This documentary video is made by Leila Qobadi and Moslem Mansouri
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پیروزی نسرین ستوده پس از ٤٩ روز اعتصاب غذا | 32 | Dec 04, 2012 |
نامه به سازمان عفو بین الملل برای آزادی نسرین ستوده | 1 | Nov 30, 2012 |
مفهوم سازی واژه گونه (۳-٩) | 1 | Nov 27, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
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I agree to HHH. There are
by EstherW on Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:42 PM PDTI agree to HHH. There are many other jobs but I don't want to judge these people. There are many other ways for sure. I hope they keep that in mind. In Spain, there also a lot of prostitution going on, and this is probably true to many other countries. While Spanish hookers are generally able to ply their trade without law interference, law enforcement nevertheless keeps an eye on their place in the grand scheme of public safety. It is all about traffic safety for the Spanish town of Els Alamus, writes the Telegraph. Reflective vests are required for prostitutes who frequent the rural highway leading out of town. Reflective vests/bibs for hookers who work the highway leading out of Alamus are now necessary. Offending hookers may be subject to a 40 euro ($ 55) fine.
How do you know? Do you know them?
by sag koochooloo on Wed May 05, 2010 02:24 AM PDT"These girls and all other prostitutes are nothing but lazyass, dirty, selfish, bitter scum.
They don't do this because there are no jobs because there are jobs, only honest jobs don't pay 100,000 toman per day, and it takes hard work not just opening legs and yelling "ohhhh aahhh you're the best". "
sneezeeee sneeezeee....bbbbbBullshitttttt
by HHH on Tue May 04, 2010 10:34 PM PDTThese girls and all other prostitutes are nothing but lazyass, dirty, selfish, bitter scum.
They don't do this because there are no jobs because there are jobs, only honest jobs don't pay 100,000 toman per day, and it takes hard work not just opening legs and yelling "ohhhh aahhh you're the best". They don't do this because allllll employers only want their body because they don't. They do this because employers expect dicipline, being on time, not stealing and learning new skills.
Then she tries to make all girls look as bad as she looks by saying girls from villages sell their body to get a ride to Tehran, as if a girl can't get a free ride to city without sex.
Yes, we need a social-security system in Iran. Yes we need a welfare system in Iran and we need to pay tax on our incomes so government can give the elderly over 65 regular living expense payments, but no one can tell me these girls have no other choice.
Oh, next time when you're in the court don't offer the mullah judge to become his "kaneeze dare khuneh" that's just like saying "I will sleep with you when it comes out of a young girl's mouth.
by Spear on Tue May 04, 2010 03:39 AM PDTYou are a sick puppy for writing, "Many of these prostitutes enjoy their job." Only a sick IRI troll would write this filth. Iran has the highest rate of drug addicts and executions, per capita, in the world, and it is right up there when it comes to prostitution as well.
Iran is not your vatan, you beastly bache-akhund. Iran for you perverts is like a woman, who you will use and abuse until she's bruised and broken. In fact, Hezbollahis like you have turned our motherland into a prostitute. You have destroyed her reputation the world over and sold her to the biggest bidders in European capitals, China and Russia.
You're nothing but pimps -- pimps in holy gear! There's a very warm and fiery corner of Hell waiting for you and your sheepishoo masters, be assured.
آنهایی که به خاطر نان شب یا تحصیل بچه یا مادر مریض، تن فروشی
oktabyMon May 03, 2010 10:23 PM PDT
میکنند، انسانهای هستند که جامعه آنها را فراموش کرده یا به دلیل عدم امکانات اجتماعی، تحصیلی یا شغلی به راهی برده که نمیخواهند و میدانند که بی آینده است. فقر مادی، معنوی، فرهنگی، اجتماعی، و تاریخی مبرم و همه گیر، هدیههای اسلام خمینی، و لازمهٔ بنیادی آنند. و مدافعان این ارتجاع و پستی انسان کش، پستترین و مریضترین ها هستند.
Empathising with the oppressed
by Azadeh Azad on Mon May 03, 2010 07:06 PM PDTThank you, friends, for your empathy and sympathy with the most oppressed segment of the Iranian population. I appreciate your comments, and repeat what Jamshid so eloquently wrote to an IRI supporter:
"these prostitutes in Iran have more "sharaf", humanity, conscious and honor than a regime supporter prostitute like yourself."
We shall overcome!
Kudos Jamshid.
by benross on Mon May 03, 2010 05:24 PM PDTKudos Jamshid.
The only thing YOU need to
by vildemose on Mon May 03, 2010 05:26 PM PDTThe only thing YOU need to know is that prostitution comes in different forms. And that these prostitutes in Iran have more "sharaf", humanity, conscious and honor than a regime supporter prostitute like yourself.
You don't need to know anything else.
Jamshid jan: baz shoma gol goftid. The IRI prostitutes exploit religion and even God because of their lust for money and power.
iranvataneman (sure it is)
by jamshid on Mon May 03, 2010 04:55 PM PDTThe only thing YOU need to know is that prostitution comes in different forms. And that these prostitutes in Iran have more "sharaf", humanity, conscious and honor than a regime supporter prostitute like yourself.
You don't need to know anything else.
Thank you Azadeh for the blog.
by divaneh on Mon May 03, 2010 04:08 PM PDTProstitution exists everywhere but it's a case of hypocrisy in religious societies such as Iran.
The very men who ask, facilitate and encourage the women to be promiscuous are the same people who demonise the prostitutes or any woman who gets involved in a sexual act outside the boundaries of a marriage. Probably the natural outcome for a male dominated, segregated, sex deprived society.
Prostitution these days is
by vildemose on Mon May 03, 2010 12:00 PM PDTProstitution these days is not about sex. Prostitution is about poverty and massive economic disparity and dislocation, a fact of life in Iran that not even the most lock-jawed supporter of the regime can deny anymore. Face it, that this endemic problem exists, and it does, is because your so-called revolution ultimately failed in bridging the social disparities of class and social mobility in Iran. In fact things got ten-twenty times worse than what they were under the Shah,
Let's here the non-Iranian nincompoop plastinian/vatan foroush provide a well-reasoned argument without ad hominems and fabricated lies coutesy of Vevak and Presstv.
by yolanda on Mon May 03, 2010 11:47 AM PDTHi! IRI,
I have no obligation to answer your question.....I really don't want to be manhandled on IC. I think you should be gentler with other people here if you want to win people over!
for those malijaks who've
by hamsade ghadimi on Mon May 03, 2010 11:32 AM PDTfor those malijaks who've been prostituting themselves for the regime in iran, this may be seen as business as usual.
by IRI on Mon May 03, 2010 11:24 AM PDTDon't tell me you don't know politicians do bad things everywhere? You don't sound like a person who was born yesterday.
Sometimes it is the only way for transexuals in Iran
by sag koochooloo on Mon May 03, 2010 11:25 AM PDTFirstly, the gay men are told it is the solution to their "problem". Then they have a sex change and they are still regarded abnormal . Noone will give them a job. Lesbians and gay men are seen as unacceptable and have to transition to fit into societal ‘norms’. Unfortunately those transitioning are still subject to prejudice and discrimination and are often cast out from their families. Facing poverty, many are sexually exploited and abused and turn to prostitution. People may say it is off-topic, but my point is that it is problems in Iranian society that turns some ordinary people to prostitution as the option to just survive.
Lets face it - prostitution would not exist ANYWHERE unless there was demand for it. So for those who just judge the women, who is keeping them in employment?
Prostitution is a common thing all over the global village,
by Rea on Mon May 03, 2010 10:17 AM PDT...... stoning of women is not.
by Onlyiran on Mon May 03, 2010 09:47 AM PDTI respectfully disagree with your statement here:
To be quite honest, with no insult intended, women in Iran (i emphasize in Iran not abroad) who smoke cigarrettes are looked at as morally mufles or bankrupt.
Kahmenei's daughter lit up a cigarette when she left my bed this morning, and I didn't judge her negatively. Neither did I judge Khamenei's wife and sister when they left my bed last week and lit a couple of cigarettes. I guess the nasty habit runs in the does killer bodies, if I may be so bold to add.
Prostitution occurs everywhere
by iranvataneman on Mon May 03, 2010 09:41 AM PDTI'm not sure why you guys try to make it unique to Iran, it occurs everywhere. Many prostitutes themselves choose to be prostitutes, they want easy money, they turn to prostitution. Much like there are gamblers out there, prostitution itself is like a disorder too, while some do it out of desperation, others do it out of enjoyment, they don't want to work hard or get a successful career, so they turn to prostitution.
I'm not sure why you guys limit it to the IRI, when every country in the world has prostitution. There are many women in Iran from poor families, and 100% of them are not prostitutes, they work hard to get from point A to point B, without prostitution. I don't buy into these excuses of these women in the video, they are not even from the rural areas, they are from the cities, that even implicates that they have some what of a desire to head into this dirty business.
I'm sure if every poor woman in Iran sold herself into prostitution, all our men would have AIDS by now, because of the rampant amount of clients, and sexual contact from one person to another, but that's not the case.
I know people in rural areas who had limited electricity, gas, and water, and managed to make the most of their lives through hard work and 3-4 different jobs, and eventually some of these boys and girls, made it to universities and finally established careers for themselves, many children of people who worked in textile factories and farms, so there's no excuses. These prostitutes just want a shortcut in life and subsequently get punished for it.
ha ha vateneman
by Cost-of-Progress on Mon May 03, 2010 07:55 AM PDTIf you think that these things only happen in Tehran, you are either totally brainwashed, or have stuck your head in the religious sand far too long much like the other so called people of the faith.
You're lucky that your family does not prostitue themselves, but the atmosphere of extreme poverty created by the incompetence of those you support has produced this - make no mistake about it.
Your Islamic ideology (and that of any other eligion) is a failure.
Religions cannot legislate morality for morality is a superficial notion invented by mankind to mask his shortcomings.
Say....what do you call SIGHEH then? Prostitution sanctioned by the divine?
You people...............
Agha-ye, aziz. Who said prostitution is merely about sex?
by Nur-i-Azal on Sun May 02, 2010 06:45 PM PDTProstitution these days is not about sex. Prostitution is about poverty and massive economic disparity and dislocation, a fact of life in Iran that not even the most lock-jawed supporter of the regime can deny anymore. Face it, that this endemic problem exists, and it does, is because your so-called revolution ultimately failed in bridging the social disparities of class and social mobility in Iran. In fact things got ten-twenty times worse than what they were under the Shah, and at least the Shah was attempting to institute a universal social welfare program which you people haven't even attempted for all your talk and lip service about the mostazafin. Add to that the fact that your regime is both pathologically obsessed with sex while denying it and psychotically attempting to control it at the same time, and no wonder such a problem blows out of proportion as it has.
I was in Iran too in 2003 and I saw for myself that this problem exists. So what are you talking about? I am happy for you and your family around Iran who don't prostitute themselves. That says something about the uniqueness of your family who are probably beneficiaries of the system anyway, but not about everyone else who aren't as advantaged as you are.
You brought up the issue of hijab: That these women don't wear hijab, is beside the point, and clearly silly logic on your part to be broaching. There is absolutely no logical or causal connection between wearing hijab and upholding old fashioned, conservative sexual values -- whatever the f*&^ that is! I can show you the most meticulous hijab donning, pious sanctimonious pretending Shi'ite Muslim religious women, who underneath this same hijab are the single biggest sluts this side of the porno industry -- and there are quite a few of these all around religious centers in Iran, from Qom to Mashhad and elsewhere. In fact folks are known to get propositioned inside the very shrines, like inside the shrine of Imam Reza,
from time to time. Shomaa mesle eenkeh khaabeed!
At least these women in the documentary are honest and upfront about what they do and obviously they need the money for various reasons in order to survive. And all of that said, at the end of the day a woman's body is ultimately her own to do what she wants to do with! I know your people don't believe this, but koon-e-laghe un khodaa'ee o deen o aa'een o ketaab o payghambaree keh goft nah!
Typical Islamist
by Iraniandudeee on Sun May 02, 2010 06:23 PM PDTProstitution might exist in every country but Iran never even had such a problem during the pahlavis dynasty like it does today, not saying it didn't exist back then but it was such a small problem that it was almost non-existent.
Btw, I realize that alot of these things are exaggerated by Americans to make Iran look bad, but you can't deny tht the islamic regime has created more problems, corruption, both culturally and economically for the Iranian people since it came into power.
"You should not be afraid of the ideology but of the determination and will of the men behind it"
"A drowning man is not troubled by rain" Persian Proverb
Nice try
by iranvataneman on Sun May 02, 2010 06:17 PM PDTProstitution exists in every country around the world in many subtle ways. Those people that run prostitution or are involved in it are guilty. These women talking in this video are also guilty of prostitution. A lot of this prostitution talk in Iran, is absolute BS. I like how many of these documentaries take place in Tehran. This shows that the majority of these people are bigheyrat bisharaf binamus and everything else that goes with it.
How come I don't hear information about this in everysingle province of Iran?? Why does this come from individuals from Tehran?? This is total BS. Many of these prostitutes enjoy their job, they abuse the sighe system just to make easy money, and once their family finds out, they cut contact with them.
I have family in 10 different cities in Iran, excluding Tehran, Karaj, and Isfahan, and some in rural areas, and none of them prostitute themselves. This documentary is a load of crap and these people want to make excuses not to look hard for jobs or persevere in life.
These women don't even wear hijab, so they definitely are westernized, and there's no sympathy of them, just because they enjoy being prostitutes, doesn't mean the rest of Iran wants such a terrible illegal occupation.
The islamic republic
by Iraniandudeee on Sun May 02, 2010 05:20 PM PDTLook at this you shameless islamists, this is what your so called "cultured" regime has produced.The islamists have corrupted and westernized Iran (In a bad way) more than the shah or any other government could dream of.
Iran needs a nationalist, democratic and secular government. The mullahs need to be lined up, shot and hanged like the leaches they are and their families exiled.
"You should not be afraid of the ideology but of the determination and will of the men behind it"
"A drowning man is not troubled by rain" Persian Proverb
Truly an eye-opening blog!
by Khar on Sun May 02, 2010 04:47 PM PDTThank you Azadeh for echoing the voices of the voice-less! World must hear the suffering voices within Eslaam-e Naab-e Mohammadi's Repulic.
if it walks and talks like a's probably a duck
by i_support_khamenie on Sun May 02, 2010 04:06 PM PDTThe video showed these women talking about how two officials at some point soliciting sex with them.
To be quite honest, with no insult intended, women in Iran (i emphasize in Iran not abroad) who smoke cigarrettes are looked at as morally mufles or bankrupt.
Now, I don't really think that the two official would be soliciting sex from every woman that comes to there offices or benches. Why? because, she could be the daughter or relative or a senior or powerful figure and they woldn't risk it.
However, they probably felt comfortable soliciting the women for sex if they come to think that these women are not so "straight".
Maybe, their husbands complained in their petition that their wives are addicts or come late to home or spend too much time at the mall or having illicit relationship. This might give the official an instinct that perhaps the woman is "bad akhlagh."
Watching the video, I couldn't but help notice how these women acted, fast talking, muscles twtiching and tweaking...same signs I see when I notice people on drugs or atleast ones who use and abuse methamphatamines or crystal meth and ecstacy pills.
It's like having two girls that come to work. One girl is always straight and proper, and another girl is giggling and wearing revealing clothes. Ask yourself, which one do you think an average American Joe is more likely to hit on or to flirt with?
So if it walks and talks like a duck, it's probably a duck!
Thanks for posting and reminding us of these problems
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Sun May 02, 2010 03:22 PM PDTEvery voice counts! Every action counts!
on sigheh
by vildemose on Sun May 02, 2010 02:40 PM PDTSigheh is the most perverse law anywhere on this planet. It demeans women, and has unimaginable adverse effect on the very fabric of family unit (khanevadeh) in the society.
Azadeh Jan
by minadadvar on Sun May 02, 2010 01:51 PM PDTThanks for being the voice of some of the Iranian women inside Iran. I have had the honor of working with some married Iranian women who had to sell themselves to support their families, because their husbands were unable to find employment.
Thanks for posting
by javaneh29 on Sun May 02, 2010 01:36 PM PDTAn interesting film. What's really strikes me is the contradiction, double standard and mixed message from Iran's clergy! On the one hand womens behaviour is so provocative that their immoralty is responsible for predicted geophysical phenomen and yet on the other hand they ( the clergy) actively create an environment where women feel forced to turn to prostition to make a living, encourage 'sigheh' and more than one marriage if the price can be paid! All in all it's pretty sick what ever way you care to think about it.
This is truly devestating
by vildemose on Sun May 02, 2010 01:07 PM PDTThis is truly devestating in an Islamic country with representatives of god on earth ruling the country.
IRI is also heavily involved in sex-traffiking of women in the ME.