Campaign for Equality of Sexes


Campaign for Equality of Sexes
by Babak San Diego

This past weekend I had the opportunity to briefly participate a very worthwhile event in Orange County, sponsored by the "Campaign for Equality" organization; as I understand it, the goal of this grass root organization which started in Iran by a few very brave women, is to make people aware of the injustices that are experienced by women in Iran and to change laws in Iran so that women have equal standing in the society and in the eyes of the law.

As I watched the Olympics' closing ceremonies, bewildered by how fast China transformed itself from a poor almost Third World country to the power house it is today in less than 25 years, I started thinking about how this transformation had come about so quickly.

I am convinced that this fast transformation is mainly because women in China are much more of an equal to men compared to most other Asian countries. For example, in China you see women work in factories and also run factories; you see women bank tellers, but you also see women CEOs of banks. In Japan for example, women are mostly doing menial work and they are generally forced to quit as soon as they get pregnant. Situation is obviously not as bad in non Muslim countries of Asia as it is in Muslim countries.

Oppression of women in Iran is one of the major reasons Iranian society has not made the strides it is capable of; we all know Iranians excel at most everything they participate in when given the opportunity. Anoosheh Ansari is a recent prime example.

As a Baha'i' male who was raised believing in the principle of equality of sexes from early childhood, I feel obliged to inform fellow Iranian men and women who read to visit the various web sites of the campaign for equality listed below to get information on their goals and to participate in activities which could culminate in success; Equal Rights for women of Iran, now.



California branch:




Thanks Babak jan for driving

by Sudi (not verified) on

Thanks Babak jan for driving from San Diego to Irvine and signing the petition as well as the "Imagine Equality" Canvas. The beauty of this grassroot movement is that there is no organization, no leader, no ideology. It attracts anyone with any background and people can be supporting it as simple as writing about it, talking about it. The idea is to challange the mind set at the deepest end of the Iranian Society as Nema has mentioned. You only need to believe in equality and believe that each one of us can make a difference.


Go Babak! I love it when I

by skatermom (not verified) on

Go Babak! I love it when I hear Iranians getting involved in grassroot causes that may and hopefully culminate in something greater. My grandmother was a magistrate before enghelab. She told me of horrible inequalities then. I can only imagine what they are now. I signed the petition.


The root of the problem lies...

by nema on

The root of the problem lies in men We (Iranian men) believe in inequality of man and woman in general, without being conscious of it, we believe more in our fathers than our mothers, our brothers than our sisters and our sons than our daughters, that’s why we have this inequality dilemma in Iran, this is connected to our Islamic belief and psyche. Until we maintain our Islamic identity, we will not change. We can change it once we become aware of it, but how many self aware Persian men do you come across these days.  



Thanks for sharing

by nema on

Very thoughtful, thanks for sharing