How can we manage with the difficulties of religions?
May be you heard also that in the time of humanity in Germany it was important the people be nice and correct and have good actions. Those people who were friendly, work nicely and act correctly have been respected by the people and government. Not only the religious people who may not even believe in God and they had only the benefit of religions. In this time, the people and society respect the humanity and the people who work for the humanity.
Lessing a writer and philosopher of Germany have a story which could be also a real story and this story is foundation of to be good and not to have a certain religion. He said a father has a ring; who ever had this ring was respected by most people. Always the best son could get this ring after the father passed away. The father will always give the ring to his best son.
One day Salaheddin Ayubi invited a very rich Jewish merchant Nathan the Wise to his palace. He was a very nice Jewish person who believes really in God the Love and helps the people as far as he could. He loved Moslem and Christians and was nice and friendly to all of them. Nathan thought by himself ; may be the generous general will have some credit and loan from him to spend for the people. He went to Salaheddin palace ,the governor of that area, philistine or the holy land.
In the time that he arrived the house of Salaheddin, he saw some Christian Pastors and some Islamic clergies are sitting there, too and all of them seem to be waiting for him. After Nathan sat down Salaheddin asked him, Nathan which religions is the right one. Christianly, Islam or yours Jewish?
Nathan was a clever man; he could not say, Islam than the Christians were upset. Could not say Jewish than the other two religions will be angry with him. So he sat down and said ;I will explain the matter in a wise way. So please listen to me. It was one time a rich man , who has a ring; the value of this ring was who ever has this ring will be a beloved person and he will be good and nice person ,and the people will love and respect him. The father always gave this ring to his best son, who was nice , friendly and just. But one time a father had three sons and all three were nice friendly and just. They were the same and all three were very equal in characters , action and thinking so he could not decide which one is a little bit better, so it was not so easy for him to give the ring to one of them. After a lot of thinking he could not find a way that is the best way. The father tried very hard to find the best one, but he failed as all three were good. The father should give the ring to one of them who was the best before he dies. As he could not find the best and all three were the same; so he made another plan. He called a very good, profetional jeweler and asked him to make another two rings with the same materials; so that nobody can make any differences between the three rings. All of them should see like each other that no one can find a difference between them. The jeweler accepted and did his job. He made two other rings which looked exactly like the real one, even the jeweler could not find any differences between the three rings any more.
So the father called the sons one by one and in different day to himself and asked them to be quite and do not speak about the matter what he is going to share with them. He gets the promise from each of them that they should be quite and should not say anything about what is happening today between father and them. He gave to each of them one ring and said as you are the best so you get the ring, but as you promised you should say nothing and be quite until I passed away, than you can show the people the ring and say that you have the ring. But as long as I am alive you should be quite and say nothing about the ring.
The sons have accepted the condition and they were happy, because each of them thought he had the real ring. But which ring was the real ring, nobody knows even the jeweler who makes the other two rings, could not recognize which one is the real original one.
All three sons have the rings, but the real one would make the master of that ring the more beloved one. The result of having the real ring was; it makes the person who has it the best person also. But as long as the father was alive they were not allowed to open the box of the rings.
After the father died all sons opened the box and all of them thought he has the ring. They start to discuss about the matter, but nobody could help them and nobody could recognize which ring is the original and real one. As the jeweler did a good job and with the same gold, smearcase, robin, diamonds and other precious stones, he made such nice rings that nobody including him could make any differences between the three rings. They agree to go to the Wise man of the city and what ever he will say, they should accept. The Wise man said the value of the real ring is to make the master of it more beloved person. And it makes him nice , friendly and just. So the one who has the real original ring must be better and best person of you all three. So the one who is nicer, more beloved and more people love him and respect him and he does good work more than the other brothers, he has the real ring. So the three sons agree and came back and now each of them was trying to be the best person in that area. And be much better than his two other brothers.
It is the same with religions, the one religion which have the most beloved followers and the people love its flowers more and the follwers are better, nicer, just and friendlier ;that religion has the most credits. Or the followers of that religion have the real original ring. So the fights and discussion between religions and saying I am better than you; I am right you are wrong will not solve the problems. What can help is to be good, tolerance respectful with other ideas and people, be nice and friendly. If you are good and nice, the people can think that your religion is the right one and your ring is the original one. The God is beyond our mind and we cannot know him; as our mind and brain is limited and the God is unlimited. How can a limited person mind know about unlimited power? Our brain does not have the capacity to know the God and His existence. What ever we think is limited. We do not have such a power to know or even to think properly about his existence. As an aunt or a dog cannot think about us and our problems. An aunt or a dog or a cow cannot think about cell phone or even television or other man made matters. Their minds are more limited than ours. So we cannot also comprehension now about the life and the world system, may be later we can. As the Iranian Philosopher told us the human being have the capacity to see the God, but they should work for it with Love and Unity. Until that time may be we have a long way ahead of us.
The three rings parable is a very famous story in the German literature. And it says the answer to your question. Who has the right? The one who is more beloved by the people. If the majority of the follower of one religion are beloved, loving and nice people who do not cheat and damage, but help and produce and do not force the people to do the action which they do not want to do; so they are real, the other religions which its followers are cruel and indifferent and are after power, money, sex and cheating so it is clear that religion is not the right one.
Now the world is so small and we can have contact with other nations very easily so we should respect other people, other nations, religions, races and nationalities. The journey in the past time was expensive and difficult. But now it is easy and cheap. We can have our breakfast in Asia, lunch in Europe and dinner in America. And next day we can be in Australia or North Pole. The people now are much closed to each other and they need each other. So they have to love and respect each other, with different culture, religions, language and races. Even the race is not a real thing. We are all human race, as long as we can marry with each other and have children, so we are one race. The black pigeon is the same race as white pigeon. Or the white dove is the race as brown dove. But chicken and dove are different races, but not different chicken under each other are one race, but they are looking differently.
We should not be suffered for religions, nationalities or races any more. The people who do this are not human, they are cruel and selfish. The people who think they are better people or better race, religion or nationalities belong to the past. Now we should work for the unity of mankind. Nobody born as master and nobody born as slave. The proud people who think they are special are not normal. The people who make other people as slave, because they believe them and or they cheat them also are not good people. The good people are those who love and help and if they are rich they use their money for people, build hospitals, universities and create work and activities for the people. The people who will the total obedience and think they are extra and they are in the place of God ;they are not good people. The best one is who that serves my people, not the one who is served. Even Mohammad told, I will kiss the hand of hard worker as they work and we use the result of their work. To be parasite and use the other people production and do not create and do not do something for the society is not good either.
Look how animals are friendly to each other. We should also Love each other and work for the Unity of mankind.
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How can we solve the problem
by Mona Tahiri on Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:14 AM PDTo am soury for this very frank reply.
i believe that all the problems of this world can be solved only if the whole world or atleast a majority convart to bahaei faith. this is true and this will happen one day.
Baaaaaaa, Baaaaaaaa (LOL)
by AK69 on Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:05 PM PDT-
I say quite deliberately that organized religion has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress. It is a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers. It is the theological grazing pasture of humanity’s sheep.
Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan