7 indications the IRI (the Mullahs) are determined to destroy Iranian dignity


by ayatoilet1

1.       Jumped to #1 on the list of executions per capita i.e. killed more of its own people than any other state in the world; and jumped to #2 (behind China) in total number of black market organs exported globally. Yes, they are killing prisoners to sell their organs. It’s a big business for the IRGC. And yes, they are imprisoning people on trumped up charges and killing them without due (legal) process.  

2.       Iran is now the country with the highest rate of emigration per capita in the world; and worst yet, these émigré’s are all educated. There are 5 Million Iranians living outside Iran and over 4.5 Million of them left Iran within the past 20 years.  The IRI has made living inside Iran near impossible.

3.       Iran has the highest rate of Heroin and Opium drug addiction in the world. Something like 6 Million Iranians use the drugs regularly. Iran imports virtually 65% of all the drugs produced in Afghanistan (something like 280,000 Kilos); and re-exports (220,000 Kilos) to Europe. The borders are controlled by the IRGC – and this is something like 20 complete truck loads entering and leaving Iran every day!

4.       Iranians need visa to travel to 99% of the countries in the world, and in many cases need to leave Iran to actually apply for them – because many countries do not have diplomatic relations with Iran. And when Iranians show up at any border, they are treated like scum, searched, finger printed, and interrogated …ultimately humiliated.

5.       IRI has given away more Iranian territorial sovereignty away these past 30 years than any Iranian government these past 200 years. 35% of Iranian Caspian Sea has been handed over to their British Masters (BP and co) for oil and gas exploitation and export through Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan etc.  The Brits are all privately laughing how they have isolated Iran, and pressured the regime - while they are stealing 3 million barrels a day out the Sea.

6.       Things are so bad, Iranians everywhere outside Iran introduce themselves as Italians, Turks, … Eskimos…but never as Iranians. And then they even create new Anglicized names for themselves, like Freddy for Fereidoon, and Mo for Mohammad  … and are ashamed of their religion. Iranian women outside Iran dye their hair blonde … and give their children non-Iranian names.

7.       The IRI is so inept, and polarizing that Iran is now positioned for a major attack …rumored for this fall. Which is not only slated to bring ordinary Iranians to their knees, but designed to destroy Iran as we know it today and split the country into 5 new client nations.  There will no longer be one nation that can even boast a link to a once great civilization. Iranians will not even have their heritage to count on.


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Zamin your mind makes a human cry, For laughs see this video

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on


Zamin please develop your mind.  Start by asking others to teach you how to think. Answering you is pointless until you have a mind.


Zamin - You're Making Me Burn Inside with Your Nonsense

by ayatoilet1 on

Here's a respnse to your comments item by Items:

1. You said: Jumped to #1 on the list of executions per capita because 2/3 being foreign drug traffickers from Pakistan and Afghanistan.. Have you been to Iran? You live in a fantasy, crime is very high in Iran. I've lost 2 cousins in the past year from thugs. Execution is used as a deterrent. I can't imagine it not being there.

And I (the Ayatoilet) say Zamin this is BS. Crime is high cause drug use is high, and drug use is high because the IRGC is directly involved in drug trafficing with their control of the borders. Iran imports Afghan Opium by the truck loads and export by the truck load. And the IRGC controls the borders. High crime is a direct consequence of bad government. Think about it. And btw these are Iranian kids being executed not some foreigners. Have some decency, and see it for what it is.

2. Your said: Iran is now the country with the highest rate of emigration per capita in the world because, This just shows you that Iranians will flee there country when times get rough. Most are traitors, and cowards. They didn't want to fight Saddam's army, they rather reside in the countries that supported Saddam (oh, funny, no?) 

And I (the Ayatoilet say) The war ended in 1988, and emigration has gone on these past 23 years at an accelerating pace. More Iranians are leaving today, than 5 years ago, more left 5 years ago than 10 years ago. Facts are facts. And these are Iran's best and brightest. Not a bunch of losers or opportunists. There are no jobs, there is no hope. There is no freedom. There is oppression.

3. You said: Iran has the highest rate of Heroin and Opium drug addiction in the world because there is nothing the government cand do. What do you want them to do? They already execute anyone who is trafficking drugs, then you say "human rights abuse".. Then you say, "highest drug addiction".. Another thing is, that its only 3% of the population according to western sources, even if we rounded it up to 5%, 95% still don't use it, whose fault is it? Personally I would give the death penalty to anyone using or trafficking these substances.. They are unproductive for our country.

And I (the Ayatoilet) say why don't you go out and arrest the Pasdars and IRGC who are the traffickers? The mullahs and the IRGC are directly involved in drug trade at a very high level. The day they leave power, will be the first day Iranians can really win the battle against narcotics.

4. You said: Iranians need visa to travel to 99% of the countries in the world, and in many cases need to leave Iran to actually apply for them - This can be said for many countries?

And I (the Ayatoilet) say his is total b.s. First of all, 33 years ago, Iranians could visit over 50 countries without visas; Secondly, you are comparing Iran to places like Zimbabwe, that shows how dignified your approach really is. This whole process is humiliating...

4b. And when Iranians show up at any border, they are treated like scum,
searched, finger printed, and interrogated …ultimately humiliated.

- Even if what you wrote is true, what does this have to do with the mullahs? You seriously blame the way racist westerneners treat you because of the mullahs? Reality is they wouldn't treat you any different under any government... At the end of the day, they still see you as "those brown people in the desert".. Truth hurts, but its the truth. Learn to get use to it

And I (the Ayatoilet) say, you are so wrong, those brown people in the desert (the Saudi's) can visit over 80 countries without visas. And your inferiority complex is so obvious, because like I said there was a time when this was not so; finally foreign relations is the responsibility of governments. Visas are negotiated by treaty. This is an exact function of the government in power. The mullahs ARE the government. It has everything to do with them.

5. You said that the IRI has given away more Iranian
territorial sovereignty away these past 30 years than any Iranian
government these past 200 years. ..is just plain ridiculous.. Iran has continously disagree with the Russians and Azeri's on the Caspian divide.. Just more propoganda, its such a shame how simple minded so many Iranians are, just really mindless. It explains why we are a third world country in the 21st century.

(See here for more //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caspian_Sea#Internati...)

And I (the Ayatoilet) Iranian Oil and gas is leaving the Caspian to the tune of 3 million barrels of oil and billions of cf of gas ...right under our nose - every day. Talking is not doing anything. The Mullahs have been and are ineffective. Thats what Mullahs do - talk -- and talk - meanwhile their British masters are stealing Iranian oil. And we are mindless, I agree, if we had minds we would have toppled the regime and NOT let the Mullah bastards pillage Iran.

6. You said: Things are so bad, Iranians everywhere outside Iran introduce themselves as Italians, Turks, … Eskimos…but never as Iranians Because, This just shows you how insecure, and pathetic Iranians are.. Chest thumping, "proud to be iranian", then calling themselves Turks, Italians.. It's so pathetic, and it has nothing to do with the mullahs, but the fact that Iranians have no spine, or brains for that matter. This is not a steriotype, I see this a lot, and its incredibly funny. Please, stay in the West. The whole world laughs at you

And I (the Ayatoilet) say I can't wait for the day, when akhoonzadehs like you are forced to flee to the west, and we come back (and kick you out). There is nothing insecure about me - I'll take you and a million mullahs on. Why don't you test my spine. Show your face in the west, and we'll be happy to take care of you. If ordinary Iranians had guns, you and people like you will see how corageous Iranians really are.

7. You said: The IRI is so inept, and polarizing that Iran is now positioned for a major attack …rumored for this fall. Because the IRI is Iranian, didn't you know? The engineers, scientist, managers, etc that run that country are all Iranian.. If an Iranian scientist can't create essentially 70s technology weapons, then what does that tell you about your own people? yourself? Stop looking for scapegoats.. If Iran was knocked to the stone age tomorrow it would be the fault of lazy, scapegoating, whining, mindless Iranians like you who spend there whole time crying on a message board instread of using your time wisely, in a western country, learning the latest engineering/scientific principles and taking it back home..

FYI, The rumor of the attack this fall is just a rumor, Bob Baer him self, said they took his words out of context, but believe what ever you want.


And I (the Ayatoilet) say, it is a rumour. That is exactly what it is. But why are people even threatening Iran. Why are we living this way? The answer is simple the Mullahs have put us in this hole. The invasion we are all hoping for, is the people invasion of Khamenei's palace... It may happen sooner than you or he can imagine.





by ayatoilet1 on

Your comments are really pathetic. The situation is bad, and you know it. And what did you offer that really helped improve Iran ... a bunch of bulshitt excuses...which is what your comments really are. Just excuses. People are dying (yes Iranians are dying - check out Iran Human Rights Report web site ...its dozens a week, and check out their names ...who they are), people are leaving (how exactly did we get 5 Million first generation Iranians overseas ...how dare you attack the folks in the diaspora??!!) , people are shooting up drugs (no question the IRGC is behind the drug trafficing in Iran)  ...and what are you doing? You're blaming everyone except the f'ing regime in charge. The mullahs have zero responsibility!? The IRGC has zero responsibility?! Oh come on!

We can do much better as a nation; and we don't need your excuses. The Mullahs have brought nothing but shame to Iran. We will fight and win this battle - and take our country back.

Zamin - your response is pathetic. Facts are facts. These are undeniable facts. How about the fate of our football team, or number of medals in Olympics ...Iran has dropped in its stature by every international measure.

And finally, I think you have no idea who I am and what I do for a living ... or you would not utter a single negative word and btw you can be sure I am doing a hell of a lot more than writing these blogs, I am actually doing something about the situation in Iran.

As for you, I am sorry, wtf are you upto today? What did you do for Iran?  (Except defend the indefensible).


My thoughts :)

by Zamin on

1.   Jumped to #1 on the list of executions per capita

2/3 being foreign drug traffickers from Pakistan and Afghanistan.. Have you been to Iran? You live in a fantasy, crime is very high in Iran. I've lost 2 cousins in the past year from thugs. Execution is used as a deterrent. I can't imagine it not being there. 

2.   Iran is now the country with the highest rate of emigration per capita in the world

This just shows you that Iranians will flee there country when times get rough. Most are traitors, and cowards. They didn't want to fight Saddam's army, they rather reside in the countries that supported Saddam (oh, funny, no?)

3.  Iran has the highest rate of Heroin and Opium drug addiction in the world

What do you want them to do? They already execute anyone who is trafficking drugs, then you say "human rights abuse".. Then you say, "highest drug addiction".. Another thing is, that its only 3% of the population according to western sources, even if we rounded it up to 5%, 95% still don't use it, whose fault is it? Personally I would give the death penalty to anyone using or trafficking these substances.. They are unproductive for our country

4.  Iranians need visa to travel to 99% of the countries in the world, and
in many cases need to leave Iran to actually apply for them

 -  This can be said for many countries?

4b. And when Iranians show up at any border, they are treated like scum,
searched, finger printed, and interrogated …ultimately humiliated.

-  Even if what you wrote is true, what does this have to do with the mullahs? You seriously blame the way racist westerneners treat you because of the mullahs? Reality is they wouldn't treat you any different under any government... At the end of the day, they still see you as "those brown people in the desert".. Truth hurts, but its the truth. Learn to get use to it

5.  IRI has given away more Iranian
territorial sovereignty away these past 30 years than any Iranian
government these past 200 years.

- This is just plain ridiculous.. Iran has continously disagree with the Russians and Azeri's on the Caspian divide.. Just more propoganda, its such a shame how simple minded so many Iranians are, just really mindless. It explains why we are a third world country in the 21st century. 

(See here for more //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caspian_Sea#Internati...)

6.  Things are so bad, Iranians everywhere outside Iran introduce themselves as Italians, Turks, … Eskimos…but never as Iranians.

- This just shows you how insecure, and pathetic Iranians are.. Chest thumping, "proud to be iranian", then calling themselves Turks, Italians.. It's so pathetic, and it has nothing to do with the mullahs, but the fact that Iranians have no spine, or brains for that matter.  This is not a steriotype, I see this a lot, and its incredibly funny. Please, stay in the West. The whole world laughs at you

7.  The IRI is so inept, and polarizing that Iran is now positioned for a major attack …rumored for this fall.

- IRI is Iranian, didn't you know? The engineers, scientist, managers, etc that run that country are all Iranian.. If an Iranian scientist can't create essentially 70s technology weapons, then what does that tell you about your own people? yourself? Stop looking for scapegoats.. If Iran was knocked to the stone age tomorrow it would be the fault of lazy, scapegoating, whining, mindless Iranians like you who spend there whole time crying on a message board instread of using your time wisely, in a western country, learning the latest engineering/scientific principles and taking it back home.. 

 FYI, The rumor of the attack this fall is just a rumor, Bob Baer him self, said they took his words out of context, but believe what ever you want.



In before I'm called a troll, or regime mouth piece :)