Why is Romney’s dad Mexican? Ever wondered?? He keeps saying on the question of immigration, my dad is Mexican. My dad is Mexican. My dad was born in Mexico.
Well, in fact his dad is Mexican, but he was born to Americans in Mexico. And why were those Americans in Mexico? His grandfather was a polygamist who ‘escaped’ to Mexico !! Yes, a polygamist. Romney is a devout Mormon. And Mormons have a longstanding commitment to polygamy, and in most countries where polygamy is allowed or officially overlooked, Mormons STILL TODAY practice polygamy.
Within polygymous societies, multiple wives often become a status symbol denoting wealth, power, and fame. In effect the man rises in social standing via this process, and also in effect, women’s role is diminished in society. This practice falls squarely against any official announcement proclaiming women’s equality. Any one in support of polygamy, CAN NOT at the same time be in favor of women’s rights.
In the U.S. where the Mormon faith was founded, polygamy has a long tradition. It all began with Joseph Smith, Jr., (the Mormon founder) who stated he received a revelation on July 17, 1831 that "plural marriage" should be practiced by some Mormon men who were specifically commanded to do so.
After over 30 years of practice, in 1862, Congress issued the Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act which clarified that the practice of polygamy was illegal in all US territories. The LDS Church (Mormon Church) fought this bill in court and took their fight all the way to the Supreme court that ruled unanimously in 1878 in a case called Reynolds v. United States declaring that polygamy was not protected by the Constitution, based on the longstanding legal principle that "laws are made for the government of actions, and while they cannot interfere with mere religious belief and opinions, they may with practices."
Increasingly harsh anti-polygamy legislation in the US led some Mormons to emigrate to Canada and Mexico. In 1890, LDS Church president Wilford Woodruff issued a public declaration (the Manifesto) announcing that the LDS Church had discontinued new plural marriages. By 1910 the LDS Church excommunicated those who entered into, or performed, new plural marriages, and this led to a massive migration south of the Border to Mexico where there are literally huge Mormon compounds where polygamy is still practiced today. This is where Romney’s grandfather migrated to and lived. And Romney’s father came to the U.S. to seek economic opportunity like ordinary Hispanic migrants and ended up becoming the CEO of American Motors and eventually a Senator for Michigan.
Similarly to the LDS churches doctrine (and practice outside the U.S. many Muslim countries still retain traditional Islamic law which permits polygamy. However, secular elements within some Muslim societies challenge its acceptability. Polygamy is however, prohibited by law in some progressive Muslim-majority countries that have not adopted Islamic law for marital regulations, such as Azerbaijan, Tunisia and Turkey.
Iran too was one of them, until the Mullahs took power 40 years ago. Only 3 years ago, the ‘appointed’ members of the Majlis or Iran’s parliament (because as you know, Iran has bogus elections), tried to pass a Bill to officially allow polygamy again. Many women’s activists in Iran publicly fought the law, even going as far as to call the homes of the Parliamentarians to ask their wives if they would mind if they married their husbands. It was discovered (and widely published at the time) that at least 65 male members of the country’s 290-strong parliament had two or more wives. This is despite the fact that polygamy contravenes the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which Iran has ratified. Article 23 stipulates that states must ensure that men and women have equal rights when marrying or at the dissolution of marriage. The “Family Protection Bill” would have reduced Iranian women’s rights even further, allowing men to take up to three additional wives without the consent or knowledge of their first spouse. Iranian law currently allows Muslim men to have up to four wives, but only after obtaining a court order demonstrating the permission of the first spouse and his ability to treat them all equally. For women who depend entirely on their husband’s income, sharing that with a second, third or fourth wife can mean severe financial hardship.
According to Shi’a Islam, Iranian men can already take any number of “temporary wives” without informing their first wife. The length of a temporary marriage is defined in advance and can last anything from hours to decades. Temporary wives generally face social ostracism, and their children may face difficulties in accessing public services such as education because if the marriage is unregistered, it may be hard for the mother to prove paternity. One absolute feature of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the past 34 years since the Mullahs took over all levers of government has been the rise of polygamy in Iran.
As a Muslim, I find this to be abhorrent. It’s a total disgrace. In effect, (and I know you know this is obvious, despite all their declarations of technological progress inside Iran) this has brought back the country and it smacks of hypocrisy when the regime says they are for women’s rights. Despite what people say, it is what a government actually does that in the end marks the true essence of a regime. In practice therefore, the Mullahs and the Mormon Church are very similar – they DO NOT fundamentally believe in women’s rights.
Last night in the debate Mitt Romney said he "went to a number of women's groups... and they brought us whole binders full of women." (//www.businessinsider.com/mitt-romney-binders...). It’s gone viral on the internet (//www.eonline.com/news/354719/mitt-romney-s-b...). And it smacks of someone that is fundamentally, in his core, from a tradition of polygamists i.e. NOT in favor of women’s rights. His whole campaign has persistently had a ‘gender’ gap, and his policies regarding women’s health issues are completely denigrating to women’s rights.
Do not think that this fundamental approach will matter only in areas involving social policy. For people with these attitudes also have similar approaches in other areas of their lives. People say, Romney’s foreign policy will not be too different to Ronald Reagan’s!! What does that mean? Well, we will have more Oliver Norths, more secret dealings with the Mullahs in Iran, More Bibles with notations from the President for Mullah Rafsanjani to receive, more secret arms for hostages deals ….it will be a sham. It will be October Surprise, Iran-Contra all over again. And the Mullahs in Iran will have another 4 years of power. The Republicans, and certainly Mr. Romney (despite everything he says) will sustain their far-right, religious brethren in Iran in power. Nothing will change.
I do not trust the Republicans and Mr. Romney to lead the world (and especially Iran) into a better place. Neither should you. Mr. Obama at least has liberated 150 Million Arabs from the claws of brutal dictators. There is democracy now in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen … There is now more than 'one' democracy in the Middle East! Yes, the situations are imperfect, but at least they are on the road to positive change. That is all we want in Iran. Democracy, freedom, justice ... for everyone (especially our incredible women in Iran).
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You need to Educate yourself...you don't know the difference ...
by ayatoilet1 on Sat Oct 20, 2012 05:30 AM PDTYou don't know the difference between a racialist and a racist! Huh?
Check out Sacha Baron Cohen's Ali G explanation of a racialist!
Believe me I love, and Iranians love the Jewish community. Call that "racialist" if you will, but not racist. Its a positive 'vibe' brother. Chuckle if you must, but its true. And believe me there is a massive difference bewtween Israel's fanatics (the government) and the more liberal, cultivated, open minded and peace loving Jewish community world-wide. You might not see it, but many do. Call that 'racialist' too!!! All good, all positive. Here's Sacha Baron Cohen (Bruno) being chased in Israel! He's Jewish and he's taking the piss (as the Brits say) of the fanatics in Israel.
If you are against the fanatics in Iran, then you must similarly be against the fanatics in the U.S. (Tea Party crowd) and the fanatics in Israel. Its very consistent. Call that racialist if you must - anti-fanatics everywhere!!! Down with fanatics! Down with fanatics!!! Very racialist!!
My last attempt at educating a racist in denial
by Anonymous Observer on Fri Oct 19, 2012 06:10 AM PDTThis is getting boring, and I'm tired of trying to educate the racist out of you. So, this will be my last attempt.
Here's why you're a racist. Classifying people based on their race, religion, national origin, etc. is inherently racist. Example: just replace the word Jewish with the word black. How about if I say this to you: "I think your view is such and such because you're a black guy living in Baltimore." To a racist like you, this may seem just fine, but to an ordinary, non racist person, this is a racist statement, because I linked your opinion to your race.
Another example: "my best friend is black." Or, as you keep saying it: "I love Jewish people. I knew quite a few of them." Now, I won't spend any more of my precious time trying to teach you why those statements are racist. They're actually textbook examples of racist statements. Google it, and in the process, educate yourself. Or better yet, don't. Keep embarrassing youself with these stupid antisemitic remarks. It's getting to be a bit funny, and it matches your turban.
PS- I've been to LA only three times for week long visits. Twice for research projects in graduate school and once for vacation. Not impressed much with it. Although the visits to the San Diego zoo and interaction with the staff and the animals there were well worth the long trip.
I'd Be Richer if I was a Mormon...
by ayatoilet1 on Fri Oct 19, 2012 01:39 AM PDTBut, seriously, tell me something what is anti-semite by observing that you are a 14 year old rabbi's son in an L.A. suburb?
Are you ashamed of that? Because I see nothing wrong with it at all. You seem hypersensitive. And really defensive about it. I would say its a blessing to live in LA, in a big house, in a nice suburb, with a lot of extra time trolling the internet especially on the Sabath (Saturdays)...since obviously you are not into sports like most teenagers are....calling anything that has a reference to Israel ....automaticaly an anti-semite comment ...just like most ultra-religious jewish kids do. And its pretty clear that there isn;t much intellectual depth on your end...and some intellectual development that is needed!
But, we at Iranian.com are proud to educate, and illuminate. That is our mission.
Oh and be sure Iranians - all of them - love the Jewish community. There isn't a shred of anti-semetism among Iranians. We have a long - multi-century- connection with the Jewish community. As for a similar kinship to Israel - that is a separate matter for both Iranians and Jews. You must separate the two ideas.
And yes, you are right the Mormons not one time, but apparently over and over again in their holy book see darker skinned human beings as inferior. They are incredibly racist.
Again with the antisemitic Jewish conspiracies Toilet?!!!!
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Oct 18, 2012 05:33 PM PDTsighhhhhh....
You are correct. His father was born in Mexico.
Lay off the antisemitic comments Toilet. So what if I was the son of a Rabbi in LA? (not really, my parents are alcohol dirnking, non practicing Sheikhi Shias, but hey...)
C'mon, post a Jewish conspiracy theory.
PS- the Mormon religion is really racist as well. For starters, their book talks depicts all "good" people as fair skinned and all "bad" ones as having dark skinned. Coming to think of it, you'll make a good Mormon. You should look into it.
AO - You have to get YOUR facts straight...
by ayatoilet1 on Thu Oct 18, 2012 03:34 PM PDT"First of all, this is a nation of immigrants," Romney said. "My dad was born in Mexico of American parents."
This was during the debate. this is abc news:
“I mentioned my dad, my dad was born in Mexico of Americans parents living there. At age 5 or 6 there was revolution,” Romney said. “They came back to the United States, and my dad had to get help, financial help, the government helped his family be able to get on their feet again. By the way, that’s the way America works, we have great hearts, we care for people who have needs. We help get them back. We help lift them up but then they go back to their permanent lifestyle.”
I could go on and on; try wikipedia, etc. My facts are absolutely straight. But if you want to have some real fun check this link out on Vice.com! I love that site. This is a video about the war between the Mormons who moved to Mexico (like Romney's grandfather) and the drug cartels... but along the way you meet Romney's cousins etc. Its serious but funny!
I hope you are man enough (although I suspect you are a 14 year old Rabbi's son in an L.A. suburb) to admit you were wrong! But that might be asking for too much.
First, you have to get your facts straight
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Oct 18, 2012 08:33 AM PDTHis grandfather was born in Mexico, not his father. Second, ALL religions are dangerous cults. Third, and FYI, I'm not a Romney supporter. I'm a Democrat. I voted for Obama in 2008 and am planning on voting for him again this year.
Your comparison is laughable
by asadabad on Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:04 PM PDTShiism is a collection of false, fanatical and stupid beliefs that no civilized human being would accept. Mormons don't promote prostitution (sigheh) of their own women like shiism. Mormons don't believe in beating their women like shiism. Mormons can have a debate about polygamy amongst themselves without cuttin somones head off like shiites do. Notice that they took their case to court when there was a dispute with the government. Shiites would just murder anyone who opposes their beliefs...
by maziar 58 on Wed Oct 17, 2012 09:01 PM PDTLeave his ancestores to the voters.
WHO CARES? If his Mexican Or Mormon?
Totally agree
by farokh2000 on Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:52 PM PDTI totally agree with you. I have read enough about this Religious Sect and know that they have many similarities with the Mullahs in Iran.
They are in fact a very dangerous sect/cult, or whatever they like to call themselves. Joseph Smith created this sect just so that he could enjoy multiple wives. In fact they have been on the run most of their existance.
Yes, his reference to the Binder full of women was coming from someone with that kind of mentality.
This man cannot be trusted any more than any one of the Mullahs in Iran. He has changed overnigt into a moderate person loving the whole World. Sure thing!.