The dictaror can be mad and crazy one day, so he should be controled by a group of people.


The dictaror can be mad and crazy one day, so he should be controled by a group of people.
by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

The power and craziness of a dictator

Never a country should be guided by one person only. Because he/she can be sick and or get crazy and to use the power in his/her hand in a very bad way.

Always the real power and decision of a country should be in the hand of a committee or a group of people who are elected by the people of that country. The people are not sheep that a Shepard can decide for them.

As Mr. Ardeshir Zahedi told in a television interview the people around Shah did not say him the truth, and all of them were kissing his hands and or his feet, to make him sure that everything is fine. So the Shah could not have a direct contact with the people and believed the people around him. I am not a politician, but did you see the pictures of those times. The important people and academic people, very knowledgeable people bow themselves to kiss his hand. They were may be even older than the Shah. But from one side such an over due respect is given to him and from the other side he had no relationship with the poor or middle class people. So every body thought all the problems are because of the Shah.

The huge advertisement influence the people so if the Shah go away from Iran, Iran will be like paradise. Every body gets the money of the oil and his share of the wealth of the country. You can say God and or Mohammad and you get free materials. The people are selfish and wanted everything for themselves and they do not want to share the wealth of the country with other people. They cheated the most and majority of the people and they lied a lot. The Iranian youth did not have work and sport activities enough to be busy. They had no university; they should go through an entry exam which was very hard and very difficult. The Shah did not have may be good adviser or consultant to say him the truth. The people around him did not care so much about the society. First the Shah had gone between normal people, he visited the high school even in the province of Iran, and he sat in the class and spoke with the students. He went to the scout government in the Manzariyeh Shimiran. He lived with the people and the normal people had chance to speak with him. He went with Soraya in the villages of Iran and eats with the people and sat on the floor with them.

Even one time the queen Soraya told him, why you do not go between the middle class and poor people. He could gain a lot of love from the guest hospitalities in Iran. But he cut his contacts. The school did not have enough teacher and the students played the whole day in the yard. They were happy not to have teacher, special mathematics teacher. There not enough foreign language teacher in the high schools of Tehran.

Everybody knows that the children have the possibilities to learn the best. What ever a young child learn, never forgets. But the children in high school did not have teacher. So they learn by themselves or by heart. The children who did not learn enough and good, later will have problems. Even if they go to Europe or USA, they will have problems. The rich sent their children to good private school and they hired private totter for them, they paid ten to twenty dollars per hour to the teacher to help their children. But the poor and middle class people did not have such money to pay, so their children could pass the classes with minimum knowledge. They did not hired good teacher, they sent a teacher without degree form university to teach in high school and he could not teach properly and he could not answer the questions of the student, and told them go and read the book you will get the answer. They could not continue at the Iranian universities, and in the time they had to go to other countries to study, a lot of other problems will face them. Having not enough money, the lack of good education in Iran, and foreign language. So they were upset and they thought, the king had fault and he did this to them. They blamed everything to the Shah, as Shah interfere in the government instead of guiding them with the consultation of experts.

Most students from middle class have no other choice of returning back to Iran, as they could not finish their study. The European do not like Middle Eastern people as we like them. They like their own people in the first step. It is clear that rich Iranian students or very smart and intelligent, or the students who learned in very good high school could continue their study. The rich could pay other German or British good students to be their private totters, or they could be friend with intelligent German or British girls and they could pay for their entertainment or restaurants, cinemas and in return, they got love and support from them, to be helped in learning. They could invite the nice intellectual girls and have love and support in learning from her. But the middle class people did not even have enough money to pay their own, part, money, Dutch in the restaurant. So they were boring for the girls, the girls will not pay for their food in the restaurant. We had Persian language teacher, geography and history teacher, religions and biology teacher, part time physic and chemistry teacher; but not language teacher or mathematics teacher who can teach properly. I had only in the seventh grade and in the twelve grade full time teacher in these two subjects. The other years just close to the exams we had a teacher and after the exams, we did not have teachers any more. The Shah did not use this huge energy and did not involve them with the activities. So the youth thought all problems is because of the Shah. The other problems were that the Shah sent every body out, only one group of people could work with him. , the left, the communists, the Mojahedin, the cheriks, the religious people, moderate people, the nationalist people all of them were outsider, only the people who kiss his hands were around him. And the people who over respected him, like a super professor who called himself the slave of the king. Who will be killed for him? But in the opposite the students, most of them did not respect him and their professors called themselves slave of the king.

The king of a relatively poor country should not show up his nice palaces and nice life to the people through television. That they have a very nice expensive life and separate himself from his people. The Shah in reality was the son of an army soldier, who came up to be the king. His father was from a poor family, so he should think about the poor people.

In a foreign politics, the Shah acts good. All the European countries thought Iran is an advanced country; Iran even borrowed money to British to use for their projects. But inside Iran, he did a lot of mistakes. May be his son, who live with the people now; can understand people much better later. Thirty years ago, he called himself the king of Iran and he is saying that he is just an Iranian like millions other Iranians. And he will to work for the freedom of his people.

Sorrowfully some greedy people will take advantage of any condition, from war, from revolution and from any other situation, they want to gather money and power as much as they can, and they are not satisfied with a normal power. And some admires of them, make them crazy, and they think they are super power. And extra personalities. They are even the first person, in the time they feel, they cannot stay in power any more and they cannot handle the situation, they will kill the greedy people, to save themselves.

To be fair all problems was not because of the Shah, but because of greedy people who wanted millions of dollars from the pocket of the people. They robbed the people and put the money in foreign banks. Most people forget their humanities and try to save themselves only. The love and friendship between people have been changed to be cruel to each other and indifferent. Who ever has a position just wanted to take more money and more advantages, so he liked to save for later more and more money, or for his heritages and or other world to pay the hurries, green dollars? Nobody care about people. And as the Shah did not go between people, he did not know anything about all these problems. All bad attitudes of his officers were written in his account. Even in the past the kings have hears and eyes between people and inspectors, and sometime even the king go between people with normal clothes, to know how the people are speaking about the system. And so he could get the first hand information directly from people, or he could call people by telephones. Or may be his illness makes him weak and not so motivate. The sense of dictatorship is in every body; even the children are trying to dominate the parents. And they want to misuse the love and passion of parent, to change them to their slaves. Or the parent, sometimes they want to force the children to accept their way of thinking. A father who is very radical Moslem and forces his son to pray a lot and be a very perfect Moslem, in twenty his son will be an over acting communist. Or a son of a communist, who is forced to act and believe like a real communist, will be in eighteen years of his life and capitalist.

The people should work for the society and the Just should govern that society. Knowledge and education should be prepared for everybody and everybody should have access to good education. The money which we get from selling the oil should be used for the mother factories and universities, hospital and creating job for people and spend for the industry of oil, and not spend for bringing useless material from China. Or sent to the clergy people’ account to use in other world. These billions of dollars which saved in clergy people had to be use for the people in Iran and not in their personal account in Europe, Asia or America. These countries will not give the money to them, as they did not give to Saddam Hossein. They took for themselves. Corruption should be stopped immediately and who have illegal money should be punished.

The taxes should be fair and according to the people income, not so that the rich people do not pay tax and middle class people should pay more than normal. The people who have illegal money should be investigated where and how they gathered so much money? The religions came to bring peace and unity and the people should live better; as long they bring hate, war and disunity something is wrong with that religion, some people use it as a device to gathered money and power and make with religion a horrible business. All prophets and philosopher came to make the life better and nicer and not worse than it is. Sorrowfully we misused the religions and philosopher for hate and business also. We should love other children like our own children and give love and good service to the people and make the life easier for them and not harder. We should be fair and do not uses lie. You see to change the Shah with Khomeini nothing has changed and the majority of people have the same or more problem than before.

The people around the Shah were kissing his hands and his feet, and not they do the same thing to Khomeini, and he let the people do this. As he loved to be worshiped. The people who did performed a revolution to have more freedom and a better life, now they have less freedom and their life is worst than before. But some people may be from poor family got richness and a lot of possibilities. But they forgot their friends who fight with them for the power. The corruption was bad in the Shah time, and the people took money illegal in a very secret way, but now they say very clearly that they want money and a lot of money. The result of this glorious revolution was that we have fifteen million people addicted to the drugs, million of people have no work, they do not have university and most people live under poverty. Million of Iranian live in other countries as workers with high degrees. For the sake of God, do not be so cruel and corrupt to the people. The God give this power to you to use for the people and not against people. Work for God, love and Unity. The people trusted you and give you the power of government, if you misuse it, they will it back from you, than you should pay for it and they have to pay also. Do to the people the same as you wanted to be treated by them. If you are cruel now, later in the time that you lose the power, they will be cruel to you.

The Jesus saw a dead , killed man and told him, whom did you kill, that you have been killed, and somebody will kill him who killed you. In the society that cruelty is governed, even the dictator is not safe. And he can be killed by other people easily. One day the cruel person will be killed by other people. Stalin killed all his friends who helped him; he killed any body who did not obey him totally. He forced them to say that they were bad people. And sent them to Siberia to be black by the cold weather there. And be killed by cold weather. At the end his own friends killed him with the poison like a dog. Abdolkarim Ghasem killed all the royal Iraqi family in a very bad way. He let the people take their bodies with a rope hanged on their car and pull their bodies on the street of Iraq. He is killed in the same manner and his cut head was showed in TV to the people. With our such a short life and full of illnesses, even kings and queens have no protection concerning different illnesses, had really the world so much value that we destroy other people life to have a heavier and better life?

Should we destroy other people income, to have more income and or to have their income added to ours? Who does this will have a bad name for ever for himself/herself? The bad people cannot govern for ever, one they the people will take them off and punish them and their name will stay bad for ever in the history. We hope that one day, love and unity will replace hate and disunity and cooperation will replace the destruction and damages. Hostility will be changed to hospitality. The Moslems pray in the churches and the Christian will pray in Temples, and the Jew worship in the Mosques. Everybody loves each other and respects other ideas and everybody is trying to help others.

The Zoroastrian will pray in the synagogues and the Buddhists will pray in Hindus temples. The Bahais and Babis will pray in the Hosseniyeh and Khanghah. O the people of the world all of you are the leaves of one tree and the flowers of one Rosen garden. Do not look in the greed and hate to each other. Do not look to other as they were your slaves and servant, be their servants and try to love and respect everybody in the world, because of humanity. All of us are made by earth and water and after our death, we will be returned to the soil and water again. Khayaam said, few days we were children and we were happy, few days we were master and professor and we were happy and proud, but listen to the end of our story, we were coming from dust and we changed at the end to the dust. Do not be proud as you are beautiful after a bad illness you will be ugly and do not be proud by your wealth as the thives ( and now inflation and deflation will destroy them) will take them.

Oh ye rich people in the world the poor our my children have been trusted to you, take care of them, so you will be taken care of. If we respect the others; they will respect us, if not they do the same thing to us. We should not make the life hard and bitter for us and other people. We should appreciate the love and if somebody take care of us, take care of him/her ,too. If somebody give us a pot of water after drinking water we should not destroy the pot of his/her and if somebody help us, we should not kill her/him or destroy him/her.


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