The Editor is Dead! Long Live the Editor!


by bahmani

There is a saying, "the mob rules". I am afraid that with the new policy of anything by anyone goes, on the comments section offered for each post, in the new, I am sad to say that the job of carefully crafting, researching, and writing pieces that are thought out, well timed, poignant, spell and grammar checked, simply doesn't pay enough to warrant the beatings I get for it. Certainly not by buffoons. I'll gladly take a spanking by a superior now and then when I deserve it, but I'll be damned if I'm going to go through the 3-4 day mental exercise and trouble of thinking about something that usually needs to be said, only to have some juvenile complex-ridden degenerate graffiti on it for pure sick sadistic fun and games, specifically to spoil it for others. The new system has attracted a troubling element, the common trait is that they can't live with themselves or offer a counter point that is equal or relevant to the article, or serve to make the dialog richer. At first I thought it would be a healthy release and it would settle down once people got the angst off their chests, but it's getting worse. For me it has simply become far too exhausting emotionally. As the National Guardsman said, "I didn't sign up for this!"

I have in effect been censored not by "the editor", but rather the mob that is increasingly ruling this site and running amok in it. Don't get me wrong, a certain amount of punk rock anarchy is a wonderful thing. But clearly either I am not evolved enough to take the lashings I am dealt daily behind my back, or there is something very wrong with having profanities screamed at you constantly, whether you defend yourself or not. And I'm tired of checking to see if I've addressed an incorrect accusation or corrected a language barrier misinterpretation, or if I have had the last word on the pettiest of arguments over what usually ends up being merely ego. Usually macho ego.

SO, to all the cowardly, faceless, spoiler, pissant "Goozidam beh rishet"s out there, enjoy your victory, you win! You have managed to sour something that was quite sweet and dear to me these past 10 wonderful years I have been writing for Judging from the many positive responses I have received from gracious, thoughtful, and intelligent (and thankfully not necessarily always agreeing) readers, I think frankly (and I'm sure you will crudely disagree), I will be missed. Certainly one can say, the many good, outweigh the few bad apples, but honestly, I'd rather stop writing than give you the satisfaction of having even one more place to publicly urinate anonymously, then run to another writer's article and do the same to them. You certainly deserve your prize, namely nothing! For that is precisely what you will now get from me.

I also always thought that putting my real name down was a key requirement for an honorable discourse. Clearly it isn't. Clearly: Anonymity is Sacred.

But seriously, congrats once again, you've merely managed to successfully reinforce the stereotype!


more from bahmani

Anoymouse: Photos still there

by Sasha on

Okay, anonymouse I could not believe it but you were right again. The naked man's photos are still there. So Haji was censored because his comments were considered homophobic but it is okay for him to be sexist. I am confused. I thought he drew cartoons that were derogatory towards homosexuals but yet they were published. Did I misunderstand something?

By the way I never ever flagged any of Haji's comments. Not even when I was really offended  by them. I even posted  an apology on one of his cartoons and on your Haji blog.




by Anonymouse on

Ben you sound like a "Valley Girl" acting like her "shit don't smell"!  I mean you no disrespect and have seen others who have said stuff on your postings.  So I kind of feel your pain.  You chose to write and if others are saying stuff that is shitty, you don't want it in your neighborhood?  Again, Soraya keeps publishing under her real name and she is on top of the list of those who are "victimized".  Anyway, I just think there are better ways to treat this issue than just complaining about it.


I believe this is our "dirty laundry".  Many don't understand us and try to teach us the "right way" to communicate.  


As for Hajiagha, he didn't say anything out of the ordinary.  He just noticed the naked guy running around women and young children, exposing himself calling it "freedom" and said something about it.  He said what do you expect from gay city. In farsi "az shahr-e kooni ha bishtar az in namishe entezar dasht".  They censored both his English and Farsi postings. 


Maybe JJ didn't like Hajiagha insulting his city! 


Anonymouse: Is it for real? No more Haji?

by Sasha on

Damn, you were telling the truth. What could he have said that got him cut?  I mean they never cut his cartoons with the negative sexual depiction of women. I must say many of us never saw that one coming.



Who says there is no censorship?

by Anonymouse on

You can add Hajiagha to the list of the ones who are quitting, not because of the vulgar language but because of censorship.  He doesn't want his cartoons to be "poblished" anymore!  Heck, I didn't even get to copy his comment.  It was a good comment full of good and new stuff and nothing out of ordinary.  He just spoke what he saw and there goes the scissor. Here's the link see for yourself:




I agree with flagging comments as offensive and have done it before myself.  But i must admit I haven't done it recently thinking others will do it.  I especially agree with deleting comments with personal information.  That can be a reason you don't want to use your real name.  By the way, having a registered name isn't going to change anything.


Some people are writing dissertation on comments.  Maybe there should be word count limit on the comments, but I don't think because someone feels he or she is more educated than others or have something more "important" or more "talented" to say shouldn't have a license to create a new medium for this website.


If people want to leave for one reason or another, like the highly educated ones who have a lot to say, or the least educated like Hajiagha, so be it.  You are doing it for your own reasons.  Good, new and talented contributors will find their way here.  Learn to live with the "boundaries" (or lack there of) that are given to you.  


The one thing that bothers me the most is some Iranians and non-Iranians (mostly non-Iranians) lecture us about being "civil" and "discuss" in kindness and "tolerance" and crap like that. 


You know who they sound like?  They sound like slave traders saying to African slaves that we are taking you to a civilized world and giving you "christianity".  Did you ever watch the slave movies, like Roots, Amistad and so on?  That's why they sound like whether they want to or not.  They think they are better than us and can show us the "way".  And they chat and nag the most, responding to each and every comment. 

Ben Madadi

Just a Thing...

by Ben Madadi on

I have some website businesses. I had told JJ about this a long time ago. I may think about creating a rival for that would respect the contributors for real... hehehe :p
Just kidding. I don't think it's very luvrative.
Here Jahanshah is seriously mistaking freedom of expression with respect, or lack of it. When you write an article which is the result of hours of work, and you do it FOR FREE (yes, for free, no Zionist or Pan-Turkist ever paid me... damn) you don't want to see the page your article is on, being made fun of by some people... Yes, I don't want my work to be made fun of. If people dislike me, they can create their own articles writing how horrible I am... That's a different issue. Well, I proposed JJ long ago (many many months) to make it possible for authors to decide whether they want comments, or to give them the ability to erase comments, and explained him thoroughly why. Just my thought :)


Ben: Check out my blogs

by Sasha on

Hey! Ben,

Check out my blogs. I kept my word and posted my articles as a blog. I have been a very busy woman since your break. Yep!  I think I am ready for the haters.

By the way someone posted an idiotic comment on an article under my real name. He is not worth the trouble responding too. I will just leave his comment their as evidence of his ignorance. I think that will be sufficient punishment for the moron.

Best wishes,


Red Wine

مافيا بازي شده مد روز

Red Wine

اينايي كه اقاي بهمني گفت در اين جا،ما قبلا گفتيم،منتها اقا جهانشاه ترتيب اثر نداد!حالا چرا و به چه علت،خدا بهتر داند.به هر حال،ايرانيان.كم،ديگه مثل قديم نيست و بايد قبول كرد.اونهايي كه ميان فحش ميدهند در سايت ،همه لات هستند و بي كار و بيسواد.كاشكي اقا جهانشاه بيشتر  مراقب ميبودند.عزت زياد.


Excuse my French!

by Mina- thought u were violinist! (not verified) on

I ask of you to first excuse my French and then tell me what's going on here!
Behrouz wants to leave us?!
Naaah, that can't be true!
What happened?
Now... getting down to the nitty gritty, I've noticed quite a few of our old pals are no longer writing for us and I MISS THEM!
I've been running around these pages for quite a looong time and I've always appreciated JJ's efforts for putting this site together and maintaining it so well.
Obviously the heart and soul of the site is the articles the photos and the "feel good" effect, "enlightening effect" or the "information" you get after reading the posts.
With you Bruce it's quite common to get the laugh factor or a good chuckle out of it plus the other factors!
I kinda know what you mean though , you've given a good amount of thought and put together a piece and you'd think people will either like it, dislike it or express something even horrendous regarding the article itself and trash it... but not go off on a tangent and start talking about someones mother's thing-a-ma-jig, and cuss their hearts out for no apparent reason( other than like kids feeling good when they swear even though they don't know what it means!)
Of course Bruce jaan, it's your decision... but give it a little more time and maybe by then JJ will also descend from the Khar-e Shaytoon just a tiny little bit, and proceed to think that there is a possibility that the chicken has more than just one leg!!!
(JJ jaan, morgh 2 pa dareh ha!?)
Anyway if you go, I for one will miss you terribly, I'm sure many others (even the ones who have not expressed it here), will do too.
Hope to see you here again asap!
PS. JJ jan I know you want to stick to your guns and take this site to a different level by giving anonymity it's full chance, and are waiting for the weeds to die out, but remember weeds will continue to grow, they may die off for a short season but they keep on coming back. They won't die off!


Dr. Ata, too?

by Rosie T... (not verified) on

Dr. Ata wrote: "My time and resources are limited; I will spend it where it can have an impact in a time when our country has many internal and external enemies."

This is how many of the most important voices here feel and this is what they plan to do and why.

It's time to make a compromise, JJ. Regardless of how you and Mouse or I personally feel. Politics is the art of the possible. Be a pragmatist, J.

Zendaani-ye-aazaadi nabaashi. Absolute freedom is an ideology, just like all the rest.
I beg you,
Robin Jayne Goldsmith
PS I still love the Colonel. Saresh sangeh vali delesh talaaeh. Oo ainehetooneh. Help him. Free him. Free yourselves. Forgive him.

Kaveh Nouraee make an excellent point

by Kaveh Nouraee on

I have found that there are many, many things on this site that I find to be offensive, and I have no problem saying that I am certain that many of the things I have posted are equally as offensive to some, or maybe even many of you. But Siamak's contributions, Bruce's, Ben's, Darius and virtually all of the "regulars" are more powerful than the material that disgusted me.


As for me, I have been viciously attacked more times than I can remember, and my very first post was a  just little more than a year ago. My parents have been called vicious disgusting names, as have I and we have been threatened. I also received e-mails threatening to rape my sister. (Good thing I don't have one).



This website is not only something special, it's damn special. It means a lot to many of us, including me. I, for one am not going to give the power and the satisfaction to the people who derive some perverted satisfaction from the low nature of their posts by backing down and leaving. They will flinch long before I ever will.



Q is right on the money when he says this is about respect for JJ. Personally, I am grateful to JJ for the opportunity to read about various issues that affect our community in one way or another and even more so for the opportunity to comment and contribute. We all have at one time or another have touched upon each other's nerves with some of our remarks, but at the end of the day, it's OK. These other vile people truly lack respect for what JJ has done for all of us.



JJ, I do ask you to consider some changes. Q is right. The place for some of these vicious vile people is on MySpace or a similar medium. There are many outside of our community who already think of Iranians as a bunch of third world animals. Please don't allow these lowlifes to be the lasting legacy of and give those outsiders reason to think they were right.


Okay, It Isn't A Joke Anymore

by Rosie T.. (not verified) on

If Q. is thinking of leaving this is deadly serious. Is it true that Siamak is already gone? Now Q. and Ben and are talking about three people on very different facets of the ideological diamond. The one thing all of them have in common is their decency.
I spoke of the need to find a middle ground but if Q. goes where is the voice of the left? Soraya can't do it on her own...and she gets too much spam to be able to resppond to anything....
Ironically it was these attacks on Soraya which first got me to post here. I was so appalled. And I've spent most of my energy trying to temper the vitriole on the right so a dialog can emerge and I'm a damn good writer and it is hard WORK. In Attacks on Anonystan my thesis was that there was a confusion between moderation and censorship, and I was for moderation. It was Mazloon Ast's satire, Iranian KKK, which swayed me to the other side, because I'm a khareji, what do I know? So I THOUGHT I that I'd been missing the point, and that Iranians NEED to vent.
But they need Q more. And they need Bruce and Ben and Siamak. I'm a Kucinich supporter, I'm read Dabashi. If Q goes what intelligent voice will speak for the left while Soraya has to hide in her hole?
Jahanshah, it's not a game anymore! Please read David's blog on registered users and flagging. It doesn't have to be three flags, it can be ten and you judge whether the flags are legitimate. But you'll have to hire someone to do it because you're overextended, you'll never be able to do it on your own. You can get a grad student for fifteen bucks an hour.
I also want to say that a non-Iranian filmmaker posted under the Iraq-Iran war video asking for videos from inside Iran that he could spread to convince people not to bomb Iran. And as soon as I saw it I knew what was going to happen and before you knew it it was gone from the top of the page. Right after the anti-war protest in San Francisco. And there have been other such things. It's not just about the moderation issue, it's about what is sacred. I thought you said life was sacred in your interview with Khodemun. You're overextended. You need someone to hire someone to take care of priorities. I told you that under your video essay about the trip to Israel. And I was planning on bringing it up again.
Nothing is sacred except what is acred. Jahanshah, this isn't a joke anymore. If Q goes nothing will REALLY be sacred. Because then you'll have just that--nothing.


Jahanshah you don't get it!!! And here is why

by Q on

I know it sounds strange me telling the editor of this site about his own house. But the fact of the matter is that Jahanshah is in effect immune to the BS the rest of us have to live with. People have to realize, there IS something that everyone agrees on and that thing is respect for JJ, for the most part.


Dear JJ, I get called horrible names daily. People I know have things said about them in sexual or personal ways. People's phone numbers and personal addresses have been posted (just a couple of days ago.) People's place of employment have been exposed in effort to intimidate and silence. I really think you would feel a bit differently if you were the target of the most vicious of these attacks. But also keep in mind that most of the current tragets are not "blog savy" internet gurus like yourself. There's a serious culture shock.


Jahanshahe aziz, you once spoke of giving people a right to speak, but now the decision to cater to the WORST of the free speech (nasty personal graffitti) is threatening the BEST of free speech (the quality, personalized writing that this site has been famous for for years.) You wanted to accomodate more people, but this is clearly driving people away, replacing them by others who don't wish to be productive and frankly seem to resent this site at all. is something special. We already have myspace and other blogs for mindless ranting. I have written for you for years, but I feel very much like Bahmani does. There are so many sites which one can rant, rave and curse. I'm sure you know about the so-called "forums" where such vicious attacks take place. I beg you do not let this site devolve into such a glorified playground with some nice photos. You will lose something very dear to the heard of the Iranian community.


BEN!!! Are you frigging NUTS!!!!

by Rosie T.. (not verified) on

You lost your INSPIRATION!!!! Do you know how RUDE how many Persians have been to me long before I ever heard of this site, and how many Armenian and Jewish Iranians have told me how miserable these "Persians" made their lives in Iran, things they would NEVER say to them but would say to me (and no offense I love you all, otherwise why would I possibly endure you? :D ) --and I have sit and listen to all that crap about "Persian tolerance" on that dusty old Aramaic cylinder until I can hardly stop from gagging...and then YOU come along and say maybe "we're" not so nice and suddenly you're every secret agent that ever walked...and you get death threats and curses on your mother's private parts, and after WEEKS of this one day you say "Persians are a little special" and suddenly you're their poster child because you FLATTERED them, and the next day you say well maybe not SOOOO special and it's death threats to your mother all over again. And they have proved YOUR point and it's crystal clear. And you have lost your inspiration when you're WINNING???!!! Jeez...
Ben, Ben, just because your views on Zionism and the U.S. government are simplistic and those on Arabs are frankly racist doesn't mean I don't NEED you!
Don't go. If not for me, do it for Sasha.


Defectors, don't go!

by Rosie T.. (not verified) on

Don't you dare go. We need the moderate voices. That's the whole goal. Moderation in everything through lack of moderation. Who was it who just wrote, "Vent people vent!" Let them get it out of their systems. Let them slug it out. If you go and abandon this website I accuse you of being the worst pan-Turkic nationalist, Israeli agent, paid stooge of the IRI, Rajavi parasting Mujahhed, neocon, grand wizard of the SUMKA traitor to Iran!

You are sane and that's why you can't stand the insanity and that's just why you have to stay! Don't you see how obvious that is? New website, why? Everyone is together here finally and you want to start another civil war! Let them slug it out!

A Russian Israeli who advocates a one-state solution, an extremely unpopular position (considered crazy among Jews) argues thus: The one-state solution is really the moderate, sensible one but it seems extreme because the far left has been silenced in Israel. The vast majority of people, his argument goes, hold a moderate view. They want simple things, to raise a family and be happy. They have to be exposed to the most extreme voices (and here, I would add, in the most extreme ways) because only then can they find the middle ground. Likewise the most heinous Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites must be allowed to speak.
Don't go! Change their hearts and minds and mouths, or just ignore them, and let them shout themselves silly til they get laryngitis of the fingers. And then the fingers of reason shall prevail.
And I love Colonel Hemayat because facing his vicious toilet bowl mouth made a man out of me and gave me my balls, when I was considering C-section to keep my labia "pretty" and pink (see blog by "dr"maman"). Don't go.
The Editor is dead. Long live our balls!



by Asian (not verified) on

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free."

If a point of view or statement is true and verifiable, it will stand on its own, and no
further rancrous arguments are necessary.
Clarifications and explanations can be made with
factual simplicity.

This is the usual basis for all civil, dispassionate, informed and rational discourse.

Those responding with abusive name-calling, and with
emotional critical vilifications, are merely trying
to distract and to disrupt focus from the truths of
the topic. This in itself tends to support the truth
and validity of the statements being attacked.

In a open forum such abuses are common and unavoidable.

Readers with common sense and maturity understand
this, can readily discern the truth, and treat the
obvious attempts at creating distractions and
confusions with deserved contempt and rejection.

Such abuses should not inhibit or turn-off
the good contributors from their valued works.


Reply to Miz-abdol-azim khaneh Ghareeb

by Sasha on

Thank you for the welcome. Yes, my parents sheltered me a lot growing up. However, I know more about censorship than you might imagine. I grew up in a very traditional neighborhood. Little girls were to conform to certain acceptable behavior of my culture. I was constantly admonished if my behavior and words did not meet within this guide lines. Part of it included physical punishment.  At school it was worst, since my native language is not English. We would be punished if we spoke Spanish. In time a lot of our voices were silenced because of it. Yes, I know the painful reality of censorship and it can take many forms.

I have started my own little blog section. For me writing is about something you are passionate about. The sharing of your knowledge whether academically or because of life experience. You do not need to be a scholar. Maybe just sharing some wisdom that you learned from your past. Maybe even sharing a family recipe. Yes, I did that too. :o)

I do not like censorship but I also do not think it is correct to insult the authors families. It is all I ask, no dragging the families of the author into any debates. Civility seems like such an easy request but it seems a difficult one to follow for some. There must be a balance.

Yes, I will continue on my quest for truth and knowledge.



To Mr. Ala

by Miz-abdol-azim khaneh Ghareeb (not verified) on

Precisely I am what I criticize! That is the essence of freedom. Did I say that I don't use bad language? No. But what I am saying is just because some people who we don't even know their number want to come and use some foul language, it doesn't mean that we have to change the entire protocol of the universe of Internet.

If you have visited many other other websites, you will realize most non-Iranians are the same way -you cross the line they will unlish bad words on you. That is the era of the Internet until people like Bush decide to put control on all of that and you would not be able to send an email without first your finger print being recognized by the Homeland Security. That if my argument.....

Our entire history is nothing but censorship...


To Sasha

by Miz-abdol-azim khaneh Ghareeb (not verified) on

I welcome your thrist to learn about the Persian culture and heritage, but brace yourself if you are a dedicated learner. When I say "Mafia" I am referring to a life of frustration from those who have been advocating censorship at anything Iranians say or do.

We are a censored nation and worse than that we also attempt to censor ourselves. We have been ruled by no less than Mafiosos of Islam and Monarchy. Your parents might have not told you the truth and when you hear it from me you become agitated.

Read my two earlier comments, I am against censorship, I am not against civility. I do not write articles for because I don't have much to say or the right subject, but I read others'.

So, continue to search for the truth but don't sell the opportunity short!


If you research and write thoughtful comments,

by Nassery (not verified) on

you can be assured that many readers will appreciate your efforts.

I have been surprised at the responses to many of the blogs and I've wondered about the people.

Stick and stones..may break bones, but words can never hurt you...especially if you consider the source. Pay attention to replies from people you respect and ignore the others.

Mohammad Ala

Fair is fair . . .

by Mohammad Ala on

Fair is fair….+ 

Miz-abdol khan….. you are exactly who you accuse others to be.  Do not take one or two words out of a full page and cry why you need to hide to express your views.

+ Fair is fair.  Is it fair to call the place of employment to bad-mouth someone? Or post a negative comment on an employment site when you do not like a person’s view?  Yes or no?+ Is it okay accusing someone without having had courage to come forward with your real name?  Yes or no?

+ Is it okay for anonymous poster to judge an honest and brave person when she posted her comments and judged her by her gender?  Yes or no?+ Fair is fair.  Let us try some of these on anonymous posters to find out who is person of his or her words, who is hiding from whom, and who is doing what.+ Fair is fair.



Dr. Mohammad Ala is Professor of Business and a Board member of,, and


Miz-abdol-azim khaneh Ghareeb: Cosa Nostra Style

by Sasha on

So you like it Mafia style. :o) Look people nothing is sacred at Everyone has freedom of expression. You can be as anoymous as you want. You can write or not write. It does not matter if you have any qualifications in the subject matter. It doesn't matter if you are Iranian or non-Iranian. Hell, you don't even have to spell correctly. Freedom of expression does not get any freer than, which is why I keep coming back to it. Of course, I also love to learn about Iranian culture, history and so on. Where else can I learn about so many different aspects of Iranian life? I have found no other place.

However, even the Mafia had a line you did not cross or they would censor you with death. :o) Just thought I'd bring it up since you like it Mafia style so much. Does the meaning "cement shoes" ring a bell?

Why must the authors family get dragged into the insults? I don't think so.


David ET

To All Anonymous(es) and to Benjamin Franklin(s)

by David ET on

There is no objection to any of you writing under the ID anonymous or Benjamin Franklin ! or "whatever"

All that is suggested was that

1- you can make one id per VERIFIED email address (you register with the site but your email address will not be disclosed publically)

2- If you get flagged 3 times, your email and IP will be blocked from future comments.

This is a common type of practice on bulletin boards and many public
websites. You still can chose any ID you want or say what you want
nor have to disclose your identity.

and I assure you this way we Iranians will not be deprived of any Iranian
Benjamin Franklins of our future history !! because the American one also
wrote responsibly and did not use 4 letter words against peoples family
and kids and mothers!

I sill have not heard one logic for what is so great about allowing
this site to be reduced to trash without accountability or what is the
big deal about allowing one person having 20 ID's with no emails or


To be expected

by baback on

The sort of behavior Mr. Bahmani is upset about was to be expected once the editorial control was removed. This problem existed in the heydeys of the iranian newsgroup forum as well where a few, sometimes anonymous, individuals would engage in all manners of fahaashi and needless provocatory personal attacks which debased the level of discourse and turned off a lot of readers. Even to this day a significant percentage of the traffic in the iranian newsgroup concerns a few individuals who treat it as their personal soap box where they vent their seemingly limitless frustrations and dispense fohsh and counter fohsh, and pose as would be heroic and righteous militants. The removal of the editorial control has allowed people of this ilk to tread into territory as well.


To use real name! What a childish cause for argument

by Miz-abdol-azim khaneh Ghareeb (not verified) on

Professor says and ask JJ to publish the IP address of those who violate the Geneva Convention and bring someone's mother into the argument! If this is not the revivial of SAVAK then what is it?

These are the typical people who caused the Akhoonds to succeed in Iran. These are the same people who go to Iran every summer and when they come back they say:

"Iran kheilee avaz shodeh, baba har chee bekhay geer miaad, tariak, jendeh, bacheh, beheshteh jooneh shoma!"

These are the people who will hang JJ if they get the opportunity because it says so in their holy book.

They hate Iranians in general and turn their face when they see one. They speak Persian with a western accent on purpose, these are the ones who caused the Revolution to succeed.

Anyone who advocates any kind of censorship is an illegitimate child of Ruhollah Khoemeini. They are also an insult to the former Shah because they cheated him too.

Get out of here now! and see you tomorrow with your false names and your 4-letter words. We will train you how to appreciate the freedom that is beind endowed upon you!

They criticiase people for not using real name! Why should they? For example the name "Professor such and such" will mean what? You are brave?

To use their real name so you terrorize them?

To use their real name so you judge them by their gener or ethnicity?

What the hell is in a name? Can you explain this stupid argument, you silly boys?


JJ thanks for explaining things to me

by Sasha on

JJ thanks for explaining things to me. I am glad that if we want to we can upload a picture of us. Perhaps it is best if a picture of me is not up for display. I think I will keep the Mustang. :o)

Best wishes,



To Mehrazar about Cinema Taj

by Mazloom on

It was Cinema Rex, not Cinema Taj, which was set on fire on August 20. 1978 in Abadan.  It killed about 430 people and was first blamed on Shah, but later was proven to be the work of Khomeini followers.  Until September 11, 2001 this fire was the deadest act of terrorism in the history.  Unfortunately a lot of people died in that fire because they were not able to exist the building.  In that respect Mr. Bahmani is within his right to exist this site if he feels as if it is burning to the ground.


Last person leaving please turn off the lights & empty the trash

by Miz-abdol-azim khaneh Ghareeb (not verified) on

because the party starts when you LEAVE!

As they say "if you can't stand the heat, get off the kitchen". People write lousy controvertial articles and then when people express their feelings they feel hurt.

When someone calls himself "Professor" people have a tendency to kick his lard ass! If his feeling is hurt then so be it.

When someone defends Azari cessession from Iran and we attack him with 4-letter words, his feelings get hurt, well so be it.

When all of you leave, we will have a site that people are brandishing the edge of awareness to write and be attacked and be praised and only the toughest will survive.

If we listen to these "oh, mommy don't leave please" bologny we will end up with bunch of rightists and centrists who will bore us to death. Talking about their audience with the Shah and how they drove from Nice to Rome and how Iran will rise again under the leftovers of Ghajar lard asses!

But you know what? We have not been born yesterday. The same people who say that they are leaving will come back with false names and will attack the rest of us with 4-letter words the SAVAK style, in particular the "Professor" will be the first.

I think I said enough. This website is not for the weak heart, just stay as a reader and don't write because if you write and cross the lines of logic we will bring family into the table, mafia style.

Last person leaving please turn off the light, we can write and think even in the dark....

Mohammad Ala

Thanks Kaveh, Daivd, Bruce, Tonya, Sasha jaan.

by Mohammad Ala on

Forget about IRI, CIA, MKO, etc., etc.  + How would you like someone who does not like your writing or view to call the place of your employment and bad mouth you?  There are people who have this and others have posted negative comments on employment sites without revealing their identities.

+  Turi Ryder ring a bell?  It was over ten years ago when my comments against her hate speech was printed in of that time which was a mailing list.  I agree it is the prerogative of its founder(s) and developer(s) to utilize any (business) model which meets their goals.

+  Going back to vicious attacks, how about several members who never supported our causes, but instead used their money to sue us?  Yes we had those too.+  The reasons some countries are advanced are many, among them are: honesty, accountability, and bravery.  As I mentioned before, no one has given Nobel prize to anonymous poet or scientist.

+  Attack my views, not my parents.  There have been personal attacks on a picture of another writer because she posted her picture.  How low can one get?

+  Thanks Kaveh, David, Tonya, and Sasha jaan for your kind words and support.  These words means a lot to me and will give us energy to continue our work.  Knowing Bruce, Ben, and others, we will continue to write either on,, or other places.  When you have time, please read what I wrote few years ago which I still believe in them.  Here is the link://

+ I cannot hate someone who attacks me because it will stop or slow me down from accomplishing my goals. 


Dr. Mohammad Ala is Professor of Business and a Board member of,, and


You know what?

by Sasha on

We can debate all we want about being anonymous or not. The fact is that it will remain the same.  There will not be any requirements to not be anonymous if you want to post a comment. All we are doing is wasting precious time on the subject.

JJ I promise not to post anymore pictures of me. I really like the picture of the Mustang you selected. Actually, now that I think of it, a real picture of me will attract to many unsolicited emails from men. Very wise decision.



There is nothing wrong with

by n.zanincanadai12121 (not verified) on

There is nothing wrong with anonymity. It gives many people such as myself and jeesh daram and others some freedom.