Vaay be haleh Man konad, keh BBC ba Ardeshir Zahedi interview....


by azadegan

Vaay beh haleh Man konad,
keh BBC Persian, ba Ardeshir Zahedi Interview ZEER SHEKAMI Mikonad
Keh Faramoosh konam keh Mullayan ba ZEER SHEKAM Bacheh-hayeh man dar Iran Cheh Mikonand!
Vaay Beh haleh  Ma-eh Irani  Konand ke our 'civilised' looking (No Am-mameh) Foreign Minister and our Ambassador to the US, used to be this ZEER SHEKAMI!
Forget about the content of what he says, the guy hardly uses any 'VERB' during his entire VERBAL DIARRHEA. Baz ham Begoeem Farsi Shekar Ast. 
Vaay be haleh BBC Persian ke by choosing interviewees like him keh Namak Beh Zakhm in Melat-eh depressed and hopeless Mipashad. We are suffering from mass psychological tortures, hanging, raping, stoning, addiction, poverty, helplessness Iran, what is the significance of interviewing a walking dead, like him?  
No wonder that 50 years on, our nation has not been able to finish the very first line of the book of Freedom & Democracy, yet!!
Surely not with an author like this ZEER SHEKAMI, who doesn't use verbs in his sentences, just listen to him. (I only listened to the  part 1 and couldn't bare more humiliation by listening to the 2nd). 
Vaay beh haleh ma (with greatest respect) keh Ardeshir Khan had been the cream of our politicians, a long serving trusted face of our international diplomacy and our Persian pride in this world during our Padeshahi Bozorg, and also a dear son-in-law of our Shahan-Shah Arya Mehr!
And we keep going back to him like an addict, because BBC Persian hates to remind us and present to us, one of  our decent, dignified, honest and genuinely Vatan Parast Irani such as Dr. Mossadegh. And I wonder why?  
Ghorboneh Zarb-ol-masal Irani Khodemun ke Migoyad: "Vaghti Kaleh Paz Raft (biroon az magha-zeh), Jayash ra bela-faseleh SAG Migyreh" - Hence Hokomat Ala Hazrat Mulla Ali Khamenehee!!!!!!!!!
Irani-ha! Biaeed Hamegi Ba Ham: 
-Beh our collective Naadaani (don't mention 2500 years ago, I'm talking about now),
-Beh our innate Narcissistic whole mark and Tabl-hayeh tow khali (hiding behind expensive brands/hand bags only)
- Beh our natural tendency to Balleh Ghorban, Balleh Ghorban Goftan beh ZEER SHEKAMI hayeh Saheb Zar-o-Zoor (Be it Mullah or a Shah),
-Beh Johareh Sharafati keh Hanooz Tamaman dar in Melat Khoshk Nashodeh
va  beh Khaater Ancheh ke Hanooz kami baghi Mandeh, Dast-ha ra Bala kardeh va beh Do-rooi, Du-roogh Gooee, Reshveh khari va Mozdoori-o-Mal Parasti ke Garybaneh 70% in Melat be Ghayrat Emrooz Irani ra Gerefteh, ETERAF Koneem.
Chera ke HEALING va Darmaan, Zamani Sho-row Mishavad ke beh Soorat Khod dar Aeeneh Negah kardeh, Dard ra Bebineem va Bala-tar az Hameh beh un ETERAF Koneem.
Chera dar Keshvar-hayeh Hamsayeh Iran (ke Hamaye un-ha ra az Khod Paeen-tar Midaneem!) Dolat Marda-neshun beh ZEER SHEKAM Bacheh-haye Keshvar dar Zendan-ha va Massa-jed, kari Nadarand?  Biaeed Collectively Dast-ha ra Bala Bordeh ETERAF Koneem.
We deserve more! Not just for our own sakes, but for all of us - The Iranians.

Sar-hayeh Bacheh-hayemun ra dar Iran beh Baad Dadand, Hala Nobat beh ZEER SHEKAMESHUN resideh.  Why beh Hal man-o-tow.
Azadegan Iran



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"No wonder that 50 years

by jamshid on

"No wonder that 50 years on, our nation has not been able to finish the very first line of the book of Freedom & Democracy, yet!!"

It takes only one look at you and your lack of tolerance to learn why we are still where we are.

A better ID for you would be SelectiveAzadegaan.

P.S. I don't like Zahedi, but I dislike your hypocrisy even more.