Making our videos count

Ari Siletz
by Ari Siletz

Citizen journalists in Iran,

Remember you are documenting important world events that will influence the thinking and the political decisions of many people across the world. Your videos may also be used in later human rights inquiries, as well in journal articles and histories. So here are four simple steps to make your video meet the standards for a usable document.

-- Make sure you pan the camera around so that building or other structures can be seen in the video. This way you have solidly documented the location of the event.

-- Point the camera to your mouth (wear a half-mask or cover your face with your hands if you have to) and clearly speak the date and time of day. Other information such as to street name, reason for the protest etc. would be useful if available.

-- Move the camera away from your mouth and record the event as you would normally. A view of the speaking mouth is important because we can now be sure the video has not been dubbed by a voice-over.

-- Broadcast the video with no cuts, splices or editing. Any of the above modifications to the video diminish its quality as a useable document.

Here’s an example of a recording of a significant event that unfortunately cannot be used as solid evidence because it fails on points 1,2, and 3.


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Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

The answer is, "No." The blog addresses the quality of journalim in the video, not its specific content. Assuming the event was genuine, this recording could have made front page in big media and made an impact proportional to its significance if it was self-authenticating--with due regard for the safety of the protesters. As an aside, note the camera operator has already taken risks with the anonymity of the participants; the protesters tearing down the banner aren't wearing masks.   



by jamshid on

Did you mean to say that the video in your link is a fraudulant one?


Re;SamSamIIII, example of a constructive attack on the article

by SamSamIIII on


No luck there pal, not in constuction bussiness , I,ll leave that to NIAC. How ever I,m in Demolition business dealing with Ommaties & Islamic Republic of Qadesiyeh :).

btw* I add one more step to your steps

Step # 5 ; Show your full frontal & profile view to the camera so Gerdaab has an easier time catching you for the haji,s party. ;)

Sounds good?

Cheers !!!


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //

Ari Siletz

SamSamIIII, example of a constructive attack on the article

by Ari Siletz on

Try this:

"Fellow SamSamIIII hamfekraan, there are people like Ari Siletz who would use excuses to minimize and distort our courage. So let's not give him any excuses and follow the four steps in this article to make sure he can no longer spread doubt about the truthfulness of our actions." [optional: slogans may follow.]


Nice try Ari khan, minimizing & distorting the folks courage

by SamSamIIII on


 Amou, According to your instructions for the people to prove that their videos of the movement is not fake they must have Universal studio to produce it & Spielgerg to direct it for your holyness to believe it :). The subtle sarcasm is not lost & not that funny but hey I,m not into elitist jokes any way.

So Yes, eventhough it might not be to your liking they did pull down the palestinian banner & the video is not fake;

Nah ghazeh, nah Lobnan, Jaanam fadayeh Iran



Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


Thank you, Ari Siletz, for all the suggestions!

by yolanda on

I have to say that Iranian protests are the best organized and best documented in the world! People are so smart over there! My favorite video is a video showing a lady taking care of injured police officer. I recall that the lady gave the guy water and wiped off the blood from his forehead. This lady has a big heart! It made me feel that protesters and police were like a family! Unfortunately that I did not have a You-tube account at that time and did not save the video. Now I have no idea how to find that video 'cause there are countless Iranian protest videos on mistake!




MPD, You cracked me up!

by yolanda on

This part cracked me up:

2- While zooming any known persons, zoom into their noses as much as possible so we might figure out whether they had a nose job or not.

3- If recording from a highrise building, while video recording, try to throw a water ballon at the basijis down below, and record it.

Thank you loosening us up before AN's arrival!


Multiple Personality Disorder

Here are four steps of mine

by Multiple Personality Disorder on



1- We have enough allah-o-akbar videos, so try to find some people who are chanting other phrases of praising allah.

2- While zooming any known persons, zoom into their noses as much as possible so we might figure out whether they had a nose job or not.

3- If recording from a highrise building, while video recording, try to throw a water ballon at the basijis down below, and record it.

4- If they allow video recording in prisons go ahead and do it.