Nowruz Video Compilation


Nowruz Video Compilation
by bahram9821
I have put together few Nowruz related videos that were originally broadcasted from 1355-1357 on Iranian National TV. The best shows were always reserved for Nowruz. I remember sitting in front of the TV for 13 days only to get up occasionally to visit family members and collect my Eidi. I would like to wish JJ and the rest of the IC friends a Happy New Year. Samano Nowruz amad Boye Eidi Haydeh, Nowruz amad Mehman Bahar Radio Ad Nowruz

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Esfand Aashena

Happy Norooz Bahram jaan!

by Esfand Aashena on

I wrote the piece below three years ago in memory of those Norooz variety shows!  We just couldn't get enough!

Hajiagha goes to khastegaree (Episode 3)

Everything is sacred