A letter to the prince


A letter to the prince
by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

In the time that our children our youth are torching and even have been attacked by sick people sexually, and they are dieing in the jails, and their parent get upset or angry, I do not know to write small problems are wise or not? The problem that I will speak about in compare what is happening now is very small and not important. If you lose all your money and you should start as a small person again, it is hard, but not so hard as your daughter or your son be torched and be sexually raped. I wish one day humanity will take place of the people who are hungry for power, money and sex. They use everything to satisfy themselves; even they are willing to kill children and youths, because they do not obey them. The children in these times even do not obey their parents and their children who love them unconditionally, how do they expect they should obey their rules and regulations which is against love and friendship. The government is against sex with love even, but they encourage their people to have homosexual activities and sexual activities with prisons, these children are not the children of the enemies, they are the children of the people who did the revolution and brought these people to power as they thought they will help them, but they are worse than the people before them. The soldiers of the Imperial Guard of the King never bit or torched the women, or the children. Even they grow up people if they accept they did mistake set free. But this dictator has no mercy and kills women, girls, sick people and even children. I wish they get aware of what they are doing, because if the unjust government takes place, even they will not be saved and their children, themselves and their friends will be in a dangerous situation.

I do not know why when we get a good job and or get a high position so we forget everything including ourselves. As we know to critic is a very simple thing, but to act is a difficult activities. But to be indifferent and do not write the experiences does not help either. Darab after getting his BS degree from the university get a teaching position in one them famous Tehran high school. He was from a very middle class, lower middle class that he did finish the high school and university with a lot of financial problems. His father was the employee of post organization a little bit more than a postman. As he did not have any high school degree, I mean the father. Darab was student in an elementary school that his friend in the same class was very poor and he was under them a rich student. It is clear that his father as employee of post office with may be elementary school degree has more income than the fathers of most students in that school, their fathers were cleaning the street or they were garbage men.

As Darab was in that type of school, he was in compare by other student a rich boy. As he had clean clothes and he went to the public bath rooms every Fridays and as in the past the Iranian did not have bath in their house and they went mostly to the public baths. The other children were may be half hungry, and they did not have enough food at home. Even their parents were not able to buy every year in the Now Ruz time new cloths for them. So some of them even came after Now Ruz with the same clothes at the school. So Darab was familiar with real poverty even he was not in a poverty situation.

We often gave his pencil or note-book to the other students, because he knew they cannot buy even a whole pencil or a new clean note-book. I have also some experience in this type of school as a student or as a teacher. And I remembered how happy the children get as they got a new whole pencil or a new clean note-book. Some times the school gave the children new clothes and as these students had the new clothes in the Now Ruz time, they were as happy as they have the whole world and as they have a very expensive gift.

I remember that a boy told me as he got a new shoes as a gift from the school, he could not sleep the whole night, and he wanted so badly the day will arrive so he can wear his new shoes and go to school, so every body can see that he has a new shoes, he told me he had never had new shoes and he does not know how the reaction of other students could be when he wear for the first time in his life his new shoes. His father or mother bought for him always used shoes. The children in each group have the different problems. So as may be the rich people do not understand the problems of the poor people, and the poor people did not understand the difficulties of riches. But Darab understand the problems of the poor as he has lived with their children. And these children as his friends explain their problems. So most of his close friend was among these poor people. Darab told me some time the children get excited as they see only the bread, as they did not have enough bread in their homes.

Darab always share his food with other student, and I remember one day, Darab told me, he brought some pistachio in the school and gave some of those to his friends. Their friend told him how he can buy this expensive pistachio, they always saw that in the shop, but as it was expensive; they did not even dream they can eat them one day. They said it was extra and it was very delicious. Or as a child or student has a new socks and told me Dabi see my new purloin socks, my father bought it new for me as I get a twenty (like A) in dictation of Persian. . Look Dabi it is really new and look what a nice shinny color it has.

This Darab who was student in such poor school with poor people now after finishing his BS and also finishing his army course as a lieutenant, was now the teacher in one of the expensive private school in Tehran in which even the court and Shah family send their children. Now his students were the children of state secretary, generals, rich merchant, executive directors of big companies, and the general directors of state companies. So this good and intelligent student could be one day the teacher of a high level high school. He had a BS in physic, but as he was good in Persian literature, he could also give some Persian language lessons. Composition was one of the subjects that he was very good in it.

Darab told me in the first day of his school work, they guided him to the seventh grade and they had Persian composition. I wore my best clothe and my best tie, but in compare with their suits and their clothes, mine was nothing. Their clothes and suits were the last model form Europe or America, the expensive companies did make them and their parent bought them from Europe or America. Almost all children spent their holidays in Europe or American. And came back in October to go to school. These kids know the European languages very well as they spent the whole summer holidays there, and some of them have foreign private teacher or European or American servants or nannies. They could speak and write easily the European languages. A handsome boy came close to me and has a tie in his hand, a blue tie with nice pictures on it. He gave the blue tie to me and said, Here Mr. Darab that is a little gift for you. Well come for the first time in our class. I thank him and get the tie. Now this environment was completely different as I was students and was between lots of poor students. Now it is completely different situation. Beautiful friendly nice and kind boys and girls with chick expensive suits and clothes with nice colors together with expensive perfumes and fragrances with nice colorful ties and nice shirts with the good tailored shapes and nice beautiful school aids and big note-book and different books, was a dream even for me.

I remembered my other friends from the school time, may be able to see one day these types of school, which they may think that is a paradise school or they thinks they are dreaming. These students were happy in the time the summer holidays, as they could go to Europe or America for more fun, and those children were upset as in the summer instead of school and learning, they should help their parents and work to support them. They should clean the houses or sell something or go after donkeys to help the people with material for building houses. Contracture of building and in some places the donkey has to bring the material as the ways were not wide enough for the cars or trucks. So they were upset for the summer holidays. They wished there were not a summer holidays so they could always go to school; at least they should not perform hard works.

Generally the students of this school like other school in the past was nice and friendly and it make fun to have them as students. In those time to be a teacher was a very simple work, as the children were trained to like the teacher and obey him/her. They love the teacher so much that what ever he/she said was accepted by the students. Or they may show so; it is possible. The students and their parent at that time generally respect the teacher, in compare with USA today students and parent that both of them disrespect the teacher and will fight with him/her at that time it was nice to be a teacher as the parents and students both were nice and cooperative with the teachers.

One of students of my mother told me that in the past the students thought the teacher is like God and she/he should be even worshiped. I remember one day I was going with my mother and two general saw my mother. They salute her and one said to other Mrs. Teacher is coming. As she was a real queen.

One day I told my students they should write about a poor girl and you should try to put yourself in her shoes and try to understand her problems and write them. And as I wanted that they should understand better the poverty, I read for them the little poor girl written by Hans Christian Anderson the Danish writer. The girl who sell matches and in the very cold weather, she use the matches to be a little bit warm and she has died because of hunger and the cold weather on the corner of one empty street. The children look to each other and looked at me as I have spoken about a girl from Mars. And they moved their heads as I did something wrong. And at the end of these looking, a tall girl and a beautiful one who was also friendly and nice protested and told me that is not our business to write about a poor girl. We are rich and not poor, how can we understand her and her problems. Why we should know about her and write about her? As I did a big mistake and forget that I am not in a poor area school; and forget that I am in a very high class school with very rich students. And the tall girl who was twelve year old, but she was about 175 cm and she was the daughter of the head of university and her father was a famous medical doctor. And she wanted remained me that I am not in a poor school. I should give them a title for a composition like describe a beautiful rich nice girl. And her problems?

I said to her dear Massy we should understand everybody and we should try to have relationship with all people and help each other as far as we could as we are human being and should not be selfish. We should try to bring happiness to all people, with other words it is possible that one day they get rich and you get poor. The lives have up side and down side. The poor people do not stay always poor and the rich cannot be always rich also. To be selfish and indifferent is not a nice matter. Masumeh did not say anything, I do not know if she accepted my arguments or not. And the class agreed to write a composition about the problems of a poor girl. And they said they will benefit from this composition. That school year comes to the end and the last day of the school we were together. Close to the school there was a nice ice cream shop and I sent Evelyn a German girl to buy ice cream for the whole class. So the last day we will have fun and we can eat together ice cream. She went with the money that I gave her and brought the ice cream in few minutes; the children and I eat together the ice creams with a lot of fun. After that they dismissed one by one and very friendly came to me and left the class, shake my hands and thanked me for the whole year and gone with their cars or the school cars home. After all of them have gone, I came out and saw one of the school employee is waiting for me. He came close to me and said that the school principal will see you. Please, after you are finish with your class go to him. I said to him, sure I will go to his office in few minutes.

I went to his office and knocked at his door, he said please come in. I went to him room, he was an old man, with white hair and he was like father to me. He stands up and asked me to take a sit. That was my first school teaching year. He said you did a good job and thanked me for all my activities. Play writing, and helping in the School Theater, and teaching physic and composition. He said as your composition is very good, I would like to ask you to write a letter for the prince as his child could not pass the exams and he failed and has to repeat the class next year again. But you should write the letter so good, that he does not get upset. So that the school is ready to cooperate with him and any suggestion can be made by him, the school as far as possible will accept that suggestion. What ever he will decide we will cooperate with him. For example we can repeat the exam after holidays, if they want so his son has time to read and study good during the holiday, may be can get a private teacher and he can be examined again. That is one way; or any other way that the prince will suggest.

As my father was a government employee, we like the monarch and as I see the son of the prince I liked him and wanted to help him, because if the rulers are very well educated the people have more benefit as they are clever and understand the people better. So I was very willing to teach him, as later he will be important and can use his knowledge for the people also. But he was very cold to me and I let him go; now he was failed and again I feel that is my duty to help him. If the rulers are smart and very well educated, the people have more freedom. Most students in that school have private teacher, but I do not know if the prince has a private teacher or not. Any way I was upset as I saw he is failed. And the other problem was that I was the only one who should write a letter to his father. The principal told me, here is the letter with heading and envelops and stamps, take all of them to your home and write a letter and send him with a registered mail, please.

I came out of his office and I thought; may be it will be better that I write an extra letter for the son and show that I am willing to help him; if he wants to learn in the summer time. As he is a youth and child and need my encourage as a teacher. I tried my best to write a nice letter to the prince and another letter to the son, the young prince. I thought in this way I can encourage him and if he decides to learn with me; I have the possibilities to train one of Iranian future ruler. Than I remembered my old friend, they told me the school is so good, we do not need to work hard. And help our parents. They prefer to come to school as going to work to help financially their parent.

I do not know as I did a mistake that I was not indifferent and have sympathy for the young prince. So I wrote a nice letter for the father and a nice friendly letter for the son. I offered him, that I am willing to help him as far as I can. So as a middle class person I know the problems of poor and I have also sympathy for the rich. I wish that these two classes could have contacts directly also. So I could not be indifferent with the problem of the young prince. I thought may be my letter will help him and encourage him. I mailed the both letter. Few days later, I got a letter from the young prince who was very impolite and rude. He wrote as I did a bad thing, and protested against my writing. As I did a bad thing; I do not know as he was very upset with other teachers or he had other problems, so I was the only one who had a letter full of bad words. I did not even mention to him that he failed. It was only a nice friendly letter and not more. As the people should be patient and the life is generally full of problems and we should try to solve the problems. Sometime we are up and sometimes down; but at the end we will win; if we are patient.

I had no hate for the king’s family, as I thought they are representing us and in other country, they are our representatives. So I liked them. As I liked the prince also as he was the students of that school, and I was surprised why he was so and act so unfriendly to me. And why he gave such a rude answer to my friendly letter. So I thought may be he is a youth and has proud and he does not like to be treated as a youth. And does not the teacher who is just few years older than him. He even mentioned may be I have sexual desire and it is better I take more hormones and write letters to the girls.

I said to myself he is a youth and is failed and is angry. May be that is not even the problem of being prince at all, but the problem that generally youth will have and the prince is a youth and has the same problems.

It has passed few more months than I got another letter from the prince. But this letter was completely different from the first one. In these four pages letter he wrote very nicely and admired me to be so interested in the students of that school and has asked me if I can forgive him for his rudeness an impoliteness. He continued that he was very sick at that time and was depressed and had no hope and as he wrote such a bad letter to such nice teacher like me, he is very sorry. I wrote that he hoped I can forgive him and again he thanked me to be nice and friendly to him. I wrote a letter for his letter, and said I forgive him totally and it is not important; I am a teacher and I know that the students sometimes are not patient and angry. But I am happy to get his letter that he feels better and healthy now.

This is a very old matter; it is over thirty years ago this action has happened, but I thought why the high class people do not try to have contacts with the other classes. And get some friends from the middle class or poor class; they can help them to understand these classes better so they will have fewer problems with the people around them. May those contacts bring more cooperation and this cooperation will be good for both sides.

If the king has called by telephone sometimes other people and had contacts with all people he would not be so isolated and he would know the problems and thinking of other people. May be this relationship could help him to know about corruption and may be he could help to stop corruption and unjust. If he knew the problems of people and had contacts with them, through this cooperation many problems could be solved. If the people have enough work, enough money, universities, and possibilities to grow and have technical school and were free to vote and could share their thinking with the king, everything could be much better. Now we know to manage a small company is not easy, so how difficult is to manage a country in which a lot of people and foreign policy and huge companies want to take advantage of this country like Iran. Many programmers are programming to destroy the country and take the possibilities for their countries. And make the people poor, needy and ignorant so they can easily misuse them. As they want to rob this country and if the people fight with each other and they are not united and do not cooperate with each other, so it is much easier for them to misuse this country. As if two persons fight with each other, so another person can easily rob them, as they are busy to fight and do not see the thief.


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