Originally posted on: //brucebahmani.blogspot.com/
I have been getting a lot of this, "Bruce, what happened to the Green movement in Iran? With all the uprisings in the Mid-east, how come Iran is so quiet these days?"
There is no single 1 sure answer, but there are 2 good reasons. And a 3rd theory, the primary basis of my article.
First, after the last series of street protests this past February 14th, 2011, the flickering embers of the massive 2009 protests in response to the controversy and fraud-ridden Iranian Presidential election, the security forces and Basij militia in Iran clamped down on any Iranian dissent, harder than jewelry on Janet Jackson's nipples.
Virtually any gathering of even more than 3 people on a street corner just to cross, is immediately targeted and people are told to move on or disperse. The slightest objection or hesitation will land you in jail or prison, often without any charge or warrant or claim, all depending on how compliant and sorry you are, or if you show any "attitude" towards the authorities.
So the same look and guilty condemnation that you got from Sister Christian during Sunday School, when she rapped your knuckles with her ruler, because she thought you were the one talking in class, that's how they get you. Church-style! "You can't have any pudding until you eat ye'r meat!" style.
Second reason Iran is quiet these days is that just because everyone tends to like Green as a color, especially these days with all the environmentalism everywhere, that doesn't necessarily mean that all those youth we saw in 2009, was ever really on any sort of path to reform. It may have just been a page, and not the rampage everyone expected of it.
People better than me, are still studying the phenomenon, and haven't yet been able to decipher exactly what the protests of 2009 were all about, in the end. Certainly no one is claiming to know, for sure.
Which brings me to the theory. As with all my theories, it's mine, with not a shred of evidence to support it (yet!), and of course subject to a hell of a lot of skeptical second guessing, with the usual accompaniment of disbelief and doubt.
But I think you might agree that it is a damn good one. An interesting observation to say the least. Possibly even ludicrous. But absolutely not Ludacris.
In order to lay the basis of my theory, we need to first establish what Outrage is, and what the traditional forms of expressing outrage have been, or are today.
In the West, when someone wishes to express outrage, they usually have a distinct word or words in their collective social vocabulary, or the cultural vernacular that are used. Often these are the most expressive words, commonly predicated upon slang, and from slang it is an easy slide right down into downright profanity.
The best example of this kind of expression of outrage in the US is "FUUUUUCK!"
As in, "What the Fuck are we doing!", or "Who the Fuck do you think you are?", and "How the Fuck did that happen?"
Iranians being all about social politeness, do not have a word or even a combination of words that are as guttorally satisfying to say, or exclaim when they are extremely frustrated, as "FUUUUUCK!"
That's it. That's my entire theory on why Iranians cannot express outrage.
In Persian or more correctly Farsi, even if we bring in the informal and rarely analyzed Farsi slang, there is no word for "Fuck". Nevermind "FUUUUUCK!".
I am sure we can all agree that "FUUUUUCK!" is pretty much required for any thriving democracy to succeed.
Absent any definitive word, complete with a past and present tense and no dangling participles, the closest word for Fuck in Farsi, is "Do", or "Did". Oddly enough, usually within the context of some kind of domesticated animal.
"I will do you, like a dog."
"I did him, like a cow."
There is no Done, since that implies you being done, and an Iranian will never admit that he was ever done, by anyone.
Hence the great national problem.
As you can see, walking out in a public square yelling "Do!" or "Did!" just doesn't quite have the same amplification of urgency as "FUUUUUCK!"
The same goes for "FUUUUUCK YOOUUUU!"
There is also no Farsi term for the derogatory, "Fuck You". Certainly nothing even close to telling someone, preferably in authority, to "Fuck Off".
The sheer potential for release of pure anger, and even truer frustration, that the word "FUUUUUCK!" offers others, is entirely and utterly absent from the entire Farsi language.
The closest there is, is not even a word but the exclamation "Voy!" which if it sounds the least bit gay, is, but is also strangely Yiddish, so I'm going with that, as its etymological root. Regardless, you can't fling rocks or Molotov cocktails while yelling "Voy!" either.
So what were all those Iranian protesters screaming and shouting, if they don't have any good quality words that are good for expressing anger and frustration in response to 30 years of rule by an unruly religion?
Slogans. Iranians got slogans. I know, yawn.
Many were downright poorly crafted and not easy or funny to say, and none of them were even naughty limericks, and about the worst one was the polite, "Death to Dictator!" which if you as a non-Iranian think is unclear, imagine the confusion on the street, given it could have meant Ayatollah Khamenei who is the Supreme Leader of Iran and therefore a real Dictator, or it could have been in reference to Ahmadinejad and his stolen election.
So even when Iranian outrage is specifically pointed, it's still quite vague. Sort of.
Maybe when Iranians develop an appropriately uncivilized word for "FUUUUUCK!" in Farsi, that can be used to express exactly the right level of outrage that the people feel towards the oppression that continually seems to beset them, they will be able to move towards changing their lot.
In the meantime, the rest of the world can show it's collective support for freedom deserving Iranians, by saying "FUUUUUCK!" for us.
Fine, if you need to be PC, I'll accept WTF!
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Its so obvious, not worth over analysis
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Thu Jun 09, 2011 08:18 AM PDTIn 1979, you had the cia and mi6, with khomeini and his P.L.O. trained basiji's
A world media against Irans progress, regurgitating stories about the Shah, i.e. repression, dictator, tyrant, despot, corruption, crook. 24/7 like a propaganda symphony
and then Khomeini is Ghandi.
Basically West wants Islam for Iran ie Regression
and is opposed to the change they created in 1979, with the participation of deceived people.
Read the Secrets of the States, by the president of France,
USA/UK/Germany/France all agreed to remove Shah and replace him with Khomeini and fundamentalist Islam. To control Iran and Retard it's development. Situation is still the same, they are holding on to their creation with all the resources they have and everyone else, including the Shah, cannot speak or organize in any way without risking getting killed by their secret services.
From an academic perspective
by hirre on Thu Jun 09, 2011 03:54 AM PDTThe reason Iran is "not there yet" can be summorized in this panel talk: //iranian.com/main/2011/jun/prospects-cha...
Basically it's because of two facts:
- There is a split in the green movement in terms of those who want to reform the IR and those who want to remove the IR.
- The green movement has no specific leader.
Watch the panel talk, it really expresses the problem of why Iran is not there yet and why the arabs could succeed...
I believe I speak for the majority when I say that there is no shortage in the persian language when it comes to curses, powerful or non-powerful in outrages...
Enjoyable read
by Simorgh5555 on Thu Jun 09, 2011 01:37 AM PDTThere may not be a word for 'f@ck' but there is one for the verb 'to f@ck' which is quite unpleasant. Furthermore, Iranians are one of the most ferocious people in a slagiing much. Almost every offensive insult is aimed towards an individual's mother for maximum impact whereas a slagging match in English is confined to the opposing parties without involving family members. Europeans are more succinct in their cuss words as exemplified by the words 'f@ck' or my personal favorite 'c@nt', which delivers a sharp impact in one syllable. Iranians become emotioal, gesticulate and quite often the war of words leads to fistcuffs.
Further illuminations on the word
by Mash Ghasem on Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:53 PM PDT//www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdzQpq1CkKU&feature...
Bruci, I have problems with all your three reasons, but I must go to sleep, so I'll berate you tomorrow if you don't mind, cheers
It's the drugs, stupid.
by Anonymous Everyday on Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:13 PM PDTMy theory is that stoned people are incapable of outrage. Solve the drug problem and everybody will learn to say "FUUUUCK!"