بهاییان بیداد گر و بی تفاوت درست مثل همتایان مسلم خودمیباشند و کم کسری ندارند.


بهاییان بیداد گر و بی تفاوت درست مثل همتایان مسلم خودمیباشند و کم کسری ندارند.
by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

بهاییان بیداد گر و بی تفاوت درست مثل همتایان مسلم خودمیباشند و کم کسری ندارند.

بعضی از بهاییان برای اینکه از قافله عقب نیفتند همان بیدادگریها را در همین شرایط دشوار وخطرناک برای خودشان هم انجام میدهند. قربانیان این بهاییان بیداد گر بیشتر نیمه بهاییان و یا نیمه مسلمانان هستند که مثلا دارای پدر و یا تنها مادر بهایی میباشند. البته ظلم های بی حد حصری که در باره آنان شده است بی نهایت نکوهیده است و بسیار زشت مثل همان اعدام عروسان شهر شیراز که بیگناه به دار ظلم آویخته شدند و انسان بایست با ظلم و بیداد بجنگد.و سعی کند ظالم و ظلم را از بین ببرد و ظالمان را راه و روش انسانی بیاموزد.

بهاییان میگویند که بهایی بایست جامعه جمیع کمالات انسان باشد ولی من بسیار مورد دارم که بهاییان ( برخی از آنان که در بوته آزمایش قرار داده شدند) با نهایت دوستی و دلسوزی جلو آمده اند و بعد از اینکه اعتماد شخصی را جلب نموده اند وی را غارت فرموده اند و با نهایت بیشرمی گفته اند خوب برو و شکایت کن زیرا به سیستم بی تفاوت و بیهوده بسیار وارد هستند.

در این شرایطی که بهاییان در خطر هستند و براحتی اعدام میشوند خیلی دل و جرات و بی انصافی میخواهد که در همین شرایط هم همین اجبای عزیز امرالله مال کسی را غارت کنند و بعد هم لجن مالش فرمایند.

نظر من ذکر مصیبت نیست چونگه تاثیری ندارد ولی میخواهم بگویم که متاسفانه همه بهاییان هم انسانهایی والا و شایسته و قابل اعتماد نیستند و در حالی که در این شرایط دشوار برای آنان غارتگری میکنند بایست توجه داشته باشید که در شرایط مساوی مثل همتایان مسلمان خود چه ولوله ای برپا خواهد شد. باری بسیار از همین بهاییان مظلوم آنچنان قساوتی در باره کسانی انجام داده اند که بایست عرق شرم به پیشانی بنشیند.

ما وظیفه داریم بر علیه ظلم و جور و بی انصافی و غارت و دزدی و فساد قیام کنیم چه از جانب مسلمان باشد و چه از جانب بهایی؟

فدارکاری و شهادت بهاییان و ظلم و جور به آنان باعث آن نباید بشود که دیگران بهاییان کسان دیگری را که هیچ رابطه ای هم به ظلم و جور ندارند غارت کنند و لجن مال بنمایند.

ایکاش که همه این پیرایه های رنگارنگ از بین میرفت و همه ما در دوستی و محبت بدون توجه به دین و آیین و ملیت و نژاد با هم زندگی میکردیم و این دوروزه زندگی را برای هم تلخ نمیکردیم بلکه گوارا مینمودیم.

با احترام به آموزه های دین بهایی که میخواهد وحدت و دوستی را در جهان پیاده کند و با احترام بتمامی کسانی که برای خدمت به عالم بشریت کمر همت راست کرده اند ولی این اعتبارها نبایست برای بهاییان این شبهه را ایجاد کند که همه بهاییان خوبند و کسانی هستند که از همین اعتبارات برای منافع شخصی خود سو استفاده میکنند و بایست توسط همان تشکیلات بهایی با این اشخاص بد مقابله شود نه اینکه تنها به صرف بهایی بودن آنان را حمایت فرمایند  دزد دزد است چه بهایی باشد  چه مسلمان  ... بایست با او برخوردی قاطع شود که دست بقیه دزدان بسته شود وگرنه کار دزدی در صورت بی تفاوت بودن سیستم تشویق خواهد شد. تا نظر شما چه باشد؟ من از همه تشکیلات بهایی میخواهم که نگذارند که اعتبار دین بهایی توسط عده ای به پول تبدیل شود و آنان با تکیه بر این اعتبار و اعتماد دیگران را غارت نمایند.  با تقدیم احترامات  و امیدوارم که سنگ بی تفاوتی برداشته شود و همه به دنبال حق و حقیقت باشیم نه دزدی و فساد افسار گسیخته؟



more from Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Dear Bahai and non Bahai friends.

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

   First I was totally disturbed by the people who robbed me and misused the religion of my mother to robe me, and they did. My Bahai family came to me very nicely and showed that they want to support me. I trusted them and they did the same to me. Later I have spoken with other people, they had the same problems. I just expect that the Bahai administration at least advice them, what they did is not according to their claim as a Bahais. You know I did trust them, as I trust my Moslems best friends. Sorrowfully both of them act in the same way. It is heart breaking that the people who show up that they are spiritual and nice and believe in a school, later be indifferent and cruel.  I know there is a lot of nice Bahais or nice Moslem, but I expected that the administration not to be indifferent and at least say to them according to my papers, your work was not good?  Just like the Ministry of Just in Iran which is useless or the police which is going after money, or their own benefits.  

 You are careful with your enemies or the people you do not know, but how is about the people who show that they are very good and religious and in reality they misuse the religion as a device to robe other people. Still I am trying to help; I have work and place in my boarding school for the people who want to wok and to study. In Orlando, Fl 13305 Lacebark Pine Road, Orlando, Fl 32832. Tel: 4072819704 Agricultural activities, growing chicken, fish and other animals.  Amir place to live and work to do. For the people who want work and place. Sghiassi_fhc@hotmail.com Viva Love and Unity.  I try not to be indifferent as the system of the world wants. But truth or wrong you measure the people by their friends, families, religions. If the Bahai administration is not for Just, than we should advertise or they should advertise that they cannot even say to the people be nice and do not misuse their name. Bahais have a good name and this good name should not be misused.  With other words the Bahais are just like the other people, and nobody should trust them. They are good as the others and bad as the others and their administrations also do not do anything, the people should count for any unjust also useless police and or useless ministry of Just. And many people say that both of them may be in the whole world are useless. 



by Truthseeker9 on

I sympathise with what you claim you have been through. But please do not put your problems down to religions. This is something that I find very disturbing about Iranian society - that they classify people according to RELIGION.

"we were robbed one time as a Bahai by Moslems and one time as sort of half Bahai by the Bahai family or friends. Do you think that is nice? I wrote letters to the Bahai administration even to the Bahai House of Just and they did not act properly. With other words, they were also indifferent."

With regard to your statement above, there is no need to write to Baha'i administration, but if theft or crime has been committed it is the police and Law enforcement you need. If you did have a claim and case they would have supported you. Sadly, the Bahai's in Iran do not have the luxuary of being supported by a just Law. What you are ending up doing in your blogs is blaming religions for individuals behavior. That is wrong and is devisive in its message.

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Thanks to the Water

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

I wanted exactly the same. I have this school, the boarding and langauge school here in Orlando for the same goal. The students can stay here, work and study. But I am also for Just, Love and Unity, regardless to the religions, nationalities or races. The system in the world is trying to guide the people to be indifferent and self centered. If you want to see pictures, Sahameddinaghiassi/tagged.com or Multiply.com/Sahameddinghiassi.


Jenabe Ghiasi

by Waters on

You wish to teach unity, God has been trying to do this ooooh since at least from Abraham as much as he could back then. This is what he is up to now maybe you can use some of the ideas for your boarding school since you have the same wish.

 Children's Classes (Pt.1)

I am sure the MISSION STATEMENT at your school is in agreement with your thoughts of unifying humanity. Thats alota work and it takes alota discipline, self control and sacrifice, I mean look Jesus went up the Cross for that and didnt complain.

They(??) used to say that a picture is worth a 1000 words, imagine how much more a good deed is worth!!! 


Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

With Love and respect to the nice Bahais and nice Moslems.

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

If you are in a situation and a very close friend comes to you and is nice with you, you had a lot of problems before and now the friend came and supports you, you trust him and he misuse this trust and does to you the same as an enemy can do. The just system is long and expensive. You get upset or not? I agree with you and all my friends including me have been persecuted as Bahai, because part of our family were Bahais, the Moslem friends robed us because of Bahai name, but we were not registered Bahais, and the Bahais did the same.

 With other words we were robbed one time as a Bahai by Moslems and one time as sort of half Bahai by the Bahai family or friends. Do you think that is nice? I wrote letters to the Bahai administration even to the Bahai House of Just and they did not act properly. With other words, they were also indifferent. They are teaching Love Unity and Just, but in the action; it is the same as in the Moslem society. I and some of my friends have the full disadvantage of the Bahai problems in Iran and have almost the same through the some Bahais family or friends. One time persecuted as a Bahai and one time as a half Moslem and non Bahai? In the time that Bahais have so many problems and were so cruel to us, what can they be if they have the same power as the Moslem have?  If some of them are so unjust now, what will happen if they have power?


Re: "Removing unjust ... for the society"

by Truthseeker9 on

It is short sighted to label a group of people because an individual has performed a crime. A crimical can be of any race, colour or religion. Because an individual performs a crime of theft for example, it does not mean that he is driven by his race, colour or religion.

You say "My goal is to remove the unjust and that is not for me, but for the society" - then you should write about DEMOCRACY. When there is Democracy, there will be rule of Law and any person who is a criminal will be punished.

Currently bahai's are being punished FOR THEIR RELIGION. Their houses being burnt down FOR THEIR RELIGION. You said in a previous blog that they did the same, robbing a friend of his home. This is not the same subject. The person who did that was a criminal, and law of a just land would deal with breaking the law. What Bahai's are suffering in Iran is persecution due to religion, and there is no rule of law to protect this. These are different matters. I hope in future you will show understanding and differentiate between these two topics.

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Dear Majid

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

سال و هفده هفته است که روزی دوتا بلاگ مینویسی و تنها کامنت راجع به اون بلاگ هم مال خودت هست!یکسال و هفده هفته است که روزی دوتا بلاگ مینویسی تا بلکه توجّه جلب کنی و کسی علاقه نشون بده و نمیشه!یکسال و هفده هفته است که خودت هم بین دوتا «سکرین نیم» و دو تا «اواتار» دست و پا میزنی که خودی نشون بدی و نمیشه!شاید این روش جدید برات کار کنه، در این بلاگ از یازده تا کامنت نه تاش مال خودتونه!!داری یواش یواش به یه جائی میرسی!!پانوشت: واقعاً اگه توجّه میخوای راجع به اعراب و اسرائیل یه چیزی بنویس! این موضوع داغ روزه!  

I just answer the questions the people asked me. Should I be indifferent and not answer? I will share my experience with people, so they may not do the same mistake, or the experience of other people that I know. Is it not right?  I am sorry that it does not help? And I tried to clear my points and avoid the misunderstanding. That is a free work and the people are not (me in this case not such a good writer like you or others). I am trying to  share my experience with other people, if you will count my writings and the comments is fine, but I did not did the same to you, because you are a great writer. Thanks again. Amir Thanks for counting my coments and my days.


Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Dear Farshad

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

Dear Farshah First I did not blame of the whole Bahais about the matter. I even show sympathy for the unjust of happened to some of them. My question is why we should have so many problems for the religion issue even the Bahaullah said if the religions bring disunity and confusion living without religion is better. There are similarities between the stories that I wrote. But you know that many people are sent out of the work and their properties were taken away and that was not just one person or me?  A lot of my students and friends have killed themselves because of these difficulties and I think if I write their stories that will be a good lesson for other people to be more careful and may be the system will not be also so indifferent.

That the Just system in the whole world is indifferent is not happened only to me, many people are angry about the Just system even in USA. It is expensive and may be also useless, and for this reason, the Americans do not trust them.  Yes, I trusted my best friend and I helped him, and he gave me the money back after seven years through the just system. And any blind judge knows that I lost the capital, because the inflation has eaten the money. I did a mistake and I should not trust him and his crying and his hungry children. I agree I did mistake here, because I did not know the just system is so indifferent and useless. I said my stories to other people orally and they told me similar stories about their life.

So all of them is not mine, even if they look similar. My friends or students who killed themselves can be not mine, because they were tired of the people who are indifferent or cruel and they said if we say our stories to other people, they laugh at us.  I try to have and or teach the Love and Unity regardless to nationalities, religions or races. Why we should have so many problems in our short life for these believe which is a spiritual believe also. Yes, I have been persecuted in Iran, because my mother was Bahai and I have been persecuted here because I am Iranian and not Bahai.  But I am not the only one who is persecuted from both sides and is misused by the members of both religions (by some Moslems and by some Bahais) and as I told you some of them are killed themselves. And as you know thousand friends is not important, but one enemy is too much.

 You get the enemies, because you helped them.   Again I wish that all of us will live together in peace and unity. I do not like to be successful by cheating other people and by misusing them and their love. if that is the success, I prefer to be not successful. Again that was not my choice to be sent out of the work in Iran, because my mother was Bahai and that was also was not my choice to be in a family with two religions, but as I spoke with other people, I saw they have almost the same problem that I had, only I tried to be not influenced by those problem. One of my friends wanted to kill himself because of those problems, I told him think you are dead and work for humanity.

That is I try to do by myself. Again the Bahai teaching is nice, but the nice words do not help, the people should act and not be indifferent and or cruel.  But you have right, if I was indifferent like many people are, may be I did not have none of these problems.  Again I was heart by religions, but I do not hate them, I try to correct them and I try to remove the indifferent attitude the people have and try to people feel for each other and be nice to each other and be just and not cruel or indifferent.  Why we have so many problems?  You think everything is fine?  So many unjust happen in the world is fine? Is it OK?  We should be quiet and just be silent and do nothing?

 Again I love people regardless to their nationalities, races and or religions. I think religions came for humanity and not for name and separation. And many people misuse all these for making money and bring more hate between people. I tried to guide and not teach hate and to be indifferent or cruel to each other. I am against greed, hate and disunity and be indifferent. I do not want to save just me, but I try to save society with the help of other people who want to work for the humanity. Amir   It has been some times that I wanted to write to you about your blogs. You seem to repeat the same story over and over again.

The only difference between your blogs is the change in character's name. [In another words, you are repeating the story of your life using different names] I don’t know you personally, but it appears that you had issues in your life. Anyhow, what you are telling us is your side of story and there is another side that needs to be told as well. You are like my grandfather, but you can’t always blame others for your mistakes. You must take accountability for your actions and your choices. Always remember that all successful persons in the world are the ones that had more down terms and defeats in their life. Instead of pointing finger at other people and blaming them for your failures, you must analyze to see where the problem was and what did you do wrong and that should be a lesson learned for your future.

Nobody has ever claimed that Baha’is are perfect, but again you cannot categorize the entire community because of what happened to you. My recommendation to you at this point of your life is that you must forget the past. You always refer to the past and remember betrayal and difficult situations that you had been through. You must concentrate on the future and how best you can use it. Even if what happened to you was injustice, you cannot change it now and the only way that you can find peace with yourself, is to forgive those people and what they did to you, Baha’i or non-Baha’i does not matter.




by Majid on



یکسال و هفده هفته است که روزی دوتا بلاگ مینویسی و تنها کامنت راجع به اون بلاگ هم مال خودت هست!

یکسال و هفده هفته است که روزی دوتا بلاگ مینویسی تا بلکه توجّه جلب کنی و کسی علاقه نشون بده و نمیشه!

یکسال و هفده هفته است که خودت هم بین دوتا «سکرین نیم» و دو تا «اواتار» دست و پا میزنی که خودی نشون بدی و نمیشه!

شاید این روش جدید برات کار کنه، در این بلاگ از یازده تا کامنت نه تاش مال خودتونه!!

داری یواش یواش به یه جائی میرسی!!

پانوشت: واقعاً اگه توجّه میخوای راجع به اعراب و اسرائیل یه چیزی بنویس! این موضوع داغ روزه!

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

It is not my story

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

My goal is to remove the unjust and that is not for me, but for the society. I am trying to explain that the society is forcing us to be indifferent and or cruel. If you trust the people, you will come in difficutlies. My goal is to work for the unity of mankind and love and I bring a lot of examples. Many of my students or my coworkers, teachers  killed themselves, because of injust. I know that my life and their lives have similarities, but all the hundred stories I wrote is not mine. I forgive the people who did bad to me, because the life is short, but what I wish, that will not happen to other people. I have a boarding school and so I have a lot of contacts with students and all their lives cannot be mine? Dastayoufskie write the life of people is very simililar. I hope my writing will help to remove the cruelties and indifferences between people and in the society. Amir  I cannot write the real name of the people, because they do not allowed me.



by farshadjon on

Amir agha,

It has been some times that I wanted to write to you about your blogs. You seem to repeat the same story over and over again. The only difference between your blogs is the change in character's name. [In another words, you are repeating the story of your life using different names]

I don’t know you personally, but it appears that you had issues in your life. Anyhow, what you are telling us is your side of story and there is another side that needs to be told as well. You are like my grandfather, but you can’t always blame others for your mistakes.

You must take accountability for your actions and your choices. Always remember that all successful persons in the world are the ones that had more down terms and defeats in their life. Instead of pointing finger at other people and blaming them for your failures, you must analyze to see where the problem was and what did you do wrong and that should be a lesson learned for your future.

Nobody has ever claimed that Baha’is are perfect, but again you cannot categorize the entire community because of what happened to you. My recommendation to you at this point of your life is that you must forget the past. You always refer to the past and remember betrayal and difficult situations that you had been through.

You must concentrate on the future and how best you can use it. Even if what happened to you was injustice, you cannot change it now and the only way that you can find peace with yourself, is to forgive those people and what they did to you, Baha’i or non-Baha’i does not matter.



Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

.......آیا غارت اموال سردارالدین بوسیله پدر زن و پسر خاله بهایی

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

آیا غارت اموال سردارالدین بوسیله پدر زن بهایی و پسر خاله بهایی که به آنان اعتماد و اطمینان کرده بود توجیه پذیر است و صرف برای اینکه بهایی بوده اند بایست این حرکت زشت پوشیده باقی بماند؟  آیا ظلم بایست ریشه کن شود یا اسمی را با اسمی دیگر تعویض نمود. مگر بایست بین خاین بهایی و خاین مسلمان فرق هم گذاشت؟ خاین خاین است در هر دین و مذهبی و ملیتی که باشد.

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

متاسفانه در اثر بی تفاوتی ما مشگلات ایجاد میشود.

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

متاسفانه در اثر بی تفاوتی ما مشگلات ایجاد میشود.

اگر فیلم مصاحبه آقای اردشیر زاهدی را دیده باشید ایشان با نهایت ....گفتند که همه ما به شاه خیانت کردیم و به او هشدار ندادیم و یا واقعیت ها را برایش بازگو نکردیم و همه ما چاپلوس بودیم و برای از دست ندادن امکانان خود حتی دروغ هم گفتیم. خوب شاه هم که یک غیر انسان نیود او هم مردی بود مثل همه مردان دیگر. براحتی گول خورد و شاید این همین ما بودیم که از او یک دیکتاتور بی خبر از اوضاع ساختیم.

متاسفانه این تعصب ها و این لاسبیلی درکردنها است  که بهمه ما صدمه میزند. ما بایست که به مذهب عشق و دوستی گرایش داشته باشیم نه به نامها کسی که خیانت میکند دزدی میکند در هر لباس و در هر مسلک ومذهب بد است. سو استفاده از دوستی ها و اعتماد ها کاری بد است منتهی اشخاص متعصب و بی تجربه خیال میکنند که دین آنان و یا قوم آنان بهترین است و کوچکترین مشگلی ندارد

فرض کنیم اگر شاهنشاه ایران همه گروه ها را به بازی میگرفت و مثلا به کمونیست ها و مجاهدین ملیون و ملی مذهبی ها و جبهه ملی ها و غیره هم کاری به دستشان میداد و آنان را در امور اداره کشور به خدمت میگرفت ما شاهد اینهمه بی عدالتی بودیم. ولی متاسفانه یک مشت بله قربان گو ها و چاپلوسان دور وی را گرفتند و با نثار کرنش های بیش از حد و دست بوسی و پا بوسی وی را از واقعیت بدور کردند.

هیچ کس شاید به او نگفت که این جوانان دانشگاه میخواهند کار میخواهند مسکن میخواهند که ازدواج کنند سازندگی کنند بالندگی نمایند مشغول و تولید کننده باشند. و او فکر میکرد که همه راضی هستند؟ و یادم هست که یکی از اطرافیان او گفت که مخالفین شاهنشاه مثل مورچه هستند که کله پاچه آن چه ارزشی دارد. و این ندانم کاریها کار را بدانجا رسانید که کمونیست چینی و روسی و مجاهدین مذهبی و غیر مذهبی و ملیون و جبهه ملی و مذهبیون دو آتشه همه را ظاهرا با هم متحد برعلیه شاهنشاه نمود.

اکنون فرزندش درست متوجه شده است که بایست مردم و جوانان را آزاد گذاشت تا راه خودرا انتخاب کنند. دانشجویی داشتم که یک روز مجاهد دو آتشه بود روز بعد کمونیست دو آتشه  بعد مذهبی و بعد شاهی میشد.  مسلم است که با وجود معلومات کم و سطحی هر کس میتواند هر روز به طرفی متمایل شود.

خانمی در آمریکا که یک مسلمان دو آتشه بود وهمه را بجز مسلمانان آنهم از نوع شیعه دوازده امامی  نه هفت امامی و غیره را بهشتی میدانست یکهو در اثر امکاناتی و وقایعی تبدیل به یک مسیحی شد و غسل تعمید گرفت و شوهرش هم که یک مسلمان دو آتشه بود کشیش شده بود. حالا من نمیدانم که برای خاطر مال دنیا بود یا هر چیز دیگر حالا همین خانم دیگران و مسلمانان را کافر مطلق و بی خبر از خدا میدانست و با وجود کمی سواد و سطحی بودن اطلاعاتش هم در اسلام و هم در مسیحیت سعی میکرد با زور چپان کردن و حمله های فکری و عصبی دیگران را مثلا تشویق به مسیحیت نماید؟

حالا مونای عزیز هم بدون خواندن مقاله من و مثالهای من مرا در سطح کسی میبرد که میخواهد به بهاییان بتازد؟  نظر من بد و دزد و فاسد بودن هست نه داشتن مذهب منتهی چون اکنون متاسفانه در ایران بهاییان به ناحق مورد ظلم و جور قرار میگیرند  نبایست به ظلم و جوری که بهاییان در باره دیگران میکنند به دیده اغماض نگریست و من از دستگاههای بهایی خواستم که روی عدل و انصاف و مدارک اقدام کنند و مثل دستگاههای دادگستری بیهوده نباشند. و اگر آنان واقعا میخواهند که مردم به آنان بگروند بایست اول عدالت و خوبی و عشق را جلوداری نمایند. خود حضرت بهاالله هم فرموده است که اگر دین سبب اختلاف و مشگلات است بی دینی بهتر است. یعنی حتی دین هم نبایست مورد سواستفاده شیادان قرار بگیرد و کسی بعنوان بهایی مثلا اگر خیانت کرد از نظر تشکیلات بهایی مصون باقی بماند.

آموزه های بهاییت بسیار پیشرفته است و چنانچه فرموده اند  سراپرده عالم انسانی بلند شد به چشم بیگانگی بهم نگرید.  به عبارت دیگر بایست همه در برابر دستگاه اداری و عدالت بهایی یکسان باشند و کسی بعنوان بهایی مزیتی نداشته باشد وگرنه اگر تعصب اینکه همه بهاییان خوبند شعار قرار گیرد متاسفانه نتیجه معکوس در بر خواهد داشت. 

حضرت بهاالله میفرمایند که ای اهل عالم همه برگ یک دارید و شاخه های یک شاخسار.  نفرموده اند که بهاییان بلکه ای اهل عالم یعنی همه مردم دنیا.
در داستان بهاییت من تنها یک مثال آورده ام ولی متاسفانه مثالهای بیشتری هست که باز متاسفانه همین بهایی ها هم با نهایت بیرحمی و قساوت اموال کسی را غارت و اورا لجن مال هم میکنند آیا خانم مونا توقع دارد به صرف بهایی بودن بایست از تقصیر خاین های بهایی گذشت و آنان را کنار گذاشت و تنبیه نشوند چون بهایی هستند و برای نویسنده واقعیت ها خط نشان کشید؟ و با طنز اورا کوبید؟ آیا این منصفانه است. پس کسی هم که سر حضرت امام حسین را گوش تا گوش بریده چون مسلمان بوده بایست از تقصیر او درگذشت؟

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Did you listen to Mr. Ardeshir Zahedi

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

He said all of us have misused our situation and did not tell the Shah the truth. If the Bahais are bad, we should be quite? Dear Mona read the story of Sardareddin and tell me, how cruel and hard and greedy were the Bahais with Sardareddin. They destroyed his life, like the Moslem did. One time he persecuted by Moslem, because of Bahai family, and one time persecuted by Bahai and they took his properties and money. Is it right?

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

To dear Mona

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

 I am sorry that you misunderstood my writing, if you read them, most of them is against cureality and unjust. Just to be Bahai does not mean, he/she is OK.  That was my point and I asked the system to correct them, at least by words, good words. Amir


آقای قیاسی خسته نباشید

به‌ به‌ واقعا استفاده کردیم و به معلومات و تجارب ما اضافه شد.!

مطالب مثبت و آموزشی شما حیف هست که در این سایت خاک بخورد. قدر نوشته‌های شما را در رجأ نیوز، شیعه آنلاین، پایگاه خبری جوان، فالس نیوز، کیهان که مثل شما نسبت به بهائیان لطف و محبت خاصی‌ دارند بهتر می‌‌دانند. این دوستان هم روزشان شب نمی‌شود و روزیشان نمی‌‌گذرد اگر در مورد بهائیان قلم فرسایی نکنند.

آرامش درونی برای شما آرزومندم.


Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

مونای عزیز

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

 مونای عزیز

من هیچ مشگلی با اصل دین ندارم و اگر مطالب من را منصفانه و بدون تعصب خوانده باشید از مشگلاتی که برای بهاییان بوجود آمده است بسیار متاسف است ولی این دلیل این نمیشود که برخی از بهاییان با تکیه بر ظلم و کشت کشتارهای ناحقی که در مورد ایشان انجام شده بی گناهان دیگری را غارت  و به خاک سیاه بنشانند من از بیت عدل و سایر تشکیلات بهایی درخواست دارم که مثل دادگستریهای ایران و یا حتی آمریکا بی تفاوت و بمن چه بمن چه گو نباشند و بنیان ظلم بایست برکنده شود.
همانطوریکه کشتار و شهادت امام حسین نباید برای غارت سایر مسلمین از دیگران دلیلی و مرجعی باشد همین طور هم آن بهاییان غارتگر نبایست به دلیل کشتارهای ناحق در ایران و یا شاید در دنیا دیگران را بخاک سیاه بنشانند و غارت بفرمایندو امیدوارم که متوجه شده باشید که صرف بهایی بودن و یا مسلمان بودن و یا  انسان بودن نیست و اگر تشکیلات بهایی اقدامی منصفانه نفرمایند آنان هم نظیر سایر ادارات و تشکیلات بیهوده هستند.

نظر من برخورد با دزدی فساد و سو استفاده از دوستی علاق عشق و اعتماد است وگرنه بهایی خوب بهمان اندازه ای خوبست که مسلمان خوب و درستکار. بسیاری که از کسانی که توسط دوستان بهایی غارت شده اند خودشان هم به عنوان بهایی با توجه به اینکه بهایی نبوده اند غارت شده و بخاک سیاه نشسته است. امیدوارم که تعصب خشگ و خالی باعث آن نشود که سو استفاده چیان از آن بهره ببرند.  بسیاری از آنانی که توسط بهاییان غارت شده اند خودشان هم قربانی بوده اند.  قربانی ظلم و جور...امیدوارم که ریشه ظلم و جور از بیخ بن برکنده شود.

Mona 19


by Mona 19 on

آقای قیاسی خسته نباشید

به‌ به‌ واقعا استفاده کردیم و به معلومات و تجارب ما اضافه شد.!

مطالب مثبت و آموزشی شما حیف هست که در این سایت خاک بخورد. قدر نوشته‌های شما را در رجأ نیوز، شیعه آنلاین، پایگاه خبری جوان، فالس نیوز، کیهان که مثل شما نسبت به بهائیان لطف و محبت خاصی‌ دارند بهتر می‌‌دانند. این دوستان هم روزشان شب نمی‌شود و روزیشان نمی‌‌گذرد اگر در مورد بهائیان قلم فرسایی نکنند.

آرامش درونی برای شما آرزومندم.


Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Reaz Shah

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

It is painted by colonel Ghiassi with water color, in the time of his crowning.

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Reza Shah who did a lot for Iran and had some negative points

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

As you know none of us is without negative points. Because we are human being and we do mistakes.