Team Persia

by amirkabear4u

I personally think Iran's olympic team done very well so far and I wanted to be the first to congratulate them.

In fact beside olympic competition they also showed they are great achievers considering the present political situation.

Until yesterday, 9th Aug, they were ahead of Japan in gold medals.

I am sure there are a few more medals to come.

I wish them all great and small GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Congradulations on the gold medals Iranians

by americaee59 on

I am an american who lived in Iran durning Khomenis regime, durning the war between Iran/Iraq, I left Iran in 89 so much have to Iranian people suffered, That there is a light at the tunnel with the winning of some gold medals at the Olimpics, I'm very happy because it gives hope makes them feel a since of pride, I love your country . I went back 7 mths ago, I love the people, the great pride you all have in your country,My children are very proud of being half persian. I just want you all to know that one person makes a differenece I tell everyone I see what great people you are , I know how hard it is with the sactions, people are the ones who suffer, Im planing on visiting again very soon , I never gave up my Iranian passport. hang in there Iranian people I pray for you all the time darud bar Irani


امام نقی در دیدار با برندگان المپیک سامرا


اگر هزار مدال طلا در المپیک کسب کنید و در تمام رشته ها هم موفق باشید، چند نفر را می فرستیم که از دیوار سفارت مردم بالا روند و آبروی شما را ببرند. اینجوری نیست که غرور ملی و افتخار برای شما مردم عجم باشد؛ اسلام هم باید خود را این وسط نشان دهد تا دنیا به اسلام توجه کنند نه به مدالهای طلا ی شما!
از فیروز فرستاده خدای عزیز!

Hafez for Beginners

Pahlavans standing at 14th out of 205 countries

by Hafez for Beginners on

I agree and congratulations. They represent the land of  Iran - and it's befitting to celebrate their win, while being mindful of keeping politics out of sports. 

As for medals - the official London 2012 Olympic site - also ranks by Gold (unlike the US press.) It makes sense to me. In a soccer game, the person who wins is what counts - that's the nature of sports. So ranking by Gold is inkeeping with the nature of the sporting world.

Iran ranks 14th right now on the official site: 


It's also touching to see the roots of all the "Pahlavan" sports showing themselves - even in athletics, it was Discus that Iran won. Overall, a good Olympics for all of Iranian heritage. 


If you want to be the first to congratulate them ...

by anglophile on

you must jump the queue ahead of Ahmadinejad in Imam Khomeini Airport :))