "outside".
MKO, lovers of mohammad and marx, run away to europe and america to tell us how good they are under those ugly red scarves.
Let's have a petition for expelling all IRI supporters to iran; and another petition to expel all MKO supporters to saudi arabia or n. korea. Neither have any business living in the west while denying the same freedom for people of iran.
Sage zard baraadare shaaghale. MKO are brothers of IRI leaders. Let them go where the one that massoud rajavi shook his hands in baghdad went.
No IRI, no MKO. Na Qom khoobeh na kaashoon, lanat beh har dotaashon.
Why don't you let your women to get rid of those ugly red scarves first, then preach for separation of state and religion.
I detest those who want to be the next thugs ruling iran by the same tools that khomeini used: tools of deceit and lies. If MKO is to rule iran, iran is better off without their criminal help.
I detest hypocrisy. I detest those who do not have the courage to take the same medicine that they prescribe for iranians within iran, and voice their support for IRI or MKO from the comfort of their homes in the west.
You are in love with islam and marxism, aren't you? Why don't you live in Saudi Arabia or N. korea and spread your propaganda from there? You have no business being in the west which is neither islamic nor leftist.
MKO has my respect
by MRX1 on Sat Apr 18, 2009 03:37 PM PDTNot becuase I believe in their ideology but the fact that they are among the few resistence movements that have realized that some times you have to fight fire with fire and for that I respect them.
جناب مجید
capt_ayhabSat Apr 18, 2009 02:38 PM PDT
جناب مجید
در درجهء اول خیلی مخلسیم, کم پیدایئ استاد.
از اون گذشته این گره اگر جربزه و غیرت و یک جو عرق وطن دوستی داشتن که کارشون به وطن فروشی و فحشای سیاسی نمی کشید.
مگر اینکه هر چند سباحی از لانه کثیفشون بیان بیرون و دست گدائی به سوی این واون دراز کنند.
شرم وحیا هم که حالیشون نست هزار ماشاالله.
در ظمن اون ایمیل گرامی را هم گاهی گداری جواب بدی گناه کبیره نکردی ها.
by capt_ayhab on Sat Apr 18, 2009 02:17 PM PDTI see the point you are trying make, in fact we do resemble a lynch mob so to speak.
But as you notice, everyone, from all political spectrum are objecting to this group. For one reason and that is because of their treacherous act of siding with enemy of Iran. This is not a mere sin as you point out. This is act of treason against Iran and Iranians that these people have committed.
خوش نیومدی.......
MajidSat Apr 18, 2009 12:08 PM PDT
آقای امیر جاوید.........
میبینم که با دیدن تمام کامنت ها در حمایت از شما در کمال شهامت و سرفرازی دُمتون رو لای پا گذاشته و فرار رو بر قرار ترجیح دادین!!
امیدوارم بقیه تون هم این درس رو بگیرند و یادتون نره....
مردم ایران بدون نیاز به فواحش سیاسی مثل شما حسابشون رو با آخوند ها تسویه میکنند.
ای مگس عرصهء سیمرغ نه جولانگه توست
خوش نیومدی.......
by Mehrban on Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:31 AM PDTI think I just witnessed my first cyber stoning. Let the one with no sin cast the first stone.
Disclaimer (to save you some breath): I am in no way related to the subject organization.
Khar Khodeti!
by No Thanks (not verified) on Sat Apr 18, 2009 09:38 AM PDTMKO cult brought us the disaster that we are in.
They supported Khomeini in bringing shah down and setting up his regime of oppression and deceit.
They turned against khomeini only when their objective to be another thug ruling iran and controlling iranian wealth did not materialize.
They killed innocent iranian citizens when they were with khomeini and later when they were against khomeini.
They fought alongside saddam against iran.
They are the biggest enemy of iran and iranians. They belong to jail. Who cares if a bozo in europe put them on or off a lousy list. What matters is their actions in the past 30+ years. They are black-listed in the minds of iranians forever. That is the only thing that matters.
I wish shah had taken care of then the leaders of fanatic criminal MKO, specially the bast*** traitor rajavis. Send them to hell so they can enjoy virgins that their religion promised them there.
Capt. Jan,
by Cameron A. Batmanghlich on Sat Apr 18, 2009 09:35 AM PDTThroughout my life, even since before the revolution I knew some of these people. Before the revolution they were among the very first ones who committed terrorist attacks in Iran along with Cherikhay Fadaee. I never forget how one morning I was at the age of 7, when going to school I saw blood on the wall due to these people’s terrorist attack the night before, clashing with security forces detonating a hand grenade. We are talking about -76!
Later on right after the revolution a young couple who were family friends was lured into this organization. They would come visiting us with their hand guns. This young couple who back then had a US education and were from a descend family turned into monsters. Soon both were arrested and executed charged with assisting attacks on civilians. Their strategy back then was to create chaos … on the expense of innocent peoples’ lives. It has gone on and on. In Europe from Berlin to Geneva to Stockholm and Copenhagen and where ever I visited I would see these dogs with their caps in the hands and a photo album of victims of torture etc. But they NEVER approached Iranians as they knew they would have been spat on. Rather Europeans who had no clue about what these people were about, posing as Iranian freedom fighters.A couple of my close friends in Europe were lured into this shit when we all were only around 16 years old! Taken to Iraq.
These people are one of the most dangerous enemies of Iran and Iranians as they are enemies within.
Still today they are pinpointing sensitive sites and providing intelligence to Israel and other foes of Iran; just as they were providing information to Saddam about Iranian troop movements during the war. I am sure you know that there are plenty video clips you can watch filmed by Baath’s hidden cameras when MKO operatives were providing information about Iran’s defenses and discussing strategies. But funny enough even in the videos they were treated like doormats by the Iraqis, DESPITE helping Saddam!!! Now they have began to infiltrate UAE, on a recon mission about Iranian businesspeople and tourists. The greatest danger is that they KNOW that are hated among all Iranians. And that is why they pursue their agenda (a regime change by any means possible – military attack) under cover posing as independent activists. One of these idiots I heard was a guest at VOA the other week, going by the name ALEX (Ali of course) (can’t remember his surname). This guy was taken to Iraq. And now poses as an Iranian activist on VOA.
It is sickening ... now you understand my forceful reaction to this blog and my appeal that we all exit this blog asap as to not give these traitors any voice.