I have been thinking about this. What’s the deal with our fur suit? Seriously, have you Iranian men taken a look at yourselves coming out of the shower? You look like wet black tamarins. I’ve pondered all the possible environmental causes that may have given rise to what is now a genetic phenomenon--but none of them seem to provide an answer.
First I thought it must have been the warm, semi-arid climate which dominates most of Iran. But if that was the case, Africans should be the hairiest of all. But African men are usually not hairy at all. Then I thought perhaps it’s the cold mountainous climate was the cause of this genetic adaptation, and the hair is a meant to keep our bodies warm. But that doesn’t seem to be the answer either, since by that logic, Scandinavians should all look like apes. But they don’t have hairy bodies either. So, what’s the cause? Any ideas?
Oh, I had one last thought. Perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps there’s a God. And watching us, she realized what a petty, silly bunch we are. So, she built us a fur suit to make us look even funnier. I think that theory makes the most sense.
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simply put
by Jeesh Daram on Wed Feb 01, 2012 07:36 PM PSTYou ask why are we so hairy? Because we are still evolving, it takes time :)
testosterone, the source of War & conflict??.
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Wed Feb 01, 2012 06:59 PM PST"Male sex drive is at the root of most conflict in the world, from football violence to world wars, scientists have claimed.
A review of psychological evidence concludes that men are shaped by evolution to be aggressive towards "outsiders". The tendency emerged through natural selection as a result of competition for mates.
Women are said to have evolved to resolve conflicts peacefully. Natural selection has programmed them to "tend and befriend" to protect their offspring.
The findings are published today in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society."
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
Trucks and Ships loaded with Dorood and Shadbash to Bahram Jaan!
by Oon Yaroo on Wed Feb 01, 2012 06:26 PM PSTMay each and every hairy Iranian man have three Swedish blonds one in the right arm, one in the left arm, and one hanging from the neck!
Why do you generalise AO?
by divaneh on Wed Feb 01, 2012 06:23 PM PSTSome of us seem to have less testosterone than others and I am one of them, or maybe I am a fake Iranian. In contrast I have a Rashti friend who has his natural woolly jumper and his body doesn't touch the ground when he sleeps on his back. Two clear cases to repudiate our dear Red Wine north-south theory.
Oon Yaroo jaan
by Bahram G on Wed Feb 01, 2012 05:15 PM PSTSorry for running into those hairy Iranian women. You don't deserve that. For a gem like you, only the finest peaches, preferably platinum blondes with hints of fuz in certain places, are to adorn your encounter.
by Anahid Hojjati on Wed Feb 01, 2012 04:06 PM PSTi don't know the answer but it is an interesting blog.
by MM on Wed Feb 01, 2012 03:31 PM PSTI have seen the movie, City Slickers, and heard the phrase, but could not put the two together.
Taking your picture a step further, I remember seeing a special on a family in Mexico whose excessive hair production (hypertrichosis) makes them look like the wolf-man. As a matter of fact, when they were little, the kids were known as "los ninos lobos", the "wolf children", and exhibited like animals (//acrosstheboard.blogspot.com/2006/08/wolf-man-is-medical-mystery-hairy-face.html).
Some Iranian women are ten times hairier...
by Oon Yaroo on Wed Feb 01, 2012 03:23 PM PSTthan Iranian men!
How do you like them apples?
How do explain that?
Because we are animals!
by Faramarz on Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:53 PM PSTAnd chicks dig that!
I mean if you ever see cats, dogs or roosters without hair, they look totally ridiculous.
Who would respect a lion without all the facial hair?
by darius on Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:20 PM PSTIf that man is not Iranian ,then what made you to make such an assumption?
delete pls.
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:05 PM PSTdelete pls.
Don't worry darius
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:05 PM PSTI actually don't think that the guy is Iranian. He deosn't look like it. Couldn't find an naked Iranian hairy man picture. I just picked him as a representation of a hairy man.
AO,I am getting worried...
by darius on Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:59 AM PSTExpat and MM
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:54 AM PSTExpat: you may be on to something. May be a new material made from men's body hair? I was reading somewhere not too long ago that someone was making handbags and other stuff out of cat hair.
MM: funny. Have you seen City Slickers where Billy Crystal says he's getting hair where he doesn't want it and losing it where he wants it? Pretty funny...and true.
RG- perhaps your doctor is right
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:44 AM PSTperhaps we have too much testosterone. That will explain nonstop "arbadeh keshi," flag burnings and embassy wall climbings for the past 33 years!
Sarvar-e ma - jenaab red wine- e gerami
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:42 AM PSTThere is no doubt that the roots are genetic. But genetic traits are usually a response to some factor, either purely bio-technical oriented or environmental oriented. Body hair should be an environmental response, but it doesn't make sense in Iranians, given our environment. Incodentally, I don't believe it makes sense in some of the other races eith, such the Greeks--for the same reasons as Iranians.
Thank you for your well wishes my friend.
blame gravity
by MM on Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:30 AM PSTAs men get older, gravity takes over and hair from the head drops down to ears, nose, chest and the rest of the body.
Woolly Jumpers..
by expat on Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:13 AM PSTYup, AO. It's weird the amount of fur Iranian men harvest.. You could plait the hair on my Dad's shoulders..
Hair on head or hair on body?
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:57 AM PSTAccording to my Doctor, a bald hair and very hairy body is a sign of excess testosterone in a man. But he might had told me that just to cheer me up..
The guy in your photo seem to have the best of both worlds...
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
by Red Wine on Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:56 AM PSTبا عرضِ سلام و ادب . . .
این پشمالو بودنِ حضراتِ ایرانی به خاطرِ ترکیباتِ نژادیِ آنهاست،هر چقدر که از خطه شمالِ مملکت دورتر میشویم،میزانِ پشم و پیلِ مرد بیشتر است،مگر اینکه دخل و دخولاتِ دیگری در این امر شراکت داشته باشد که ما از آن بی خبریم.
البته ما به شما اطمینان میدهیم که میزانِ این پشم و پیل در مقایسه با مردانِ مدیترانه هیچ است و ما قافیه را در این قسم از دنیا میبازیم.
قدیم میگفتند که اگر مردی ۳ شب جمعه بابا کارم در صحنِ امامزاده شازده علی برقصد و سپس صبحِ جمعه واجبی کشی کند،به طورِ حتم موهایش ریخته و بی پشم خواهد شد.
در این زمینه نذرِ سوگلی امامزاده کپر آباد نیز افاقه دارد اما به شرطی که همسرِ آن مردِ پشمالو ،شب را در آن امامزاده سپری کرده ،خود را به سنگِ قبرِ امامزاده مالیده و شعری مخصوص در رابطه با فضل و کمالِ آن تازی زاده ،با وزنِ حمومک مورچه داره ..بخواند.ضرب و تار و ستار و چند بشکن و چند نیشگون از ماتحتِ آن همسر در زمانِ انجامِ این رقص نیز شگون داشته و به طورِ حتم پشمهایِ شوهر ریخته !
امیدواریم که زانویِ شما زودتر خوب شود.
عزت زیاد .